respiratory medicine Flashcards
fine crackles causes
pulmonary oedema
exudative vs transudative pulmonary effusions
transudative - high pressure eg. HF, LV, CKD, cirrhosis, Pulmonary embolism
exudative - high protein & LDH eg. infection, malignancy,
end expiratory BILATERAL wheeze
polyphonic inspiratory and expiratory (biphasic) wheeze
clubbing in COPD?
no clubbing in COPD
causes of stridor?
Post-extubation laryngeal edema
Foreign body aspiration
breathlessness score?
MRC dyspnoea scale
MRC grade 1 - SOB only on strenerous exercise
grade 2 - even when climbing slight hill
5 grades with different statements that patient says when they get breathless
causes of obstructive lung disease
Asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis
causes of restrictive lung disease
pulmonary fibrosis, asbestos, sacroidosis, obesity, neuromuscular disorders, kyphosis, obesity, acute respiratory distress syndrome
spirometry obstructive vs restrictive
obstructive: FEV1 significantly reduced & FVC normal or slightly reduced —-> FEV1:FVC reduced
restrictive: FEV1 slightly reduced & FVC is significantly reduced –> FEV1:FVC increased or normal
investigations for obstructive sleep apnoea
ABG: compensated respiratory acidosis
Epworth sleepiness scale questionnaire
Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) - time to fall asleep in dark room using EEG criteria
sleep studies (polysomnography) with pulse oximetry, EEG, thoraco-abdominal wall movement
COPD patient, pneumothorax 1.5 cm
aspirate +/- chest drain
sit up
high flow oxygen but keep an eye on sats
monitor for 24hrs
COPD patient, pneumothorax 0.5cm
sit up
high flow high flow oxygen but keep an eye on sats
monitor for 24hrs
cut offs pneumothorax for do nothing vs aspiration vs chest drain
- <2cm monitor and review
- > 2cm aspirate –> chest drain
<1cm do nothing
1-2cm aspirate –> chest drain
>2cm chest drain
criteria for LTOT in COPD?
measure ABG on 2 occasions, 3 weeks apart on optimum medication
two ABGs pO2 < 7.3kPa
ABG pO2 7.3-8kPa + pulmonary HTN or peripheral oedema or secondary polycythemia
COPD patient, pneumothorax 2.5cm
chest drain
which heart murmur can give you haemoptysis?
mitral stenosis
cardiac pulmonary oedema vs acute respiratory distress syndrome
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is high then this is due to backlog into veins due to heart failure
ARDS can only be diagnosed in absence of heart failure
Venturi mask in COPD
24/28% blue Venturi masks
Sats of 88-92%
Steroid conc acute exacerbation of asthma or copd
In asthma, give 100mg IV hydrocortisone
In COPD, give 200mg IV hydrocortisone