lower limb anatomy Flashcards
Dermatomes over lower leg
● Describe the dermatomes of the lower limb
● L 1 2 3 4 and 5 wind around leg in an inferomedial direction
● L1 is over the inguinal region
● L2 is over the middle and lateral aspect of the anterior thigh
● L3 is over the knee
● L4 is over the medial malleolus
● L5 supplies the medial foot and the great toe
● S1 S2 supply the back of the leg, which becomes the lateral foot
● There is an axial line down posteromedial aspect of leg
Please describe the cutaneous nerves of the lower limb
● Lateral thigh = Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh L2 L3
● Anterior and medial thigh = Anterior cutaneous branch of femoral nerve,
intermediate and medial femoral cutaneous nerves, obturator nerve
● Posterior thigh = Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1- S3)
● Lateral leg from knee to mid calf = lateral cutaneous nerve of calf and leg
● Anterolateral leg from mid calf = superficial fibular nerve
● Posterolateral leg from mid calf = sural nerve
● Medial leg = saphenous nerve
● Dorsum of the foot (except 1st webspace) = superficial fibular nerve
● 1st webspace = deep fibular nerve
● Heel = Medial calcaneal branch of tibial nerve
● Sole of the foot except heel = medial and lateral branches of tibial nerve
picture of lower limb dermatome
picture of lower limb nerves
What are the myotomes of the lower limb
● Hip flexion L2/L3
● Hip Extension L4/L5
● Knee Extension L3/L4
● Knee Flexion L5/S1
● Ankle Dorsi Flexion L4/L5
● Ankle Plantar Flexion S1/S2
● Ankle Inversion L4
● Eversion L5/S1
● Big Toe Extension L5/S1
● Big Toe Flexion S1/S2
Pelvis - you must be able to look at a pelvic xray and name all the key landmarks
What are the bony landmarks of the pelvis?
● 3 bones - ilium, ischium, pubis
● Anterior surface - ASIS, AIIS, pubic symphysis, superior and inferior pubic rami
● Laterally - iliac crest
● Posterior surface- PSIS and PIIS, greater and lesser sciatic notches, ischial
● Inferiorly - ischial tuberosities
What are the main articulations within the pelvic girdle?
● Sacroiliac joints
● Pubic symphysis
● Acetabulum articulating with the femur
What attaches to the anterior inferior iliac spine?
Rectus femoris
What attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine?
Describe the course of the iliac arteries
● Common iliac arteries originate from the aorta around L3 -L5
● Follows the medial border of psoas to the pelvic brim
● Divides at the level of L5- S1
● Internal iliac artery enters the pelvis
● External iliac artery follows iliopsoas and ends at the inguinal ligament where it
becomes the femoral artery at the mid inguinal point
What are the factors maintaining stability of the hip joint?
● Bony Articulations
○ Acetabular socket, formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis
○ Articulates with the femoral head for transfer of weight
○ Reinforced by labrum
● Ligaments
○ Capsule
○ Iliofemoral
○ Ischiofemoral
○ Pubofemoral
○ Transverse acetabular ligament
● Muscles
○ Short muscles are important, especially gluteus medius and minimus
What is the least stable position of the hip?
Flexed and adducted (i.e. seated position → bad for car accidents)
Describe the attachments of the ligaments of the hip
● iliofemoral ligament
○ From the anterior inferior iliac spine and acetabular rim to the
intertrochanteric line
● Pubofemoral ligament
○ From obturator crest of pubis, blends with medial aspect of iliofemoral
● Ischiofemoral ligament (weakest)
○ Posterior acetabular rim, spirals superolaterally to the base of the greater
● Transverse acetabular ligament - bridges the acetabular notch
● Ligament of the head of the of the femur, to the fovea of the head
Where might you find a pathological fracture around the hip joint?
Pubic rami, neck of femur or the proximal shaft
Please describe the main bony features of the proximal femur
● Femoral head - fovea for the ligament of the head of femur
● Neck
● Greater trochanter
● Lesser trochanter
● Intertrochanteric line (anterior) and intertrochanteric crest (posterior)
● Quadrate tubercle (which is on the intertrochanteric crest)
● Pectineal line and Gluteal tuberosity join to form the Linea aspera with medial
and lateral lips
Describe the bony features of the middle and lower end of the femur
you should be able to point these out on an image of the bone
● Linea aspera
● Medial supracondylar ridge - which is an inferior continuation of the medial lip of
the linea aspera, interrupted to allow passage of the femoral artery, ends as the
adductor tubercle
● The lateral supracondylar ridge descends to the lateral epicondyle
● Lateral and medial condyles separated by the intercondylar fossa
● Adductor tubercle on medial epicondyle
● Attachment of the medial ligament
Which muscles attach to the linea aspera?
Vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus
and short head of biceps femoris
Muscles acting on the hip
Describe the anatomy of the iliopsoas muscle
Iliopsoas consists of the iliacus and psoas major muscles
Psoas Major
● Superior attachment
○ Transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae
○ Sides of vertebral bodies T12 - L5
○ Intervertebral discs T12 - L5
● Inferior attachment
○ Single tendon to the lesser trochanter of the femur
● Innervation
○ Anterior rami of L1, L2 and L3
● Superior attachment
○ Superior ⅔ of iliac fossa
○ Ala of sacrum
○ Anterior sacro-iliac ligaments
● Inferior attachments
○ Lesser trochanter of femur and shaft inferior to it
○ Psoas major tendon
● Innervation
○ Femoral nerve L2- L4
Which artery is most likely to be damaged by a fracture to the midshaft of the
The profunda femoris
What are the lateral rotators of the femur and where do they originate? & insert.
● Piriformis - anterior sacrum and sacrotuberous ligament to the greater trochanter
● Obturator internus- pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bones,
to the greater trochanter
● Superior gemellus - ischial spine to the greater trochanter
● Inferior gemellus - ischial tuberosity to the greater trochanter
● Quadratus femoris - lateral border of ischial tuberosity, attaches to the quadrate
tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest
● Gluteus maximus - ilium, posterior to the posterior gluteal line, dorsal surface of
the sacrum and coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament
Describe the actions of the gluteus maximus muscle
● Straightens the leg at the hip during walking, running, climbing.
● Assists in raising to stand from a seated position
● Tensor of the fascia lata and its connection with the iliotibial band
● Steadies the femur during standing
Femoral Triangle (asked every couple of years - must know this,)
What are the borders and contents of the femoral triangle
● lateral border = Medial border of sartorius
● medial border = lateral border of adductor longus
● superior border = inguinal ligament
● floor = iliacus, psoas, pectineus and adductor brevis
Contents: (NAVEL, from lateral to medial) = Femoral Nerve, Femoral Artery, Femoral
Vein, Empty Space, Lymphatics
What are the surface markings when trying to locate the femoral vein?
What are the surface markings when trying to locate the femoral vein?
● Use the anatomical landmark for the femoral artery
● Femoral artery is found below the inguinal ligament, midway between the ASIS
and the pubic tubercle
● Femoral vein is just medial to the artery
Describe the origin and course of the sciatic nerve and the muscles it supplies
The sciatic nerve originates from the sacral plexus and supplies the muscles in the
posterior compartment of the thigh
● It enters the gluteal region via the greater sciatic foramen, inferior to piriformis
and deep to gluteus maximus
● Descends in the midline posterior thigh deep to the biceps femoris and lying on
the adductor magnus
● Bifurcates into tibial and common fibular nerves before the apex of the popliteal
● Common fibular part - supplies short head of the biceps femoris
● Tibial part - supplies the rest, including long head of biceps femoris,
semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the hamstring portion of adductor
Describe the course of the femoral vein in the femoral triangle
● Starts as popliteal vein
● Travels medial to the femoral artery, lateral to the femoral canal
● Ends as the external iliac vein
● The great saphenous vein drains to the femoral vein through the cribriform
● The profunda femoris veins also drain into the femoral vein
What are the clinical features of a severed sciatic nerve in the upper thigh?
Motor and sensory deficits.
Sciatic nerve supplies posterior thigh muscles and depending on the level of injury these
may all be affected, causing loss of hip extension and knee flexion. There will be loss of
motor supply to all lower leg and foot muscles, causing loss of ankle flexion, extension,
inversion and eversion. Toes movements will also be lost.
Loss of sensation to the skin of most of the leg and foot. In particular, the posterior and
lateral lower leg, sole of foot, lateral portion and the dorsum of the foot.
What is the origin and course of the femoral nerve?
Originates from spinal roots L2, L3, L4
What are the branches of the femoral nerve?
Motor Nerves
● Nerve to sartorius
● Nerves to quadriceps i.e. nerve to rectus femoris, nerve to vastus medialis, nerve
to vastus lateralis, nerve to vastus intermedius
Sensory nerves
● Medial femoral cutaneous nerve
● Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve
● Saphenous nerve
● Articular branches to the hip and knee joints
Describe the course and relationships of the femoral artery
● A continuation of the external iliac artery
● Enters the femoral triangle deep to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament (midpoint
between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle)
● Lies lateral to the femoral vein, deep to the fascia, anterior to the iliopsoas and
pectineus, and medial to the femoral nerve
● Continues down the thigh, deep to sartorius
● Passes though the adductor canal, where it lies anterior to the femoral vein
● Becomes the popliteal artery at the adductor hiatus
Describe the branches of the femoral artery
● Profunda femoris branches off in the femoral triangle
● Medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries. Medial supplies the neck of femur
● 4 Superficial cutaneous branches given off anteriorly in the femoral triangle -
superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric, superficial and deep external
Describe the anastamoses associated with the femoral artery
● Trochanteric (head of femur) via the medial and lateral circumflex femoral
● Cruciate (lesser trochanter) via the medial/lateral circumflex femoral arteries and
the inferior gluteal artery
● Geniculate (knee) via the popliteal, femoral and tibial arteries.
Describe the blood supply to the head of the femur
● Medial and lateral circumflex arteries from the profunda femoris
● Branch to form reticular arteries, which feed under the posterior unattached
capsule or through the iliofemoral ligament
● The supply is from distal to proximal, which has implications for fractures in the
● There is also a small artery to the head of the femur, which is a branch of the
obturator artery, but this is less important
Why is this important if the patient has a subcapital (intracapsular) fractured neck
of femur?
● Risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head
● Because the major supply of the hip joint comes from branches of the circumflex
femoral arteries
● These arteries pass under the border of the hip capsule and can be torn or
disrupted in an intracapsular fracture
Muscles of the anterior thigh
Must be able to identify muscles of the thigh on an image.
What are the quadriceps muscles? Where do the originate and insert?
● Rectus femoris
○ Origin: from the AIIS and ilium superior to the acetabulum,
○ Insertion: via quadriceps tendon to the tibial tuberosity
● Vastus medialis
○ Origin: intertrochanteric line and medial lip offline aspera
○ Insertion: Quadriceps tendon and medial patella
● Vastus lateralis
○ Origin: Greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera
○ Insertion: Quadriceps tendon and patella retinacula
● Vastus intermedius
○ Origin: anterior and lateral shaft of femur
○ Insertion: Quadriceps tendon
What are the actions of the quadriceps muscles?
They extend the knee
Rectus femoris also assists in hip flexion
What is the nerve supply to the quadriceps?
Femoral nerve L2, L3, L4
The Knee
Please demonstrate the bony features on this xray of a knee:
You must be able to identify main features on an xray of the knee
These include:
● Features of the femur - medial and lateral condyles & epicondyles, the adductor
● Features on the tibia - medial and lateral condyles that form the tibial plateau.
The intercondylar eminence in the middle of the plateau which is formed by the
medial and lateral intercondylar tubercles. Further distally on the tibia is the tibial
● Features of the fibula - the head and the tibiofibular joint which is where it
articulates with the tibia
● Also the patella
What factors stabilise the knee joint?
● Muscular and ligamentous factors. Little to no bony contribution
● In the knee, it’s primarily the strength and actions of surrounding muscles and
their tendons. Most important = quadriceps femoris especially the vastus lateralis
and medialis
● Ligaments connecting the femur and tibia - the main ones being the anterior and
posterior cruciates and medial and lateral collaterals.
Describe the movement of the knee joint and the muscles involved
● Extension - quadriceps femoris
● Flexion - semitendonosis, semimembranosus, biceps femoris
● Medial rotation when flexed - semitendinosus, semimembranosus. When non
weight bearing and knee extended - popliteus
● Lateral rotation when flexed - biceps femoris
Describe the process of the locking and unlocking of the knee as the joint is
extended and flexed.
● When going from flexion to extension, the lateral condyle completes its extension
just short of full extension, the lateral condyle then rotates forward around a taut
ACL and the medial condyle glides backwards as full extension approaches. The
result is approximately 10 degrees of hyperextension.
● In this position the knee is passively ‘locked’
● The knee unlocks through contraction of the popliteus, rotating the femur laterally
on the tibial plateau to allow flexion
Describe the anatomical features and attachments of the cruciate ligaments
(if you cross your legs while standing, your legs form the arrangements of the cruciates
for whichever leg is in front)
● Anterior and posterior cruciates (posterior is shorter and stronger)
● Intracapsular but extrasynovial
● Cross each other in the form of an X, with the anterior lying in front
● Anterior Cruciate: arises from the anterior intercondylar eminence, passes
superiorly and posterolaterally to insert on the medial aspect of the lateral
femoral condyle.
● Posterior Cruciate: arises from the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia,
passes superiorly and anteromedially to insert on the lateral aspect of the medial
femoral condyle.
What are the actions of the cruciates?
● Most important factor in stabilising the knee
● Anterior cruciate prevents posterior movement of the femur on the tibia - limiting
hyperextension of the knee
● Posterior cruciate limits anterior movement of the femur on the tibia and prevents
hyperflexion of the knee
Please identify the other ligaments of the knee joint and their attachments
● Patellar ligament - apex of patella to the tibial tuberosity
● Fibular (or lateral) collateral ligament - from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to
the lateral surface of the fibular head
● Tibial (medial) collateral ligament - medial epicondyle of the femur to the lateral
and superior aspect of the tibia. Has a deep component that attached to the
medial meniscus
● posterior oblique
● arcuate ligament
What are the actions of the collateral ligaments?
They are taut in extension and relax in flexion. Assist with knee stability ion extension.
Menisci and capsule
What are the attachments of the menisci?
● Attached to the intercondylar area of the tibia, C shaped fibrocartilage
● Thickens towards the joint margins
● External parts attached to the capsule
● 2 ligaments - coronary ligaments from the articular margins of the femur and tibia
● Medial meniscus: anterior horn attached to the intercondylar area of the tibia in
front of the ACL and the posterior horn in front of the PCL. Firmly attached to the
deep medial collateral ligament. Less mobile than the lateral meniscus.
● Lateral meniscus: both horns attached to the intercondylar area of the tibia
immediately in front of and behind the intercondylar spine
Describe the capsular attachments of the knee
● Attached to the margins of the articular surfaces
● Femoral attachments -to the proximal margin of the condyles posteriorly.
● Anteriorly there is a deficit allowing for the suprapatellar bursa, capsule blends
with the patella retinacula and ligament
● Laterally - passage of popliteus tendon, attached to the head of the fibula
● Medially - deep component of the MCL and meniscus
● There is a weak attachment to both menisci
Describe the articulations between the tibia and the fibula
Tibiofibular joint superiorly and the tibiofibular syndesmosis inferior.
TF joint - synovial joint between the fibular head and the tibial condyle
TF syndesmosis - a compound fibrous joint which is part of the interosseous membrane
and the anterior/posterior tibiofibular ligaments
Popliteal Fossa
What are the boundaries and contents of the popliteal fossa? (note - they can
show you the dissection image from the book)
● Superior border: biceps femoris laterally and the semimembranosus medially
● Inferior border: medial and lateral heads of gastroc as well as the plantaris
muscle laterally
● Contents (from medial to lateral) popliteal artery, popliteal vein (from the small
saphenous), tibial nerve which branches to the common fibular nerve - note, that
can help you decide if it is the left or right side because the common fibular nerve
always goes towards the fibula which is lateral
Outline the course of the common fibular nerve and its branches
● Originates from the sciatic nerve as it bifurcates in the apex of the popliteal fossa
● Passes over the posterior part of the head of the fibula and then winds around
the fibula neck
● Divides into the superior and deep fibular nerve and also gives a branch to the
knee joint
● The common fibular nerve supplies the skin of the posterior leg
● The superficial branch does the motor supply to the lateral compartment and the
sensory supply to the distal ⅓ of the anterior leg and foot
● The deep branch provides the motor supply to the anterior muscles of the lef and
the dorsum of the foot, as well as the sensory supply to the first webspace (a
What functional deficit results from injury to the common fibular nerve and why?
● Foot drop - loss of innervation of extensor muscle function (tibialis anterior,
extensor digitorum longus, fibularis tertius, extensor hallucis longus)
● High stepping gait
● Inability to evert foot - due to loss of innervation to fibularis longus and brevis
● Sensory loss to 1st webspace, dorsum of foot
Outline the course of the tibial nerve
● Formed at the apex of the popliteal fossa by the bifurcation of the sciatic nerve
● Runs vertically in the popliteal fossa with the popliteal artery, passing between
the heads of gastroc and deep to the tendinous arch of the soleus
● Runs inferiorly in the tib post with the posterior tibial vessels
● Divides into medial and lateral plantar nerves under the flexor retinaculum
● Has only one cutaneous branch that is the sural nerve
What functional deficit results from a tibial nerve injury at the knee and why?
● Motor loss: Unable to stand on tiptoes due to the loss of plantar flexors - soleus ,
tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus. Also loss of
ability to flex the toes. Inversion weakened but still possible due to tibialis anterior
● Sensory loss: Loss of sensation over the sole of the foot from loss of the medial
calcaneal, medial and lateral plantar nerves.
Vascular Supply
How does the popliteal artery supply the leg and foot?
● Popliteal artery divides into posterior and anterior tibia; arteries at the lower
border of the popliteus.
● The fibular artery (which supplies posterior and lateral compartments) branches
of the posterior tibial artery. The bit before they divide is sometimes called the
tibioperoneal trunk.
● Posterior tibial artery runs in the posterior compartment and is then palpable
posterior to the medial malleolus. It then divides into the medial and lateral
plantar arteries to the sole of the foot.
● The anterior tibial artery runs in the anterior compartment and then crossed
=anteriorly over the ankle to become the dorsalis pedis
Commencing with its origin in the foot, describe the course and relations of the
long saphenous vein
● Commences at the medial side of the dorsal venous arch
● Courses upward in front of the medial malleolus
● Crosses behind the medial border of the tibia and passes behind the knee
● Travels up the medial aspect of the thigh to pass through the cribirofm fascia
where it joins the femoral vein
● Perforating veins connect the long saphenous to the deep system in the foot, the
mid calf and the thigh
Anterior Compartment of the leg
Identify the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg and describe their
● Tibialis anterior
○ Originates from the lateral condyle and the superior lateral surface of the
tibia and the interosseous membrane.
○ Attaches to the medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal.
○ Dorsiflexes and everts the foot
● Extensor digitorum longus
○ Originates from the lateral condyle of the tibia and the superior-medial
fibula and interosseous membrane
○ Attaches to the middle and distal phalanges of the lateral 4 digits
○ Dorsiflexes ankle and extends the lateral 4 digits
● Extensor hallucis longus
○ Arises from the middle anterior fibula and the interosseous membrane
○ Attaches to the dorsum of the base of the distal phalanx of the great toe
○ Dorsiflexes the ankle and extends the toe
● Fibularis tertius
○ Originates from the inferior ⅓ of the anterior fibula and the interosseous
○ Attaches at the base of the 5th metatarsal
○ Dorsiflexes and everts the foot
What nerves supply the muscles of the anterior compartment?
● The deep fibular nerve
● Tibialis anterior is supplied by L4/L5 whereas the others are L5/S1
Lateral compartment
Identify and describe the fibularis muscles
Fibularis Longus, Brevis and Tertius (which is actually in the anterior compartment &
already covered)
Fibularis Longus
● Originates from the head and upper shaft of the fibula
● Passes deep to the superior fibular retinaculum, behind the lateral malleolus then
deep to the inferior retinaculum
● It then passes inferior to the fibular trochlear of the calcaneus, through a groove
on the cuboid and crosses the sole of the foot to insert on the base of the first
metatarsal and the medial cuneiform
Fibularis Brevis
● Originates on the distal shaft of the fibula.
● Passes behind the lateral malleolus and superior to the fibular trochlea of the
● Inserts on the base of the 5th metatarsal
What nerve supplies the fibularis longus and brevis
Fibularis longus and brevis are supplied buy the superficial fibular nerve
Fibularis tertius is supplied by the deep fibular nerve
What are the actions of the fibular muscles?
● Evert the foot
● Stabilise the foot in the ‘toe-off’ phase of walking and running
● Weak plantar flexion by fibularis longus and brevis as they run posterior to the
axis of the ankle joint
● Fibularis tertius has a weak dorsiflexor action (more in line with the other anterior
compartment muscles)
What joints are involved with inversion and eversion of the foot ?
● Subtalar or the talocalcaneal joint
● Transverse tarsal joint - which includes the calcaneocuboid and the talonavicular
Posterior compartment of the leg
What are the muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg
● Gastrocnemius
● Soleus
● Plantaris
● Popliteus
● Flexor digitorum longus
● Tibialis posterior
● Flexor hallucis longus
What are the attachments of the superficial muscles?
● Gastrocnemius
○ the lateral head Originates from the lateral femoral condyle, medal head
from the surface of the femur above the medial femoral condyle
○ Inserts onto the calcaneal tendon with fibres from soleus
● Soleus
○ Arises from the posterior aspect of the superior part ot eh fibula, soleal
line and the medial border of the tibia, with a tendinous arch between
these attachments
○ Inserts onto the calcaneal tendon
● Plantaris
○ Originates at the inferior end of the lateral supracondylar line of the femur
Describe the actions of the muscles of the deep compartment
● Pulls the lateral meniscus posteriorly during knee flexion
● Assists the posterior cruciate ligament in preventing anterior displacement of the
femur on the tibial plateau when standing with the knee flexed
● Also unlocks the knee via laterally rotating the femur
● Flexes all the joints of the great toe
● Supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot
● Flexes the lateral 4 digits
● Supports the longitudinal arches of the foot
Tib post
● Plantar flexion and inversion
Which muscles form the Achilles tendon?
Gastroc and soleus with sometimes input from plantaris
Where does the achilles tendon insert?
The supero-posterior aspect of the calcaneus
What is the nerve supply to these muscles?
Tibial nerve, which is a branch of the sciatic nerve
What is the blood supply to these muscles?
Gastroc is supplied by the sural artery (a branch of the popliteal)
Soleus is supplied by the posterior tibial and the peroneal arteries
What structures make up the ankle joint?
Distal ends of the tibia and fibula plus the talus
What movements occur through this joint?
Plantarflexion and dorsiflexion
In what position of the foot is the ankle most unstable and why?
Plantarflexion, because in that position the trochlear (the superior part of the talus which
is most narrow at the posterior end) sits the most loosely in the mortise between the
What are the ligaments that stabilise the ankle?
Lateral ligaments - from the lateral malleolus
● Anterior talofibular ligament - the weakest, injured in inversion injuries
● Posterior talofibular - strong
● Calcaneofibular ligament
Medial ligament (also called the deltoid) - fans out from the medial malleolus to attach to:
● Talus - anterior and posterior tibiotalar
● Calcaneus - tibiocalcaneal ligament
● Navicular - tibionavicular ligament
What structures run posterior to the medial malleolus
From medial to lateral - Tom, Dick and Very Nervous Harry
● Tibialis posterior
● Flexor Digitorum longus
● Posterior tibial Artery
● Posterior tibial Vein
● Tibial Nerve
● Flexor Hallucis longus
The foot
Identify the bones of the foot
Talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, cuneiforms (medial, intermediate, lateral),
metatarsals and phalanges
Describe the sensory innervation of the foot
● Saphenous nerve supplies the medial dorsum to the base of the big toe
● Superficial fibular nerve supplies the rest of the dorsum
● Deep fibular nerve does the 1st webspace
● Sural nerve does the lateral edge of the foot
● Medial and lateral plantar nerves supply the medial and lateral plantar surface
● Medial calcaneal nerve does the heel
Where would you infiltrate to block these nerves?
Posterior tibial nerve - between the achilles tendon and the medial malleolus
Sural nerve - between the achilles tendon and the lateral malleolus
Identify the structures lying deep to the extensor retinaculum
From medial to lateral (Timothy Has A Very Nasty Dirty Toe)
● Tibialis Anterior
● Extensor Hallucis Longus
● Ant. Tibial Artery
● Ant. Tibial Vein
● Deep fibular Nerve
● Extensor Digitorum longus
● Fibularis Tertius
Describe the venous drainage of the foot
● Superficial and deep veins
● Deep veins are paired with arteries and are internal to the deep fascia
● Superficial veins are not accompanied by arteries and are in the subcutaneous
● Perforating veins provide one eway shunting of blood from superficial to deep
● The dorsal venous arch of the metatarsals drains into the dorsal venous arch of
the foot.
● Plantar venous network either becomes the medial marginal vein which becomes
the great saphenous vein, or the lateral marginal vein which becomes the small
saphenous vein