breast Flashcards
Mx. mastitis
mastitis: encourage breast feeding from other unaffected breast, use analgesia, antibiotics usually not needed
Antibiotics: flucloxacillin (lactational) with metronidazole (non-lactational)
breast abscess: US guided FNA or surgical incision/drainage
breast screening:
mammography 47-73 y/o every 3 years
most common breast cancer
invasive ductal carcinoma
concerned about familial breast cancer. when to refer
first degree/ second degree relative and one of:
- age of diagnosis < 40
- bilateral breast cancer
- male breast cancer
- ovarian cancer
- Jewish ancestory
- family history of multiple cancers at a young age
- two or more relatives on the father’s side
symptoms of fibroadenosis
aka. fibrocystic disease middle aged women lumpy breasts \+/- pain symptoms worsen prior to menstruation
Breast hormonal therapy options
ER+ cancer
tamoxifen ER antagonist blocks oestrogen effect – pre/peri menopausal
post menopausal
aromatase inhibitors eg. letrozole, anastrozole
reduce conversion of testosterones into oestrogens
HER2+ breast cancer
HER2+ cancer
trastuzumab (herceptin)
plan for lymph nodes in breast cancer
no lymphadenopathy:
do a pre-op USS and if positive do a sentinel node biopsy
present with lymphadenopathy:
axillary node clearance
consequences of axillary lymph node clearance
arm lymphoedema
functional arm impairment
surgical options for breast cancer
wide local excision
followed by breast reconstruction for cosmesis if the patient wants - either at the initial operation or at a later date
DCIS size cut off for wide local excision vs masectomy
below = wide local excision
above 4cm = masectomy
masectomy indications
multifocal tumour (several lobes)
central tumour
large lesion in small breast
wide local excision
solitary lesion
peripheral tumour
small lesion in large breast
adjuvant radiotherapy indications breast cancer
following wide local excision
following masectomy for T3/4 tumours, >4 positive axillary nodes
side effects of tamoxifen (selective oestrogen receptor modulator SERM)
menstrual disturbance: bleeding/ amenorrhoea
menopausal symptoms
endometrial cancer
venous thromboembolism