Respiratory: Gasseous exchange: O2 Flashcards
Normal partial pressures of oxygen are:
Atmospheric air
Alveolar gas
Arterial blood
Mixed venous blood
Atmospheric air: PiO2 = 21.2 kPa (159.2 mmHg)
Alveolar gas: PAO2 = 14 kPa (10.5 mmHg)
Arterial blood: PaO2 = 13.3 kPa (100 mmHg)
Mixed venous blood: PvO2 = 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg)
Airway Anatomy:
Describe anatomy and function of conducting zone
Describe anatomy and function of respiratory zone
Conducting zone:
- No alveoli
- Includes generations 1 – 16, trachea to terminal bronchioles
- Volume 150 ml
- Function
- Bulkflow during inspiration and expiration
- Warming humidification and inspired air
Respiratory zone
- Has alveoli
- Includes generations 17 to 23, respiratory bronchioles to alveolar sacs
- Volume 3000 ml
- No bulk flow, gases move by diffusion down concentration gradient
- Function
- Gas exchange
The factors that affect gas exchange are:
Dead space
- The proportion of tidal volume not involved in gas exchange
Diffusing capacity
- The volume of a gas that can be transferred across a membrane per unit time
- The proportion of the blood entering the left side of the heart that has bypassed the oxygenation process of the lungs
- Dead Space is?
- Anatomical deadspace is?
- Alveolar minute ventilation (AMV)?
- Alveolar deadspace?
- Physiological dead space (DS)?
- Dead space is the proportion of tidal volume not involved in gas exchange.
- Anatomical deadspace
- Upper airway – nose and pharynx
- Conducting zone
- 150mls
- AMV = (TV – DSV) x RR
- Alveolar dead space is proportion of AMV not taking part in gas exchange due to entering unperfused alveoli or underperfused alveoli.
- Physiological dead space (DS) = anatomical DS + alveolar DS (i.e. the total proportion of tidal volume not taking part in gas exchange)

- Diffusion Capacity is?
- relevant variables for transfer of oxygen between the alveoli and the erythrocytes within the pulmonary capillaries are?
- The volume of a gas that can be transferred across a membrane per unit time.
- Variables:
- The surface area of lungs
- The diffusion constant for 02
- The thickness of the alveolar/capillary membrane
- The difference between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli and the blood
Ficks Law of Diffusion
Combines variables that affect diffusion
A = surface area of lungs
D = diffusion constant for O2
T = thickness of the alveolar/capillary membrane
P1 = Partial pressure of O2 in the alveolus
P2 = Partial pressure of O2 in the capillary

Oxygen Diffusion
- Oxygen diffusion from the alveoli to the circulation at rest
- Equilibration across the membrane
- Red blood cells transit time
- 250 ml per minute
- 0.25 seconds
- 0.75 seconds
Allows for full oxygenation
- Define shunt
- Define venous admixture
- Causes of:
- Normal extrapulmonary shunt
- Normal pulmonary shunt
- Pathological extrapulmonary shunt
- Pathological pulmonary shunt
- The total proportion of the circulation entering the LEFT side of the heart which has bypassed the oxygenation process of the lungs
- The calculated amount of mixed venous blood required to be mixed with pulmonary end capillary blood to produce the observed difference between arterial and alveolar PO2
- Causes
- Part of the bronchial circulation
Thebesian drainage, from heart muscle directly into the left ventricle
2. Areas of lung with V/Q \>0 and \<1 3. Congenital heart disease, heart disease 4. Pneumonia, atelectasis
V/Q Ratio
Normal V/Q
Describes the relationship between:
V: the amount of ventilation of the lung
Q: the amount of perfusion of the lung
Gives a global figure for the entire lung
Ideal should be 1 (V=Q)
Normal AMV = 4000 ml
Normal CO = 5000 ml
Therefore Normal / = 0.8
Alveloar gas equation
- Alveolar-arterial (A-a) Gradient is?
- Under normal conditions A-a gradiant is?
- Increases in shunt or venous admixture causes..?
- Examples of increased A-a gradient?
- PAO2 – PaO2 = A-a gradient
- Under normal conditions (i.e. V/ Qratio of 0.8) in healthy lungs the A-a gradient is less than 2 kPa.
- change in V/Q which then leads to an increased A-a gradient.
- Abnormal anatomical shunt e.g. congenital heart disease with a right to left shunt
Pulmonary pathology such as a large tumour or pneumonia
Lung collapse secondary to obstructing tumour or pneumothorax
O2 content in blood
- Bound to Hb
- % of O2 carrying capacity?
- Affect PO2?
- Hb O2 carrying capacity
- Dissolved in solution
- Affect PO2?
- 98% of total O2 carrying capacity
- O2 bound to Hb does not affect PO2
- Hb O2 carrying capacity
= Hb concentration (g/100 ml) x 1.39 x % SaO2/100 - 39 = ml O2 carried per gram of fully saturated Hb
- O2 in solution is reflected in the PO2
- O2 in solution is proportional to PO2
= 0.003 ml/100 ml/mmHg 37° - At normal PaO2 of 100 mmHg (13.3 kPa)
= 0.3 ml/100 ml
Total Oxygen Content
Total O2 carrying capacity =
(Hb X 1.39 x SaO2) + dissolved O2
Describe Adult Haemoglobin
Adult haemoglobin consists of 4 sub-units:
- 2 α globin chains
- 2 β globin chains
Each subunit:
- Has a haem group
- Can bind 1 O2 molecule
Therefore, each Hb molecule can reversibly bind 4 O2 molecules.
Draw the 02 Dissociation Curve
- what gives the curve its shape?
- what is the physiological benefit of this?
- what is the P50
- As each subunit is oxygenated, the binding of oxygen to the remaining units is enhanced.
- The physiological benefit is that the last free subunits bind oxygen rapidly despite the limited number of binding sites available.
- P50 = PO2 at which 50% of the binding sites are occupied.

The Bohr Effect
Causes of left shift
Various factors cause a change in the shape of the Hb molecule.
This changes the access and the affinity of O2 to haem, causing a shift in the curve:
When affinity increases, P50 decreases, i.e. the curve shifts to the left
When affinity idecreases, P50 increases, i.e. the curve shifts to the right
Causes of right shift:
- decrease pH
- increase temp
- increase 2,3-DPG
Describe the bohr effect in vivo
In the lungs:
- CO2 is eliminated and pH rises
- The dissociation curve shifts to the left
- O2 binding to haem is enhanced
- For any given PO2 the oxygen saturation is increased, facilitating O2 uptake
In the tissues:
- Metabolism leads to CO2 and H+ production
- pH falls and the curve shifts to the right
- O2 release from heam to the tissues is facilitated

- Is produced by a side reaction from glycolysis
- Is present in erythrocytes
- Binds to β chains of Hb to reduce affinity for oxygen
- Is increased in anaemic states and at low oxygen tension, helping to off load oxygen at the tissues
- Is reduced in stored blood

Oxygen Delivery
Oxygen Consumption
Oxygen Delivery
DO2 = blood O2 content x cardiac output
= 20 (ml/dl) x 10 x 5 (L/min)
= 1000 ml/min
Oxygen Consumption
VO2 = cardiac output x (arterial O2 content - mixed venous O2 content)
Normal mixed venous PO2 is approximately 5.3 kPa. At this PO2 the Hb is 75% saturated with oxygen.
100% saturated blood contains 20 ml/100 ml (approx) of oxygen.
= 5000 x (20-15)/100
= 250 ml/min