respiratory drugs Flashcards
Name the 5 classes of respiratory drugs
- Respiratory stimulants/ analeptics
- Antitussives
- Expectorants
- Bronchodilators
- Drugs used in pulmonary edema
Name the classifications of respiratory stimulants
- Direct acting
- Reflexly acting
- Mixed acting
Name a direct acting respiratory stimulant
- Aethimizolum
Name a reflexly-acting respiratory stimulant
- Lobeline
Name the 2 mixed-acting respiratory stimulants
- Nikethamide/ Cordiamine
- Carbon dioxide/ Carbogen
Name the effects of Aethimizolum
- ↑ frequency/depth of respiration
- dilates bronchi
- ↑ surfactant synthesis
- ↑ production of glucocorticoids
- anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and immunomodulative action
- ↑ tone of cardiac and skeletal muscles.
- It is used in overdose of general anesthetics, asphyxia, bronchial asthma, and asphyxia of newbons.
Name the effects of Sulfocamphocainum
procaïne derivative
- ↑ respiratory and vasomotor centers
- is used in cases of (poisoning with):
>narcotic drugs
>carbon oxide
> asphyxia
> cardiac insufficiency.
Name the effects of respiratory stimulants
- ↑ respiratory center
- ↑ lung ventilation
- ↑ gas metabolism
- ↑ oxygen content
- ↓ carbon dioxide level.
- ↑ excretion of metabolites with perspirated air
- ↑ oxidative processes
- normalize acid-based equilibrium.
- may increase vaso motor centre
Name the effects of Carbogen
-↑ respiratory center
- is used in cases of (poisoning with):
>narcotic drugs
>carbon oxide
>during or after inhalation general anesthesia
different conditions with insufficiency of the respiratory system.
Name the 4 respiratory stimulants
- Aethimizol
- Sulfocamphocaine
- Cordiamine
- Carbogen
Name the effects of Cordiamine
-↑ respiratory center
-↑ lung ventilation
-↑ gas metabolism
-↑ oxygen content
-↓ carbon dioxide level
Short lasting, 5 to 10 minutes
What are antitussive drugs?
Antitussives are drugs suppressing cough which are used in the case of dry cough
Name the classifications of antitussives and name the drugs
A). Drugs of central action
- Opioids
- Codeine phosphate - Non-opioid drugs
- Glaucine hydrochloride
- Oxeladin
B). Drugs of peripheral action
- Prenoxdiazin hydrochloride (Libexin)
- Butamirate.
Name the effects of Prenoxdiazin hydrochloride
- broncholytic
- local anesthetic effect
- is administered orally
- used for dry cough
- may produce the sensation of local anesthesia in the oral cavity.
Name the effects of Glaucine hydrochloride
is an alkaloid
- ↓ inhibits medulla center of cough without tolerance and drug dependence
- is taken by mouth to treat diseases of the lungs and bronchi accompanied by dry cough
- may cause hypotension.
Name the effects of Butamirate
- ↓ inhibits medulla center of cough without tolerance and drug dependence
- bronchodilator
- anti inflammatory
- is taken orally for rapid absorption
What are expectorants?
drugs which transform non-productive cough into productive one.
What are expectorants?
drugs which transform non-productive cough into a productive one.
What are the classifications of expectorants and their drugs?
A). Bronchosecretor drugs
- Reflexly acting
- Thermopsis infusion
- Althea root decoction
- Althaea extract
B). Mucolytics
- Synthetic
- Acetylcysteine
- Ambroxol
- Bromhexine - Enzymes
- Trypsin
What are the indications of acetylcysteine
- Diseases of the bronchi and lungs accompanied by the formation of dense and serous-purulent sputum
- Acute and chronic bronchitis
- Tracheitis due to bacterial infection
- Pneumonia
- Bronchoectasis
- Bronchial asthma
- Synusitis
- Mucoviscedosis
- The evacuation of viscous secretion from airways after surgeries or trauma
- Overdose of paracetamol.
What are the contra indications of acetylcysteine
- Ulcer of stomach
- Lungs bleeding
- Hypersensitivity to preparation
- Age till 5.
What are the side effects of acetylcysteine
- Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis
- Allergy (skin rash, itch, urticaria, rarely a spasm of bronchi)
- Nasal bleeding, hypotension, palpitation
- The retention of sputum if it is used together with antitussives.
Main effect of Ambroxol
It stimulates production of surfactant in the lungs and activates the transport function of ciliated cells.
Indications of Ambroxol
- Acute and chronic diseases of airways accompanied by the formation of dense sputum and non-productive cough
- Pneumonia
- Bronchial asthma
- Bronchoectasis
- Respiratory distress-syndrome in newborns.
Side effects of Ambroxol
- Dyspepsia
- Headache
- Skin rash, urticaria
Contra indications of Ambroxol
- Stomach Ulcer
- Seizures
- Pregnancy
- Hypersensitivity
What is the MOA of Theophylline
- blocks of adenosine receptors
- inhibits PDE resulting in an increase of cAMP concentration and in a decrease of Ca^ contents inside the cells.
Indications of Theophylline
- Bronchial asthma
- Spasm of bronchi of different origin
- Chronic obstructive bronchitis
- Status asthmaticus
- Emphysema of the lungs
- Noctural apnea
- Apnea of a new born
- Lungs hypertension
- Disturbances of cerebral blood circulation, liquor hypertension, edema of the brain caused by ischemic stroke.
Side effects of Theophylline
- Restlessness, insomnia
- Headache, tremor, seizures
- Tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, an increase in the frequency of angina attacks
- Diarrhea, atony of the gut
- Allergic reactions (skin rash, itch)
Contra indications of Theophylline
- Hypersensitivity
- Acute heart failure
- Angina pectoris
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Heart arrhythmia
- Hypotension, severe hypertension
- Prone to seizures
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pregnancy, lactation
- Hepatic and renal failur
- Children till 14 (for IV administration).
Are salbutamol and fenoterol short or long acting drugs?
Short acting (4-5 hrs) and are used for the treatment of asthma attacks.
Name the classifications of bronchodilators and their drugs
- Adrenergic agonists
- Salbutamol
- Fenoterol
- Orciprenaline
- Isoprenaline
- Isadrine - M-cholinergic antagonists
- Ipatropium bromide
- Platyphilline hydrotartrate - Myotropic bronchodilators
- Theophylline
- Aminophylline
- Papaverine
Which adrenergic receptors are activated by salbutamol and fenoterol? Are they selective or non selective?
B 2, they are selective
Which adrenergic receptors are activated by Isadrine and orciprenaline? Are they selective or non selective?
B 1 and 2, they are non-selective
Which drug is administered in an acute asthma attack?
epinephrine (adrenaline) hydrochloride and ephedrine hydrochloride
Describe the MOA of M-cholinergic antagonists as bronchodilators.
-↑ cGMP concentration ==> ↓ decrease Ca++ concentration that leads to smooth muscle relaxation. Inhaled ipratropium bromide is useful in patients unable to take adrenergic agonists.
Describe the purpose of Myotropic broncholytics
When asthmatic symptoms cannot be controlled with adrenergic agents, Myotropic bronchodilators relieve an airflow obstruction in acute asthma and decrease the symptoms of chronic disease.
Describe the MOA of Anti-allergic drugs
Crontolyn-sodium is an effective prophylactic agent which stabilizes the membrane of mast cells and prevents mediator release by blocking the calcium gate. For the use in asthma cromolyn-sodium is administered by inhalation
Which agents are used in the treatment of pulmonary edema.?
- Drugs decreasing hydrostatic pressure in lung vessels:
- Sodium nitroprusside and organic nitrates (nitroglycerine, isosorbide dinitrate)
- Ganglioblockers (Pentam inum , Benzohexonium , Hygronium ) - Broncholytics (E uphyllinum )
- Drugs with alpha-blocking properties (chlorprom azine)
- Opioid analgesics (m orphine hydrochloride)
- Corticosteroids (prednisolone, dexam ethasone)
- Drugs improving heart contractility:
— Cardiac glycosides (Corglyconum , digoxin, strophanthin)
— Non-glycoside inotropics (dobutamine) - Drugs decreasing circulating blood volume:
— Loop diuretics (furosemide, torasemide)
— Osmotic diuretics in the conditions of tolerance to furosemide (mannitol, Urea pura) - Drugs that restore normal bronchial passage due to an antifoam action
( vaporized alcohol).