Respiratory System Flashcards
Adventitious Breath Sounds
Breath sounds not normally heard in the lungs
Harsh, high pitched sound heard on inspiration related to narrowing of the upper airway
Fine to course crackling sound as air moves through wet secretions, heard on inspiration
Coarse sounds that are low-pitched, heard on inspiration or expiration originating in small air passages that are narrowed.
High piched sounds, musical or squeaking heard on inspiration or expiration originating in small air passages that are narrowed.
Pleural Friction Rub
Grating sound caused by an inflamed pleura rubbing against the chest wall, heard more often on inspiration and not changed by coughing
Absence of breathing
Respiration’s that are regular in rhythm but slower than normal in rate. Abnormally slow rate of breathing–less than 12 respiration’s per minute.
Breath sounds
breath sounds result from the free movement of air into and out of all parts of the bronchial tree. Listen for duration, pitch and intensity of the sounds.
Bronchial sounds
Normal breath sounds which are high pitched and harsh heard over the trachea with expiration longer than inspiration.
Bronchovesicular sounds
normal breath sounds which are moderate blowing sounds heard over the mainstem bronchus with inspiration equal to expiration.
Vesicular Sounds
normal breath sounds which are soft, low-pitched sounds heard best over the base of the lungs during inspiration which is longer than expiration
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic condition of persistent obstruction of bronchial air flow. Chronic bronchitis and chronic pulmonary emphysema are the diseases mainly associated with this condition.
Labored or difficult breathing
Normal respiration’s Rate 12-20 respiration’s per minute