Respiratory physiology Flashcards
Where is the medullary respiratory center located?
in the reticular formation
Minute ventilation=
tidal volume(liters/breath) x frequency (breaths/minute)
What happens to physiologic dead space during exercise?
it decreases
What is the Bohr effect?
in the peripheral tissue, increased H+ shifts the dissociation curve to the right unloading O2
Where are the central chemoreceptors for breathing and what stimuli increase breathing rate?
medulla; decreased pH (or increased CO2 which combines with water to make H+) of CSF
Under what conditions does 2,3-BPG accumulate? What is the effect of 2,3-BPG on hemoglobin A?
low oxygen conditions. this will cause a right shift in HbA. 2,3 BPG binds to the beta subunit of Hb and thus lowering the affinity of oxygen for Hemoglobin (to release this oxygen to other tissues)
What is the pressure of alveolar O2 and CO2
PO2=100mmHg; PCO2=40mmHg
What is V/Q at the base of the lung?
V/Q = 0.6 (wasted perfusion)
Where is the major site of airway resistance?
medium-sized bronchi
What is the composition of fetal Hb and how are its properties different from adult Hb?
composition: 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains; this causes a left-shift in the saturation curve resulting in increased affinity for O2 due to decreased affinity to 2,3-DPG
Ventilation of alveoli without perfusion is called ____.
dead space
In the pleural cavity, oncotic pressure favors the movement of fluid (into/out of) the pleural space.
out of
A failure of gas exchange manifests as (hypoxemia/hypercapnea) while a feailure of the respiratory pump manifests as (hypoxemia/hypercapnea).
hypoxemia; hypercapnea
Does hyperventilation result in respiratory alkalosis or acidosis?
respiratory alkalosis
Factors that shift oxygen dissociation curve to the left(8)`
CO2, low 2,3-BPG, hypothermia, alkalosis, HbF, methemoglobin, carbon monoxide, stored blood
What is the inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)?
air in excess of tidal volume that moves into lung on max inspiration
V/Q»1 is known as ___
dead space
Compare the amount of physiological and anatomical dead space in the healthy individual.
they are nearly equal. Lung diseases tend to increase the physiological dead space.
At the base of the lung, there is greater ventilation, perfusion, or both?
both are greater
CO2 transport: CO2 is transported form tissue to lungs in these 3 forms: ____
- bicarbonate
- bound to hemoglobin
- dissolved CO2
Vital capacity is everything except?
residual volume
What increases physiologic dead space? (4)
tumors, pneumonia, infection, fluid in lungs, anything that reduces surface area for gas exchange
What is the formula for inspiratory capacity(IC)?
What is the ideal V/Q ratio?
V/Q= 1 (permits adequate oxgenation)
What is the formula for total lung capacity (TLC)?
At what point in the breathing cycle is alveolar pressure equal to zero?
at FRC, just before inspiration
In normal health, is O2 perfusion or diffusion limited?
perfusion - gas equilibrates along the length of the capillary
In the pleural cavity, hydrostatic pressure favors the movement of fluid (into/out of) the pleural space.
Does surfactant increase or decrease recoil? surface tension? compliance?
lowers lung recoil
lowers surface tension
increases compliance
In the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, what is a right shift?
this is a decreased affinity of hemoglobin for O2 and facilitates unloading of O2 to the tissue
V/Q= is known as a ____.
What is the formula for total lung capacity (TLC)
What is the normal V/Q ratio?
Central chemoreceptors (in brain) respond to ___ and ___ but do not directly respond to ____.
pH; pCO2; pO2
Lungs are elastic. The elastins and collagens in the interstitium causes lungs to ____ when expanded.
What is V/Q at the apex of the lung?
V/Q=3(wasted ventilation)
Factors that shift oxygen dissociation curve to the right. (4)
CO2, high 2,3-BPG, fever, acidosis
List the inspiratory muscles used during forced inspiration.
pectoris minor, SCM, scalenes
What is the functional reserve capacity (FRC)?
RV+ERV (volume in lungs after normal espiration)