Respiratory Findings Flashcards
Absence of nail bed angle or Schamroth space
Biot’s respiration (irregularly irregular rhythm)
Damage to the medulla-CVA, trauma or tumor
Bronchophony (loud breath sounds)
Pneumonia, compression atelectasis
Cheyne-Stoke breathing (regularly irregular)
CHF or raised intracranial pressure
Clubbing of fingers
TB, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, lung cancer
Pneumonia, CHF and bronchiectasis
Cyanosis- central (blue lips, fingers and toes)
Severe respiratory distress, Fallot’s tetralogy
Cyanosis- peripheral (blue fingers and toes)
Cold temperatures, Raynaud’s phenomenon
Decreased tactile fremitus
COPD, pleural effusion, asthma
Egophony (E sounds like A)
Pneumonia, compression atelectasis
Flared nasal alae
Respiratory distress
Gibbus (localized angular kyphosis)
Pott’s disease of the spine- TB
Absent breath sounds
Pleural effusion, pneumothorax
Bronchiectasis, lung abcess
Hyper-resonant percussion
Pneumothorax, emphysema and asthma
Increased tactile fremitus
Pneumonia, tuberculosis
Intercostal space bulging
Pleural effusion and empyema
Intercostal space retraction
severe asthma and upper airway obstruction
Kussmaul’s breathing (deep rapid breathing)
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Local lag
Obesity, pleural effusion
Musty (ammonia) breath (fetor hepaticus)
Liver failure
Pectus carinatum (pigeon sternum)
rickets or congenital abnormality
Pectus excavatum (funnel chest)
rickets or congenital abnormality
Pitted nails
Pleuritic friction rub
Precordial friction rub
Pursed lip breathing
Rachitic rosary (swollen costochondral joints)
Red currant jelly sputum
Klebsiella (Friedlander’s) pneumonia
Rust colored sputum
Pneumococcal pneumonia
Stony dull percussion note
Pleural effusion
Sweating with chest pain
MI, PE or dissecting thoracic aorta
Tender swollen costochondral joint
Tietze’s syndrome
Tracheal shift
Pleural effusion, tension pneumothorax, TB
Tracheal tug (downward pull on the trachea)
Aneurysm of the arch of the aorta
Wheeze (musical breath sound)
Asthma, bronchiectasis and COPD
Whispered pectoriloquy (whispered 99- loud)
Pneumonia, compression atelectasis