Cardiovascular Findings Flashcards
Beau’s lines (transverse grooves in nails)
Recent serious disease
Carotid bruit(whooshing sound)
Significantly narrowed artery
Clubbing of fingers
Bacterial endocarditis and Fallot’s tetralogy
Cyanosis-central (blue lips, fingers and toes)
Severe respiratory distress, Fallot’s tetralogy
Cyanosis- peripheral (blue fingers and toes)
Cold temp, Raynaud’s disease
Diagonal earlobe creases
Increase risk of a heart attack
Dilated chest and arm veins
Superior vena cava obstruction
Diastolic murmur in 2nd RICS
Aortic regurgitation
Elevated jugular venous pressure
CHF, cardiac tamponade
Diastolic murmur in 5th LICS
Mitral stenosis
Displaced apex beat outside of 5th LICS
left ventricular hypertrophy
Distended jugular veins
Congestive heart failure
Erythema marginatum, cardiac murmur, joint pain
Rheumatic fever
Hepatojugular reflex (increased JVP with RUQ pressure)
Congestive heart failure
Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails)
Severe iron deficiency anemia
Left parasternal heave
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Loss of hair on the dorsum of the foot and toes
Peripheral vascular disease
Malar flush
Mitral stenosis, carcinoid tumors
Midsystolic click in 5th LICS
Mitral valve prolapse
Pale nail beds, mucosa or tongue
Pansystolic murmur in 5th LICS
Mitral regurgitation
Peripheral edema bilateral
CHF, chronic bronchitis, cirrhosis, renal failure
Peripheral edema unilateral
Deep vein thrombosis, cellulitis
Precordial thrill (palpable murmur)
Pathological murmur
Pulsus alternans (strong beat followed by weak)
Left ventricular failure
Pulsus bigeminus (double beats)
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Pulsus magnus (bounding pulse)
fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism
Pulsus paradoxus (pulse decreases on inspiration)
> 10mm Hg: asthma, cardiac tamponade
Pulsus parvus(low volume pulse)
shock, aortic stenosis
Radio-femoral delay
Coarctation of the aorta
Radio-radial delay
Subclavian steal syndrome
S3 heart sound
Normal in healthy young adults. CHF
S4 heart sound
Hypertension and cardiomyopathy
Split 1st heart sound varies with breathing
Normal in healthy young 30 year old adults
Split 1st heart sound fixed (no variation)
ASD or right bundle branch block
Splinter hemorrhage (brown steaks on nails)
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Systolic murmur in 2nd RICS
Aortic stenosis
Systolic murmur in the 5th LICS midclavicular line
Mitral regurgitation (incompetence)
Titubation (nodding of the head with heart beat)
Aortic regurgitation (incompetence)
Tracheal tug (downward pull on trachea)
Aneurysm of the arch of the aorta
Xanthelasma (yellow eyelid deposits)
hyperlipidemai (in 50 % of patients)
Water hammer pulse (bounding pulse)
Fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism
Absence of Schamroth’s space or nail bed angle
Clubbing of fingers