Respiratory disease in adult farmed animals Flashcards
What is IBR?
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis. • Highly infectious and contagious – Bovine Herpes Virus 1 Classification: – Alphaherpesvirus • Several strains of BHV-1 • Europe, North America and Africa – Gammaherpesvirus • Rhadinoviruses such as BHV-4 and OHV-2 Eradication campaigns underway in some countries: – Denmark, Finland, Sweden successfully free • marker vaccines, blood testing and movement restrictions.
What is the epidemiology of IBR?
–Respiratory infection spread by aerosol
–Direct contact or shared air space for sustained period
–Variable incubation period of 10-20 days
•Once infected (or vaccinated with a live vaccine), the animal remains infected for life
–Neuro-invasion (retrograde axonal transport up the trigeminal nerve?)
•Re-activation and shedding follows periods of stress.
–Calving, movement, illness, corticosteroid use
–Virus travels down axon to primary site of entry.