Respiratory Diseases Flashcards
What is Pneumonia
-Infection of air sac in one or both lungs
-Air sacs may fill with fluid or pus
-Can be mild or life-threatening
-More serious in infants, people over 65 y/o, or people –with weak immune systems
Caused by:
*Can lead to complications
Bacteria can enter bloodstream and enter other organs, causing organ failure
What are some symptoms of Pneumonia
-Chest pain when breathing or coughing
-Cough, which may produce phlegm
-Fever, sweating and shaking chills
-Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
-Shortness of breath
How is Pneumonia diagnosed?
-Listen to your lungs for a bubbling or crackling sound
-Chest X-ray → determine the extent and location of the infection
-Blood tests → confirm infection and to try to identify what’s causing it
How to treat Pneumonia
Antibiotics to fight bacteria
Cough medicine → help loosen and move fluid in lungs
Hospitalization if:
-Difficulty breathing
-Older than 65 years, younger than 2 months
-Temperature abnormally low
How to prevent pneumonia?
-Get vaccinated
-Practice good hygiene
-Don’t smoke
-Practice healthy habits
-Get enough sleep
-Exercise regularly
-Eat a healthy diet.
Asthma describtion
-Condition where airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus
-Causes breathing difficulty
Can be caused by:
-Physical activity
-Cold air
-Air pollutants and irritants (pollen, dust, etc)
-Respiratory infection (cold, flu, etc)’
Can cause asthma attacks
symptoms of asthma
-Shortness of breath
-Chest tightness or pain
-Wheezing when exhaling (common in children)
-Coughing or wheezing attacks that are worsened by a respiratory virus, such as a cold or the flu
How is asthma diagnosed?
-Spirometry: estimates how narrow bronchial tubes are by checking the amount of air exhaled
-Nitric oxide test: measures the amount of the gas nitric oxide in your breath
When airways are inflamed, nitric oxide levels may be higher than normal
How is asthma treated?
Long-term asthma control medications → taken on a daily basis
Allergy medications → helps if asthma is triggered by allergens
How can asthma be prevented
-No prevention but following asthma action plan can prevent asthma attacks
-Avoid triggers
-Vaccinated for influenza and pneumonia
Identity and treat attacks early