respiratory organs Flashcards
frontal sinus
glabellar sinuses
superior/middle/inferior nasal concha
behind nose/tongue/larynx
upper trachea (in front of pharynx)
thyroid cartilage
cartilage on front of larynx
laryngeal prominence (superior thyroid notch)
(adam’s apple) middle process of thyroid cartilage
thyrohyoid membrane
membrane between thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
cricoid cartilage
cartilage band on top of tracheal bands
cricothyroid ligament
membrane between thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage band
hard/soft palate
roof of mouth, very back of roof of mouth
below larynx, path to lungs
tracheal cartilage
cartilage bands on trachea
R/L primary bronchus
tube from trachea to lungs, Left is shorter (heart)
apex (lungs)
tip of lungs
oblique fissure (lungs)
lower horizontal lines on lungs
horizontal fissure (lungs)
middle line on right lung only
superior/inferior lobes (lungs)
dictated by fissues, R lung has a middle lobe
hilum (lungs)
airpod shaped external plate where bronchi/other structures enter and exit the lungs