Respiratory: Pulmonary Ventilation: Volumes, Flows, Dead Space and Preoxygenation Flashcards
Draw and label a spirometry trace
Tidal Volume
the volume of gas which is inhaled or exhaled during the course of a normal breath
TV VT, ml
Residual Volume
the volume of gas that remains in the lungs after a maximal forced expiration
RV, ml
Inspiratory reserve volume
the volume of gas that can be further inhaled aftee the end of a normal tidal inhalation
IRV, ml
Expiratory reserve volume
the volume of gas that can be further exhaled after the end of a normal todal exhalation
ERV, ml
the sum of two or more lung volumes
Vital capacity
The volume of a gas inhaled when a maximal expiration is followed immediately by a maximal inspiration.
The sum of the ERV, IRV and TV
VC, ml
Functional residual capacity
The volume of gas that remains in the lungs after a normal tidal expiration
The sum of the ERV+RV
FRC, ml
Key functions:
- O2 resevoir
- prevention of airways collapse
- optimal compliance
- optimal pulmonary vascular resistance
Closing volume
the volume of gas over and above residual volume that remains in the lungs when the small airways begin to close (ml)
Calculated by measuring the nitrogen concentration in expired gas after a single breath of 100% O2 (nitorgen wash out)
Closing capacity
the lung capacity at which the small airways begin to close.
It is a combination of residual volume and closing volume (ml)
Increases with age
reaches standing FRC at 70 years and supine FRC at 40 years
Total lung capacity
What volumes/capacities can not be measured?
Can be measured by helium dilution or body plethysmography
Water-Sealed Spirometer
- breathing into a closed chamber that is partially submerged in water
- brathing in and out displaces the water
- movement recored by pen on moving paper
- cant measure residual volume

Dry Spirometer
- bellows driven recording device e.g. a vitalograph
- set of bellows which are attached to a pen
- as patient inhales and exhales the bellows collapse and expand moving the pen

Body Plethysmography
- The subject is placed in an airtight box
- air pressure (P1) and volume (V1) within the box are measured
- subject then inhales and exhales to a particular lung volume (normally FRC) through a mouthpiece
- shutter drops across the breathing tube
- subject continues to make respiratory efforts against the closed shutter
- chest volume increase -> box air volume decrease
- Boyles law
- PV = k
- pressue in box increases (P2)
- P1 x V1 = P2 x (V1-change in lung volume)
- FRC:
- Initial airway pressure x initial lung volume = inspiratory airway pressure x inspiratory volume of chest
- Where initial lung volume = FRC, and inspiratory volume of the chest = change in lung volume + FRC
- This measurement of FRC (unlike helium dilution) includes lung units that are collapsed or with poor air entry

Helium Dilution
- subject breathes air containing a known concentration of helium in a closed system containing a spirometer
- CO2 produced during the test is absorbed by soda lime and replaced with oxygen
- helium is distributed throughout the subjects lungs (although not into obstructed lung units) and the equipment
- Helium is used because of its very low solubility, which means a minimal amount is lost through absorption into the bloodstream
Nitrogen Washout
- subject breathes 100% oxygen from the end of a normal expiration through a closed breathing circuit connected to a spirometer
- After several minutes the nitrogen concentration and volume of gas within the equipment is measured
- The amount nitrogen initially present = FRC x 79% (atmospheric nitrogen concentration)
- poorly or non-ventilated lung units will not be included in this measurement
FRC: oxygen resevoir
- Typical FRC volume?
- How much oxygen when breathing air?
- Oxygen reserve when breathing air?
- How much oxygen when pre-oxygenating with 100% O2?
- What is the oxygen reserve when pre-oxygenating?
- When is oxygen reserve reduced
- 2500 mls
- Alveolar concentration O2 in air at sea level 15%: 2500 x 0.15 = 375 ml of O2
- With typical oxygen consumption of 250 mls/min, this equates to 375/250 = 1.5 minutes, or 90 seconds of oxygen reserve
- alveolar oxygen content can be increased to around 90%. FRC now contains 2500 x 0.90 = 2250 ml of O2.
- The oxygen reserve is now 2250/250 = 9 minutes.
- O2 reserve reduced in
- smaller FRC eg obese
- high O2 demand eg children, sepsis
Prevention of Airway Collapse
- when does airway closure occur?
- what is closing capacity
- what is the CC in healthy patients?
- What can cause the FRC to reach CC?
- how can FRC be maintained above CC in the anaethetised patient?
- Airway closure occurs when the lung volume equals the closing capacity
- Closing capacity (CC) is the sum of closing volume + residual volume
- In young, fit patients CC is always less than the FRC, so no airway collapse occurs during normal tidal volume ventilation
- smoking, asthma, age
- by applying PEEP
- Draw the compliance curve
- FRC an equilibrium is reached between two opposing forces - the tendency of the lungs to collapse and the tendency of chest wall to spring out. FRC normally corresponds with a point on the steepest part of the curve =lung compliance is greatest. If the FRC is reduced (eg. restrictive lung disease) the patient breathes from a point of the curve that is flatter. This is associated with a fall in compliance and an increase in the work of breathing.

- What is compliance
- What is lung compliamce?
- Whats is static compliance?
- compliance is the volume change per unit change in pressure (ml.cmH2O or L.kPa)
- add compliances (reciprocals)
- 1/CTotal=(1/Cchest)+(1/Clung)
- Static compliance is the compiance of the lung measured when all gas flow has ceased
- Dynamic compliance is the compliance of rhe lung measured during the respiratory cycle when gas flow is still ongoing
Optimal Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
- when is PVR lowest?
- What is resistance?
- What is lung resistance?
- PVR is lowest at FRC allowing optimal pulmonary blood flow
- the pressure change per unit change in flow (cmH2O.L-1.sec-1 or kPa.L-1.sec-1
- Add resistances (normal intergers): total resistance= chest wall resistance+lung resistance

What factors affect FRC?
Increase FRC:
- height
- male gender
- asthma
- emphysema
Decrease FVC:
- obesity
- anaesthesia
- supine
- kyphoscoliosis
- pulmonary fibrosis
No effect:
- age (but can increase CC)
What is dead space?
How does dead space affect avleolar ventilation?
What constituents of deadspace are there in an anaesthetised and ventilated patient?
What is physiological deadspace?
- Dead space is the volume of inspired air that does not take part in gas exchange
- makes up around 30% of normal tidal volume ventilation
- Alveolar Ventilation (VA) = Tidal Volume Ventilation (VT) – Dead Space Ventilation (VD)
- constituents of dead space:
- Apparatus: the volume of any external equipment, such as HMEFs, mainstream capnometry, face masks etc
- Anatomical: gas in the larger, conducting airways
- Alveolar: gas from alveoli that are poorly perfused (with high V/Q ratios)
- Physiological Dead Space = Anatomical Dead Space + Alveolar Dead Space
Fowler’s Method
- measures anatomical dead space
- subject breathes air normally and then takes a vital capacity inspiratory breath of 100% O2 from the end of normal expiration
- Exhaled N2 is then measured throughout a slow maximal expiration down to RV
- Line at 0 N2: This is anatomical dead space of the conducting airways. It contains no N2, but only the O2 from the vital capacity inspiration.
- First upward slope: mix of alveolar gas and dead space gas. The horizontal distance from start of expiration to midpoint of the slope represents the volume of anatomical dead space
- Plateau: N2 from the alveoli. This nitrogen was present in the alveoli prior to the inspiration of the O2. The gradient of this slope is determined by the alveolar time constants, and is increased in obstructive lung disease.
- End of line: epresents closing capacity. During normal tidal breathing, the alveoli in the upper parts of the lung are best ventilated. When the vital capacity breath of O2 was taken most of this entered the smaller lower alveoli. Thus the upper parts of the lung contained normal, N2containing air, whilst the lower parts contained the inspired O2. At closing capacity the lower airways collapse and the exhaled gas comes from the upper alveoli instead. Thus the N2 concentration rises.
The Bohr equation
- calculates physiological dead space ration
- assumes all expired CO2 comes from alveolar gas
- Alveolar CO2 Concentration x Alveolar Ventilation = Mixed expired CO2Concentration x Tidal Volume
- 0.8 in mammals
Flow-volume loop
- after max inspiration exhales from TLC. Maximal recoil -> exposive expiratoery flow (=peak expiratory flow)
- expiratory fow decreases glradually as lung volume returns to RV
- inspiration starts, does not reach instant maximal flow as inspiratory respiraotry muscle contraction is slower than pure elastic recoil. Maximal flow reached at midpoint of VC

Flow-volume loop in obstructive disease
- RV is increased due to gas trapping
- TLC is raised due to hyperexpansion of the lungs
- Left shift of loop
- inspiratory and expiratory flows are decreased (expiratory to a greater extent)
- Elastic lung tissue is lost -> flow at the start of expiration is not as explosive as usual
- small airways collapse rapidly resulting a very early decline in flow -> scalloped out appearance of expiratory limb.

Flow-volume loop in restrictive lung disease
- both RV and TLC are reduced (right shift)
- shape of the inspiratory and expiratory limbs is near normal
- smaller flow rates due to less elastic recoil of lungs

Flow-volume loop in fixed upper airway obstruction
- Lung volumes are unchanged
- obstruction affects both inspiratory and expiratory flow rates
- results in flow loops that are flattened

Flow-volume loops in variable extrathoracic airway obstruction
- eg. unilateral vocal cord paralysis
- Lung volumes are unchanged
- During inspiration the paralysed vocal cord is drawn inwards, resulting in a reduction in inspiratory flow
- Expiratory flow is unaffected as the paralysed vocal cord is easily blown aside

Flow-volume loops in variable intrathoracic airway obstruction
- eg tracheomalacia below the thoracic inlet
- Lung volumes are unchanged
- During inspiration the trachea is held open by the negative intrapleural pressure, resulting in a near normal inspiratory flow loop
- During expiration the lack of support to the trachea results in tracheal collapse and a reduction in expiratory flow