Respiratory disease in childhood Flashcards
What is a normal respiratory rate for neonates and babies?
It can be 60 and they show periodic breathing
What causes respiratory distress syndrome?
Relative surfactant deficiency
What is surfactant?
A phospholipid that increases surface tension preventing atelectasis collapse
What can stimulate surfactant production?
What is a pneumothorax and how can it happen?
Air in the pleural space that can occur with IPPV, CPAP and ventilation. Other risk factors include RDS
In ventilation there is an increased constant pressure
What is chronic lung disease?
If a premature baby still needs supplemental oxygen after 36 weeks with evidence of pulmonary parenchymal disease on CXR then there is chronic lung disease
It generally follows RDS, barotrauma, volume trauma and consistent high inspired oxygen
What is dextrocardia?
When the heart is on the wrong side of the body (RHS)
What are some consequences of a congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
Pulmonary hyperplasia (lung bud has not had space to develop in utero) When babies with diaphragmatic hernias are ventilated by just a face mask then some of the air will go onto the small intestine
What is transient tachypnoea of the newborn (TTN)?
The stress of labour causes babies to reabsorb fluid from the lungs but in c-sections these babies don’t have the stress of labour so they can be born with lung fluid present making them more prone to infections
What is CF?
Autosomal recessive genetic disorder that is multisystem.
What is ciliary dyskinesia?
When the cilia don’t move properly so mucus isn’t moved out of the lungs resulting in chest infections
What is Kartagener’s syndrome?
Every organ is mirror image so the cilia beat the wrong way
What is the treatment plan of asthma?
Stage 1: Treat with inhaled beta-agonists when needed
Stage 2: Treat with regular inhaled steroids
Stage 3A: Regular inhaled steroids + Long Acting Beta Agonists
Stage 3B: Stage 3A + Leukotrine antagonists
Satge 4: High dose steroids
What is the treatment of an acute asthma attack?
O SHIT MAn! Oxygen Salbutamol (nebulised) Hydrocortisone IV or Prednisolone PO Ipratroprium Bromide (nebulised hourly) Theophylline IV or aminophyline IV Magnesium sulphate Call an anaesthetist
What is bronchiolitis?
Viral infection caused by RSV usually in under 18mnth olds
Tachypnoea, poor feeding, irritating cough
Apnoea in small babies, treatment is supportive
What causes pneumonia in neonates?
Staph aureus
What causes pneumonia in infants?
Strep pneumoniae, chlamydia
What causes pneumonia in school age children?
Strep pneumoniae, staph aureus, Gr A Strep, bordetella, mycoplasma, legionella
What is croup?
Viral laryngotracheobronchitis
Stridor, barking cough
Treatment is oral steroid to reduce inflammation
What are common respiratory problems in children?
Infant respiratory distress syndrome CLD - chronic lung disesae Congenital diaphragmatic hernia CF Asthma Bronchiolitis Childhood pneumonia Croup