Respiratory ID Flashcards
First step if sx of pneumonia?
Most common bug of pneumonia (all comers?) Treatment?
Strep pneumo. Treat: M, FQ, 3rd gen ceph
Most common bug of pneumonia - healthy young people? Treatment?
Mycoplasmia. Treat: macrolide 1st priority.
Association of mycoplasmia pneumonia?
cold agluttins.
Pneumonia with recent hospitalization (3months, or in hospiital longer than 5 days)? Treatment?
Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, E. coli, MRSA. Tx: pip-tazo or imipenem + vanc
Alcoholics w/ Pneumonia w/ current jelly sputum? Tx?
Klebsiella. Tx w/ 3rd gen ceph.
Pneumonia in old men w/ HA, confusion, diarrhea and abdominal pain? Dx? Tx?
Legionella. Urine antigen. Tx: M, FQ, doxy.
Pneumonia post influenza? TX?
MRSA. Vanc.
Pneumonia + baby cow + GI sx? Tx?
Q fever. Coxiella burnetti. Tx: doxy
Pneumonia + rabbit contact? TX?
Franciella Tularenesis. TX w/ streptamycin, gentamycin
Most common cause of pneumonia in neonates?
Group B STrep, E coli
Most common cause of peumonia in children?
RSV, Mycoplasma, C. trachomatis (infants - 3 yrs), C. pneumonia (school aged children), S. pneumo. (Runts May Cough Chunky Sputum).
Aspiration pneumonia?
Anaerobes - peptostreptococcus, fusobacterium, prevotella, bacteroides
Atypical pneumonia
Mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia
Cystic fibrosis + pneumonia?
pseudomonas, s. aureus, s. pneumo
pneumonia in the immunocompromised?
S. Aureus, enteric gram negative rods, fungi, viruses, p. jirovecci (HIV).
Nosocomial pneumonia
s. aureus, pseudomonas, other enteric gram negs.
post-viral pneumonia?
s. aureus, h. influenza, s. pneumo.
If suspicion for TB, best first test?
Where are TB lesions seen?
primary TB: hilar nodes + ghon focus in mid/lower lung: Ghon complex
Secondary TB/reactivation: fibrocaseous cavitary lesion in upper lobes.
TB screening guidelines? What’s a + PPD?
> 15 mm for normal patient
10 mm for prison, healthcare worker, nursing home, chronically ill, DM, EtoH
5mm for AIDS/immunosuppressed.
If +PPD then what?
If + CXR for TB then what?
acid fast stain of sputum. If neg, repeat x2.
If CXR neg or +CXR + three neg sputums, for TB then what?
If acid fast sputum +, treat with?
Rifampin, INH, pyrazinamide, ethambutol
Who needs chemoprophylaxis for TB exposure? What is the treatment?
INH for 9 months, kids under 4.
Side effects of Rifampin?
body fluids turn red/orange, induces cyp450
Side effects of INH?
Peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis w/ mild bump in LFTs, sideroblastic anemia (prevent w/ B6)
Side effects of pyrazinamide?
benign hyperuricemia
Side effects of ethambutol?
Optic neuritis, color vision abnormalities
False negative PPDs?
severely immunocompromised, sarcoidosis
False positive PPDs?
BCG vax.
Sx of extrapulmonary TB?
CNS (parenchymal tuberculoma, meningitis)
Pott’s disease - vertebral body.
Lymphadenitis, Renal, Adrenal, GI.