Respiratory Physiology (REYNOLDS) Flashcards
All of the following are associated w/ External respiration EXCEPT:
A. uptake of O2 and producction of CO2 within individual cells
B. Pulmonary ventilation
C. Gas diffusion across membranes and capillaries
D. Transport O2 and CO2 between alveolar/tissue capillaries
E. All of the above are associated w/ External respiration
A. uptake of O2 and producction of CO2 within individual cells
External respiration: includes all processes involved in exchanging O2 and CO2 w/ the environment
- Pulmonary ventilation (breathing)
- Gas diffusion across membranes and capillaries
- Transport of O2 and CO2 between alveolar/tissue capillaries
Internal respiration: involves the uptake of O2 and production of CO2 within individual cells (cellular respiration)
All of the following are associated w/ External respiration EXCEPT:
A. Gas diffusion across membranes and capillaries
B. Pulmonary ventilation
C. Cellular respiration
D. Transport O2 and CO2 between alveolar/tissue capillaries
E. All of the above are associated w/ External respiration
C. Cellular respiration
Cellular respiration: the uptake of O2 and production of CO2 within individual cells
Internal respiration = Cellular respiration
The lungs lie in a sealed fluid-filled cavity that is similar to a fluid-filled balloon surrounding an air-filled balloon. The pressure in this cavity controls the inflation of the lungs. What is the name of this cavity?
Pleural cavity
The pleural cavity of a normal lung at rest would have a pressure of _________.
A. 1.5
B. -3
C. 0
D. 2.5
B. -3
“you don’t need to memorize any numbers, just know that the pleural cavity of the lungs at rest have a negative pressure” - Reynolds
All of the following are true regarding the Pleural cavity EXCEPT:
A. Consists of parietal pleura attached to the lungs and visceral pleura attached to the chest wall
B. Surrounds the lungs and contains pleural fluid
C. Controls inflation of the lungs
D. The diaphragm forms the floor of the cavity
E. All of the above are true regarding the pleural cavity
A. Consists of parietal pleura attached to the lungs and visceral pleura attached to the chest wall
Correct statement:
Parietal pleura is attached to the Chest wall
Visceral pleura is attachaed to the Lungs
Discuss the Pleural Cavity:
- What is it?
- What does it control?
- What is it formed by?
- What is the name of the fluid within the cavity and what forces does it exhibit?
Pleural Cavity:
- The lungs lie in a sealed fluid-filled (pleural fluid) cavity that is similar to a fluid-filled balloon surrounding an air-filled ballon.
- Controls inflation of the lungs
- Formed by:
- Parietal pleura attached to the chest wall
- Visceral pleura attached to the lungs
- Diphragm forms the floor of the cavity
- Pleural fluid exhibits cohesive forces
What is another way to think about cohesive forces and how can you apply this concept to the lungs?
Cohesive Forces
2 glass slides with fluid in between. You can easily slide the two pieces of glass apart from each other but can’t pull them apart vertically.
This is what prevents the lungs from collapsing (pneumothorax)
- Intrapleural fluid provides a slippery surface that allows the lungs to slide withing chest wall
- Cohesive forces compel the lungs to expand as thoracic volume increases: they expand as a single unit
Which of the following attaches the Pleural cavity to the lungs?
A. Parietal pleura
B. Visceral pleura
C. Diaphragm
D. All of the above
B. Visceral pleura
Which of the following attaches the Pleural cavity to the chest cavity?
A. Parietal pleura
B. Visceral pleura
C. Diaphragm
D. All of the above
A. Parietal pleura
Which of the following forms the floor of the Pleural cavity?
A. Parietal pleura
B. Visceral pleura
C. Diaphragm
D. All of the above
C. Diaphragm
Parietal pleura = chest wall
Visceral pleura = lungs
Floor of the Pleural cavity = Diaphragm
What holds the lungs and chest cage together?
A. Pleural space
B. Pleural fluid
C. Cohesive forces
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Discuss the concept of the hanger and rubberband:
If you cut a hanger and put a rubberband around the 2 ends, the rubberband will pull the two ends together. If you suddenly cut the rubberband the two ends of the hanger will fling open.
- The Lungs want to collapse (rubberband)
- The Chest wall wants to expand (hanger)
- Cohesive forces counteract both, ensuring transmural pressure
All of the following are true regarding Compliance EXCEPT:
A. Measure of the expandibility of the lung
B. Elastin, collagen, surface tension of liquid in the lung effects compliance
C. High compliance: increased stiffness affects pressure needed to expand lung volume
D. All of the above are true regarding compliance
C. High compliance: increased stiffness affects pressure needed to expand lung volume
- Measure of the expandability of the lung
- Elastin, collagen, surface tension of liquid in the lung
- Low compliance: increased stiffness affects pressure needed to expand lung volume (needs more work)
High compliance = easily stretched
Low compliance = stiff
Discuss compliance:
- What is it a measure of?
- What effects compliance?
- What does high compliance mean?
- Measure of the expandibility of the lung
- Elastin, collagen, surface tension of liquid in the lung all effect compliance (more elastin = more compliant)
- High compliance = decreased stiffness
All of the following are true regarding Compliance EXCEPT:
A. Degree of ease in airflow
B. Elastin, collagen, surface tension of liquid in the lung effects compliance
C. Low compliance: increased stiffness affects pressure needed to expand lung volume
D. All of the above are true regarding compliance
A. Degree of ease in airflow
- Degree of ease in airflow
- Determined by number, length, diameter of airways
- Deep inhalation reduces resistance
All of the following are true regarding Resistance EXCEPT:
A. Degree of ease in airflow
B. The number of the airways have the largest effect on resistance
C. Determined by number, length, and diameter of airways
D. Deep inhalation reduces resistance
E. All of the above are true regarding resistance
B. The number of the airways have the largest effect on resistance
note: diameter has the largest effect on airways. Think about it… squeezing an airway will create way more resistance than increasing the length of the airway
Discuss Resistance:
- What is resistance referring to in regards to the respiratory system?
- What 3 things determine the resistance of airways?
- Which of the the 3 above have the greatest effect on resistance?
- Deep ______ reduces resistance.
- A. inhalation
- B. exhalation
- What is resistance referring to in regards to the respiratory system?
- degree of ease in airflow
- What 3 things determine the resistance of airways?
- number, length and diameter of airways
- Which of the the 3 above have the greatest effect on resistance?
- Diameter
- Deep ______ reduces resistance.
- A. inhalation
- B. exhalation
The primary determinant of resistance to airflow is the ______ of the conducting airway.
Which of the following is FRC?
A. point A
B. point B
C. point C
D. point D
E. point E
A. point A
Which of the following points on the graph is total lung capacity?
A. point A
B. point B
C. point C
D. point D
E. point E
D. point D
You are currently at point A and your sternocleidomastoid muscles contract suddenly, you would move to point ________.
A. point E
B. point A
C. point C
D. point D
D. point D
Which way on the compliance curve does each of the following “want” to be?
- Lungs
- Chest cavity
The lungs always want to be smaller (going to the bottom of the curve)
The chest cavity wants to be larger but no larger than point C or B
At total lung capacity, th elastic recoil of the chest wall is directed?
A. Inward
B. Outward
C. Neither inward nor outward
A. Inward
At functional reserve capacity (FRC), the elastic recoil of the chest wall is directed?
A. Inward
B. Outward
C. Neither inward nor outward
B. Outward
At functional residual capacity (FRC), the elastic recoil of the lungs is directed?
A. Inward
B. Outward
C. Neither inward nor outward
A. Inward
Note: The lungs always want to be smaller! think about a balloon with air. If you let out the air the balloon will alway want to get smaller
Note: no matter what the exam question says, the lungs always want to go inward
At approximately 70-80% of total lung capacity, the elastic recoil of the chest wall is directed _______.
A. Inward
B. Outward
C. Neither inward nor outward
C. Neither inward or outward
The normal chest wall has the greatest negative (outward directed) recoil at:
A. FRC (Functional Residual Capacity)
B. 1L above FRC
C. Just after passibe inhalation
D. 1L below FRC
E. TLC (total lung capacity)
D. 1L below FRC
What is meant by a negative recoil?
A. Inward
B. Outward
B. Outward
______ is used to measure the volume of air breathed in and out. Useful in diagnosis of respiratory dysfunction.
The compliance of the respiratory system is determined by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Compliance of the lungs
B. Surface tension of liquid in the lungs
C. Elastic recoil of lungs (amount of elastic fibers present in the tissue)
D. Stiffness of chest wall
E. All of the above determines compliance of respiratory system
E. All of the above determines compliance of respiratory system
The compliance of the respiratory system is determined by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Compliance of the lungs
B. Surface tension of liquid in the lungs
C. Elastic recoil of lungs (amount of elastic fibers present in the tissue)
D. Compliance of chest wall
E. All of the above determines compliance of respiratory system
D. Compliance of chest wall
correct answer: stiffness of chest wall
As compliance decreases, the lungs or thoracic cavity are _____.
A. Easier to inflate
B. Harder to inflate
B. Harder to inflate
A decrease in compliance caused by fibrosis (increased collagen fibers) may result in _______.
A. Emphysema
B. Chronic bronchitis
D. None of the above
Emphysema = increase in compliance (harder to deflate lungs)
ARDS = decrease in compliance (harder to inflate)