Respiratory System Flashcards
Larynx, “voice box”*
Trachea, “windpipe”
Lung air passageways
Pne/u, -pnea
Breath, air, lung
Spitting (coughing)
literally, “an abnormal condition of dust in the lungs.” A generic name for conditions where toxic particles become trapped in the lungs and cause symptoms and disability such a “black lung” or “miner’s lung” disease. Terms specific to the particulate matter may be given such as asbestosis.
fancier name for a “nosebleed”
Cystic fibrosis
an inheritable disease that affects not only the lungs but other systems producing mucous such as the digestive system. Patients suffer frequent lung infections that are hard to treat because mucous is thick and sluggish and result in increased scarring (fibrosis) of the lungs. They also take multiple enzyme pills because of digestive abnormalities related to abnormal mucous production.
Emphysema (COPD)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, of which emphysema is one of, results in progressive destruction of the air sacs in the lungs and loss of respiratory membrane for oxygen exchange. The bane of long term smokers.
a collapsed lung. Literally, “an imperfect expansion”
a physician specializing in diseases of the lungs. Patients needing surgery are referred to a general surgeon.
Respiratory Therapist
a specially trained technician who administers, among other treatments, inhalation therapy to patients with lung disease.
Pulmonary angiography
special X-rays of the vessels of the lungs.
visual examination of the larynx.
Endotracheal intubation
passing a special air-tube into the trachea so oxygen can be reliably supplied directly to the lungs without risk of inhaling vomit from the stomach. Typically done for surgery or whenever general anesthesia is administered among other situations where the patient’s airway must be secured.
Adam’s apple
Everyone is familiar with the bulge in the front of the neck we call an ‘Adam’s apple.’ This structure, termed the laryngeal prominence, is a cartilage in the ‘voice box’ or larynx. Testosterone, the male hormone, enlarges the larynx in males which also lengthens the vocal cords lowering the voice at puberty. Folklore has it that the “forbidden fruit” offered by Eve got stuck in Adam’s throat. The fruit is not identified in Genesis. However, in art it is traditionally portrayed as an apple. Why? The forbidden fruit was from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Latin word for evil, malum, also means apple. The Latin root is found in such words as malady and malignant.