Respiratory Muscles Flashcards
Intercostal spaces
> Muscles (fibres run at 90 degrees to each other)
- External Intercostal
- Internal Intercostal
- Innermost Intercostal
> Contents (between internal and innermost intercostals)
- Intercostal arteries and veins
- Intercostal nerve
- Narrowing spinal canal (due to growing vertebral bodies) as we descend can lead to neuritis of intercostal nerve - pain radiating around chest wall (follows sloping path of ribs)
Muscles of Respiration includes:
Muscles of:
- Pharynx (epiglottis stops breathing when swallowing)
- Larynx (prevents collapse of upper airways during inspiration - creates positive pressure)
- Ribcage
- Thoracic spine
- Neck
- Abdominal wall
- Lumbar spine
Functions of thoracic muscles
> Increase thoracic dimensions during inspiration
Support thoracic cage
Prevent recession (paradoxical breathing)/bulging of intercostal spaces
Prevent lungs tendency to collapse (ie. splint the airways open)
> Active process
- diaphragm
- external intercostals + interchondral aspects of internal and innermost intercostals
+Accessory muscles
- sternocleidomastoid
- scaleni
- serratus posterior superior
- levatores costarum
- serratus anterior
- pectoralis major and minor
- latissimus dorsi
> Passive relying primarily on elastic recoil of lungs
+ Accessory muscles
- Internal intercostal (not interchondral aspect)
- Innermost intercostals (not interchondral aspect)
- Transversus Thoracis
- Subcostals
- Serratus posterior inferior
- Abdominals
- Latissimus dorsi
- Quadratus Lumborum (depresses 12th rib)
Diaphragm P/O/I
> Double- domed musculotendinous sheet that forms the inferior most aspect of thoracic cage = inferior thoracic aperture (floor of thoracic cavity + roof of abdominal cavity)
Origins (slopes inferiorly from xiphoid process to median arcuate ligament ~L1-2 level)
- Xiphoid process
- Costal cartilages of ribs 7-10
- ends of ribs 11+12
- lumbar vertebrae
- ligaments of posterior abdominal wall
(form tendinous ‘crura’ right crus = L1-L3 and left crus = L1-2)
- all combine to central tendon which ascend to fuse with inferior pericardium (domes form either side of pericardium + right is higher due to liver)
*Zone of apposition is the attachment of diaphragm to thoracic cage - is key to function
Diaphragm Openings/Actions/Innervation
> Openings
- Vena Caval opening (within central tendon) - T8 level for Inferior VC + phrenic nerve
- Oesophageal opening (in muscle left of midline) - T10 level - oesophagus + vagus nerve
- Aortic opening (between crura - behind diaphragm)- T12 level - aorta
> Action: Contracts + flattens increasing vertical diameter of thoracic cavity for inspiration (also used for core stability/micturition/parturition)
Innervation: Phrenic Nerve C3-5
External Intercostals
> P: Superficial in intercostal spaces > O: inferior border of ribs > I: Superior border of rib below > A: Elevates ribs (allows diaphragm to create pressure changes) : Stabilises chest wall
> O: sternal - superior anterior sternum
: clavicular - superior medial 1/3 of clavicle
P: Lateral mastoid process
: Lateral half of superior nuchal line
A: Elevates sternum - expanding pump handle of thoracic cavity
> anterior + mid scaleni elevates rib 1 whilst posterior scaleni elevates rib 2
Transverse processes of C2-7 to upper part of first 2 ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior
> Spinous processes of C7 -T3 to ribs 2-5
> elevates ribs
Levatores Costarum
> Transverse processes of C7-T11 to superior aspect of rib below
Elevates ribs
Internal Intercostals
> P: Middle muscle of intercostal space > O: Costal groove of rib > I: Superior border of rib immediately below > A: Depresses ribs : Supports intercostal spaces (Interchondral aspect elevates ribs)
Innermost intercostal
> P: Deepest muscle of intercostal space > O: Medial edge of costal groove > I: Superior surface of rib below (+inferior margins of ribs 2-6 + costal cartilages of ribs 4-7 + xiphoid process) > A: Depresses ribs : Supports intercostal spaces *Interchondral aspect elevates ribs
Transversus Thoracis
> P: Inner surface of anterior chest wall
O: inferior body of sternum + xiphoid process
: sternal ends of costal cartilages 4-7
I: Internal aspects of costal cartilages 2-6
A: Depresses ribs (specifically costal cartilages)
> P: Inner surface of posterior thoracic wall
O: Internal aspect of ribs (near angles)
I : Internal aspect of ribs 2-3 below
A: Depresses ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior
> O: Spinous processes of T11 - L2
I: Ribs 9-12
A: Depresses ribs