Chapter 10 patient communication Flashcards
health care professionals chief reason for not talking to patients
lack of time
what is communication
the process of creating meaning
messages may be generated from the outside by
radio speaker , tv , or parent
meaning are generated from
meanings are not entirely contained in the message
they are interpreted by the message receivers
there is usually a __ to __ loss of meaning in the transmission of messages from sender to receiver
40% to 60%
the choice of words a sender selects
power struggle
defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt , transference, past transgression
fuzzy transmission
unreliable or inconsistent messages
receiver distortion
selective hearing , ignoring nonverbal cues
assuming others see the situation the same as you
___ of the meaning we derive from communication comes from the nonverbal cues that the other person gives
nonverbal communication
- visual 2. tactile 3. vocal 4. use of time, space, and images 5. objects or values
visual communication
often called body language and can include facial expression , eye contact , posture , and gestures
the ___ plays the biggest role in body language
involves the use of touch to impart meaning
refers to the intonation of a person’s voice
may be a form of communication , especially when we view our own status and power in relation to others
in the context of communication , there are 4 types of distances
intimate , personal, social, and public
intimate distance
18 in. or less
personal distance
1.5 to 4 ft
social distance
4 to 12 ft
public distance
12 ft or more
speakers responsibility
- be audible
- be aware that your listener may not have understood you
- be willing to ask questions of your listener to see whether he or she understands you
listeners responsibility
- let the speaker know whether he or she is inaudible
- let the speaker know that you are attentive
- if the speaker is unclear , let him or her know that you need a point clarified
communication habits to avoid
- don’t use false reassurance
- don’t ignore a patient wishes
- don’t speak like you are talking to a child
- don’t assume a nonresponsive patient can’t hear
5 don’t carry on a separate conversation with a coworker while the patient is present - don’t think being professional means being cold
- don’t blame the patient
- don’t use abbreviations or medical lingo
communication habits to adopt
- be a good listener
- use focused questions
- use the patient’s name
- use the touch to comfort and be aware of nonverbal messages
- develop a rapport with the patient
- explain before acting
- give the patient an opportunity to ask questions
- use reflective speech
- give consistent messages