Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
Describe factors affecting airway resistance in the lung
● Some of these factors are related to Poiseuille’s (PWAH ZAY) law
○ Resistance is proportional to the length of the tube and the viscosity.
○ Resistance is inversely proportional to the radius to the 4th power
● Resistance is highest in medium sizes bronchi, low in very small airways
● It changes with different lung volumes, resistance decreases as the lung volume
increases because the airways are pulled ope by traction
● Resistance is also under the control of autonomic nervous system, where
stimulation of beta adrenergic receptors causes bronchodilation. Stimulation of
the parasympathetic system can cause bronchoconstriction. Reduced alveolar
PCO2 also causes increased resistance.
What factors determine the work of breathing?
● Elastic forces in the lung and chest wall
● Viscous resistance of the airways and tissues
What variables affect elastic workload?
● Large tidal volume increase workload
● Anything that reduces compliance of the lung
○ Lung volume
○ Increased tissue mass such as fibrosis
○ Loss of surfactant
What variables affect viscous resistance?
● Higher respiratory rates increasing flow rates
● Decreased airway radius i.e. bronchoconstriction
● Increased air density such as in scuba diving
● Increased air viscosity
What are the components of total lung volume and what are their typical volumes?
● Total lung capacity - approx 7L
● Vital capacity - the exhaled gas volume after a maximal inhale (5-6L)
● Residual volume - the amount of gas remaining after a maximal expiration
● Functional residual capacity - the volume of gas remaining in the lung after
normal expiration (3L)
● Expiratory reserve volume 1.2L
● Inspiratory reserve volume 1.5L
● Tidal volume - the volume of gas moved in and out of the lung during normal
breathing (500ml)
Which of these can be directly measured by spirometry?
Tidal volume and vital capacity
How can the residual volume be measured?
● Helium dilution
● Nitrogen washout measurement (both gas methods only measure ventilated
residual volumes)
● Body plethysmography (measures total volume including trapped gas)
What is the anatomical dead space?
● Refers to the airway volume with ventilation but no blood flow
● The conducting airways do not participate in gas exchange
● Volume approx 150mls
How does this differ from physiological dead space?
● Anatomical dead space is determined by the morphology of the airways and the
● Physiological dead space is the volume of airways and lung that does no
eliminate CO2
● These dead space volumes are almost identical in the normal lung
● Physiological dead space is increased in many disease states due to inequality of
blood flow and ventilation in the lung i.e. VQ mismatch
How are the different dead spaces measured?
● Fowler’s method for anatomical dead space
● Bohr’s method for physiological dead space - calculated fraction of tidal volume
by measurement of mixed expired CO2 and arterial CO2
What will lead to increased physiological dead space?
● V/Q mismatch
What is pulmonary compliance?
● Compliance = volume change per unit of pressure change
● It is a measure of elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall
● Compliance is maximal in mid inspiration and lower at extremes
● Normally 200ml/cm H20
How does compliance vary throughout the upright lung?
● At the apex the intrapleural pressure is higher to keep lung expanded against its
own weight (10cm H20, compared to 2.5cm H20 at base)
● The apex of the lung is already distended so there is less compliance
● Greater compliance at the base means it has better ability to ventilate
What are the main determinants of compliance?
● Surface tension of the alveoli (2/3rds) - which depends on alveolar pressure,
radius and surfactant (as described by the Law of Laplace where P = 2 x
● Elastin and collagen fibres (1/3rd)
What factors increase or decrease pulmonary compliance?
● Decrease - alveolar oedema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary venous
hypertension, unventilated lung
● Increase - age, emphysema, surfactant
draw a
pressure volume curve of the normal lung.
● Hysteresis (means the compliance of the
lung is different in inspiration and
expiration. Lung volume is higher for any
given pressure during deflation. You need
to show 2 curves)
● Closing volume (does not reach 0% lung
volume, lung contains air at 0 pressure)
● Lung becomes stuffer at higher lung
volumes i.e. compliance decreases at limits
of elasticity
Picture of lung volume curve
What are the physiological effects of surfactant of the lung?
● Increased lung compliance
● Reduced work of breathing
● Improved stability of alveoli
● Keeps alveoli dry via reduced transudation of fluid
What is surfactant and how does it work?
● Surfactant is a phospholipid
● Produced by type 2 pneumocytes in the alveoli
● Fast synthesis with rapid turnover
● Formed relatively late in foetal life
● With surfactant present, the surface tension changes greatly with the surface
● Molecules of DPPC (which make up surfactant) are hydrophobic at one end and
and hydrophilic at the other, When aligned on the surface, their repulsive forces
oppose the normal attractive forces between the liquid surface molecules.
Describe the normal distribution of pulmonary blood flow.
● Influenced by gravity
● Decreases from the base to the apex
● Under normal conditions, flow almost ceases at the apex
● Distribution is more uniform with exercise
● 3 main zones (There is also zone 4 which occurs at very low lung volumes)
What are the main determinants of flow in these 3 zones?
● Zone 1 at the apex = alveolar pressure greater than arterial and venous
pressure. Usually does not occur under normal conditions and is essentially
alveolar dead space)
● Zone 2 at the mid lung = arterial pressure greater than alveolar pressure, both
greeted than venous. (represents recruitment)
● Zone 3 at the base = Arterial pressure is the highest - allowing most blood flow
(represents distension and recruitment)
● There is also zone 4 which occurs at very low lung volumes
How is distribution of pulmonary blood flow actively controlled?
● Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction - alveolar hypoxia directly constricts
pulmonary arteries, directs blood away from poorly ventilated diseased lung
● Important at birth.
● Mechanism - NO, endothelin-1, TXA2, low pH, autonomic system
What extra-pulmonary factors influence pulmonary blood flow?
● Blood volume
● Cardiac output
● Atmospheric pressure
● Temperature
● Pathology e.g anaemia, cancer, infection
● Exercise
● Posture
Please describe the relationship between pulmonary vascular resistance and
pulmonary vascular pressure.
● Respiratory circulation is a low resistance system
● There is capacity for the resistance to decrease with increased pressure
● Mechanism: vascular recruitment with low level pressure increase and vascular
distension with higher level pressure rise.
How does lung volume influence pulmonary vascular resistance?
● Vascular resistance initially decreases as lung volume increases, then begins to
rise again.
● At very low lung volumes, the pressure must reach a critical opening level to
enable any flow
● At very high lung volumes, when alveolar pressure exceeds pulmonary capillary
pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance will increased because the pulmonary
capillaries become squashed.
Please explain how cardiogenic pulmonary oedema occurs.
● Starlings law
● Difference in capillary and interstitial hydrostatic and colloid osmosis pressures.
Significant increases in net outward pressure results in interstitial oedema,
especially at perivascular and peribronchial spaces. Further increases of outward
pressure results in fluid entering the alveolar spaces.
Explain Fick’s Law of diffusion
● Gases diffuse across a surface by passive diffusion
● Ficks Law states the rate of diffusion across a membrane is directly proportional
to the area of the membrane, the pressure gradient across the membrane and
the diffusion constant.
● It is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane
What is the difference between a diffusion limited and a perfusion limited gas?
● Blood traveling through the alveolar capillary has 0.75 seconds for gas exchange
● The ability of a gas to reach partial pressure equilibrium depends on its reaction
with substances in the blood
Perfusion limited gas (Nitrous)
● Partial pressure on both sides of the membrane equilibrates so rapidly that no
further diffusion into the blood can occur from the alveoli unless the blood flow
rate through the capillary increases
Diffusion limited gas (Carbon monoxide)
● Partial pressure of the gas does not achieve equilibrium in the time that blood
spends in the pulmonary capillaries.
● Transfer of gas is limited by how much gas can get across the membrane
Explain how oxygen exchange is limited across the pulmonary capillary
● Perfusion limited under most circumstances
● Oxygen combines with Hb and equilibrium is achieved after 0.3 seconds
What would you expect would be the effect of heavy exercise on oxygen uptake in
the pulmonary capillary?
● Increased pulmonary blood flow, so reduced time for combination of O2 with Hb
● Possible reduced O2Hb saturation
● Effects also influenced by the altitude
How is diffusion capacity measured?
Carbon monoxide is used because it’s uptake is diffusion limited - single breath test is
How is oxygen transported in the blood?
● Dissolved; where the amount dissolved is proportional to the partial pressure
(Henry’s Law) → 0.3ml per 100ml blood per 100 mmHg
● Most is combined with Hb. 20.8ml O2/100ml blood (at Hb level of 15g/dl)
Draw and label (or describe) the O2/Hb dissociation curve
● X axis = PaO2
● Y axis = SpO2
● Sigmoid shaped curve
● 4 main points
○ SpO2 98% and PaO2 90mmHg
○ SpO2 90% and PaO2 60mmHg
○ SpO2 75% and pAO2 40mmHg (venous blood)
○ SpO2 50% and PaO2 27.5mHg (P50)
What are the implications of the shape of this curve?
● Flat upper portion means that is the PO2 in alveolar gas fails, the loading of O2 is
little affected
● Steep lower part means peripheral tissues can draw a large amount of O2 for
only a small drop in capillary pO2
What factors shift the curve?
● Things that shift to the right
○ Increased temperative
○ Increased pCO2
○ Increased H+ or decreased pH
○ Increased 2-3 DPG
● Left shift is via the reverse of those things and also carbon monoxide
What are the effects of carbon monoxide on the haemoglobin oxygen transport
CO has 240 times the affinity of O2 for Hb, hence oxygen saturation is greatly reduced
and Hb oxygen carrying capacity is reduced. CO also shifts the dissociation curve to the
left, interfering with unloading of O2.
How is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?
Three forms (percentages for arterial blood)
● Dissolved (5-10%)
● Bicarbonate (90%) formed via the equation CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 = H+ + HCO3.
The first reaction is slow in plasma but fast in red cells due to the presence of
carbonic anhydrase. The second reaction (ionic dissociation) is fast without an
● Carbamino compounds (5%) haemoglobin is the most important. Reduced Hb
binds more CO2.
What is the chloride shift?
● The ionic dissociation of carbonic acid results in bicarb and H+ formation within
the red cell.
● The bicarb diffuses out of the cell but H+ cannot because the cell membrane is
relatively impermeable to cations.
● To maintain electrical neutrality Cl- ions move into the cell from the plasma.
What is the haldane effect?
● The fact that de-oxygenation of Hb increases its ability to carry carbon dioxide.
● It enhances the removal of CO2 from tissues
● Promotes the dissociation of CO2 from Hb in the presence of O2 i.e. in the lungs,
which is vital for alveolar gas exchange.
What is the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2 = PiO2 - PaCO2/R
PAO2 - alveolar oxygen partial pressure
PiO2 - the oxygen partial pressure of inspired air
PaCO2 - alveolar partial pressure of CO2
R - respiratory quotient
How is the Alveolar arterial gradient calculated?
● The difference between the PAO2 and the measured PaO2 from ABG
What is the physiological significance of an A/a gradient?
● Represents a V/Q mismatch
Can you explain the difference between the alveolar and arterial oxygen
concentrations in the healthy adult.
● Physiological shunting of the lung
● Blood enters the arterial system without passing through a ventilated area of lung
● Bronchial arterial blood flows to pulmonary veins
● Coronary artery blood flows to coronary veins and then to the left ventricle
● Lung atelectasis
What are the causes of hypoxaemia in general?
● Drugs - morphine, barbiturates
● Chest wall damage
● Respiratory muscle paralysis
● Asthma
Diffusion limitation
● Impaired diffusion process across the pulmonary capillary i.e. exercise, thickened
blood/gas barrier, low O2 mixture inhaled
● Conditions include APO, pulmonary fibrosis, LVF
● Refers to blood entering the arterial system without having passed through
ventilated areas of the lung
● Abnormal vascular connection i.e. AV fistula, congenital cardiac defect
V/Q mismatch
● The most common reason
● Regional variances exist or pathological such as PE
● Hypoxaemia cannot be corrected by increasing ventilation
Describe the clinical effects of acute hypoxia
● Disorientation
● Confusion
● Headache
● Tachycardia
● Hypertension or hypotension
● Diaphoresis
● Tachypnoea
● Arrest
Describe the different types of TISSUE hypoxia
● Hypoxaemic hypoxia - arterial PO2 is reduced
● Anaemic hypoxia - PO2 is normal but the Hb is reduced so O2 carrying capacity
is reduced
● Ischaemic or stagnant hypoxia - blood flow and O2 delivery is decreased
● Histotoxic hypoxia - because of toxins, tissues cannot use the delivered oxygen
What happens to the V/Q ratio from the top to bottom of an upright lung?
● Both ventilation and perfusion increase as you go down the lung
● Perfusion increases more than ventilation
● This results in the V/Q ratio decreasing down the lung
Explain why V/Q mismatch causes a reduction in PO2 whilst arterial CO2 remains
relatively normal.
● Due to the differences in their dissociation curves
● VQ mismatch impacts on gas exchange, causing hypoxaemia and hypercapnia.
● Chemoreceptors respond to this and increase ventilation.
● The CO2 dissociation curve is linear in working range. So, increased ventilation
is able to correct the high pCO2 by increasing the output of CO2 from the lungs.
● The O2 dissociation curve is not linear.
● So, high V/Q areas (ventilated but not perfused) can only boost the PO2 slightly
with increased ventilation.
● Low V/Q areas (Perfused, but not ventilated) have proportionally low PO2 (close
to venous blood).
● Regardless of the inequality, the PO2 remains low.
What test can be done in clinical practice to demonstrate a VQ mismatch?
● Calculating the A-a gradient
● V/Q scan
What parts of the brain control respiration?
Automatic control
● Medulla. Pacemaker cells in the pre-Botzinger complex
● Pons. Pneumotactic centre modifies the medullary activity
● Voluntary control from the cerebral cortex
What other sensors are involved in the control of ventilation?
● Peripheral and central chemoreceptors
● Pulmonary stretch receptors in lungs, muscles, joints
● Irritant receptors in airways
● J receptors - respond to engorged capillaries
● Baroreceptors - arterial, atrial, ventricular and pulmonary.
● Pain/temperature receptors
● Proprioceptors from intercostals, diaphragm, muscles, joints, tendons
How are chemoreceptors involved in the control of ventilation?
● Located on the ventral surface of the medulla
● Sensitive to changes in H+
● CO2 readily penetrates the BBB and enters CSF and brain interstitial fluid
● The increase in CO2 causes increased H+ in the CSF, stimulating ventilation
● This increases both the rate and depth of breathing
● If there is a decrease in H+ concentration in the CSF, this inhibits ventilation and
causes cerebral vasodilation leading to enhanced diffusion of CO2 into the CSF
● The CSF pH is 7.32, has less buffering capacity than blood so the pH changes
more for any given change in pCO2
● Prolonged pH changes can be compensated for by HCO3- transport across the
BBB meaning that chronic CO2 retainers can have a near normal CSF pH
How are chemoreceptors involved in the control of ventilation?
● Located in carotid and aortic bodies
● Contain glomus cells with high blood flow and high dopamine concentration
● Fast response to decreasing O2, which stimulates them.
● Responsible for all the increased ventilation in hypoxia - maximal response
occurs when PaO2 is < 50mmHg but can be stimulated below 10mmHg
● Impulses transmitted to respiratory centre to increase ventilation
● Decreased pH can cause a response from carotid receptors
● They have a minor but rapid response to changes in PaCO2
What are the effects of exercise on the respiratory system?
Gas exchange
● ↑Respiratory uptake and consumption of O2 and production of CO2
● ↑Lung diffusing capacity due to ↑diffusing capacity of the membrane and
increased pulmonary blood volume
● ↓ V/Q mismatch
● ↑Respiratory rate
● ↓ FRC
● ↑Tidal volume
● ↑Minute ventilation
Pulmonary Blood flow
● Distension and recruitment of pulmonary blood vessels increases the total cross
sectional area of the pulmonary vasculature
● ↑Total pulmonary blood volume
● ↑Cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow
● ↑Pulmonary vascular pressure
● ↓pulmonary vascular resistance
Other respiratory effects
● ↑respiratory exchange ratio due to increased carbohydrate metabolism
● O2Hb dissociation curve shifts to the right in the tissues and to the left in the
● Additional capillaries open up in peripheral tissues,
What changes occur in blood gases during exercise?
● ABG little affected at moderate exercise but at high workloads can be significant
● pH falls due to lactic acidosis
● PaCO2 falls to compensate for the acidosis
● PaO2 rises
● Arterio-venous pH, PaO2 and PaCO2 differences increase
What are the initial physiological responses at high altitude?
● Hyperventilation due to hypoxic stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors,
increased ventilation causes loss of CO2
● Respiratory alkalosis - inhibits a higher resp rate
● Renal excretion of bicarbonate and bicarb shift out of CSF normalises the pH,
allowing the resp rate to increase again
● Increased 2-3 DPG with initial rightward shift of the o2Hb dissociation curve, then
a left shift due to the alkalosis
● Alveolar hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction then pulmonary HTN
What are the longer term physiological effects of altitude exposure
● Polycythaemia from increased EPO
● Increased blood viscosity
● Increased carriage of O2
● Pulmonary HTN → leads to RVH
● Increased number of capillaries in peripheral tissue
● Increased cellular oxidative enzymes
● Increased mitochondria
What are the symptoms of acute mountain sickness?
● Headache
● Fatigue
● Dizziness
● Palpitations
● Nausea
● Loss of appetite
● Insomnia
Outline the metabolic functions of the lung
● Synthetic function
○ Synthesis of phospholipids including surfactant
○ Collagen and elastin synthesis
○ Carbohydrates including mucopolysaccharides
● Activation of angiotensin I to Angiotensin II via Angiotensin Converting Enzyme in
the capillary endothelium
● Inactivation of circulating factors
○ Bradykinin
○ Serotonin
○ PGE1 and 2
○ Noradrenaline
● Removal of leukotrienes
● Immune function via secretion of IgA