Nervous System Flashcards
Central nervous system (CNS) consists of
Spinal cord
PNS composed of 2 types of neurons
Afferent (sensory)
neurons conduct impulses
from peripheral receptors to the CNS.
Efferent (motor)
neurons conduct impulses
away from the CNS to the peripheral
Somatic nervous system
supplies the
striated skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and
glandular epithelial tissue.
is an acute inflammation of the pia mater
and arachnoid
is a viral inflammation of the
brain and meninges
Subdural empyema
is a suppurative process
in the space between the inner surface of the
dura and the outer surface of the arachnoid
are the most common primary
malignant brain tumors.
They are composed of glial cells (supporting
connective tissues in the CNS
is a benign tumor that arises
from arachnoid lining cells
Pituitary adenom
Hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas
produce symptoms related to excess
hormones, rather than mass effect
are tumors that arise from
remnants of the notochord (the embryonic
neural tube)
The most common primary cancers to spread
to the brain are
Linear skull fracture
appears on a plain radiograph as a sharp lucent line that
is often irregular or jagged and occasionally branches
Diastatic skull fracture
a linear fracture that intersects a suture and courses
along it, causing sutural separation
Depressed skull fracture
They are often stellate (star shaped) with multiple
fracture lines radiating outward from a central point.
Epidural Hematoma
is caused by acute
arterial bleeding, usually from a laceration to
the middle meningeal artery.
Typically appears as a biconvex (lensshaped),
Subdural Hematoma
caused by venous
Cerebral contusion
is an injury to brain tissue
caused by movement of the brain within the
calvaria after blunt trauma to the skull
Intracerebral Hematoma
is a traumatic
hemorrhage into the brain parenchyma.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding into
the ventricular system due to injury to surface
veins, cerebral parenchyma, or cortical
the sudden and dramatic
development of a focal neurologic deficit
Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)
focal neurologic deficits that
completely resolve within 24 hours.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Primary cause is a ruptured berry aneurysm
is a condition in which brain
impulses are temporarily disturbed
Petite ma
Brief episodes of loss of consciousness, which may be
associated with mild muscular twitching
Grand mal
Generalized convulsions associated with the patient
falling to the floor, hypersalivating (foaming at the mouth),
and losing control of urine and sometimes feces
Normal aging
is evidenced on images as
enlargement of the ventricular system and
Alzheimer’s disease
s a diffuse form of
progressive cerebral atrophy that develops at
an earlier age than the senile period.
Parkinson’s Disease
the “shaking palsy” - is
a progressive, degenerative disease.
Cerebellar atrophy
is isolated atrophy of the
s dilatation of the ventricular
system that is usually associated with
increased intracranial pressure
is caused by a viral upper respiratory