Respiratory Assessment Flashcards
Apex of lungs means
Top of lungs
Base of lungs means
Bottom of Lungs
Left lung has ? lobes
2 lobs (upper, lower) + cardiac notch
Right lung has ? lobes
3 lobes (upper, middle, lower)
Lung air sacs are the
the voice box is another name for the
Airways in the body include:
Nasal passages, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
The lungs sit on…
the diaphragm muscle
Ventilation is the…
expansion of chest, inspiration + expiration
Respiration is the…
Gas exchange, O2 in, CO2 out
Chemoreceptors tell…
tell the lungs when to breathe, they measure the O2 & CO2 levels in the body
Where does gas exchange occur externally
In the alveolar-capillary
Where does gas exchange occur internally?
In the Capillary-tissue
How many ribs & Intercostal spaces
12 ribs, 12 ICS, & 1 vertebrae
The lungs are symmetrical T or F
Mediastinum is the….
Space between the lungs
Where does gas exchange take place?
The primary stimulus for breathing is…
Carbon Dioxide(CO2)
The secondary stimulus for breathing is…
Hypercapnia refers to…
- high carbon dioxide in the blood(hyperventilating)
- Stimulates the drive to breathe
Infants: What impacts oxygenation
- Immature lower airway, nervous system, and immune system
- Narrow airways
- Risk of choking
Children: What impacts oxygenation
- Upper respiratory infections are common
- Asthma can start & diagonsed
Adolescents: What impacts oxygenation
- Smoking & E-cig usage occurs more often
Adults: What Impacts oxygenation
- 15% of US adults are cigarette smokers
- Changes in the resp. system begins in middle age and increases with age
Older Adults: What Impacts oxygenation
- Reduced lung expansion and less alveolar inflation
- Difficulty clearing airways> muscles are weaker
- Declining immune response
- Chemoreceptors respond more slowly
Factors that impact oxygenation
- Stress - Obesity
- Allergies - Exercise
- Air quality - Smoking
- Altitude - Second-hand smoke
- Temperature - Pregnancy
Health history questions (subjective data)
- Past health history - Demographic data
- Medications - Health
- Vaccines - Environment
- Family history - Resp. questions
- Smoking/vaping - Occupation
Physical assessment (objective data)
- General survey
- Vital signs
- Inspect
- Palpate
- Auscultate
- Percussion
What to look for in General survey
- items in the room> medications, O2
- family/ friends present
- Alertness and orientation
- Inspection> breathing status/ positioning
Normal respiratory rate
normal respiration rate, 12-20
slow respirations, <10
Fast respirations, <24
Absence of breathing
Shortness of breath
Inspection: Face
- look for signs that give us more info about the resp. system
- breathing pattern, breathing effort, and quality
- Pursed lips - Flared nostrils - grunting
Inspection: position
- tripod sitting, look at positioning
- How are they positioned
Inspection: nails/skin
- cyanosis/ pallor of skin or nails
- clubbing of nails
Inspection: chest
- chest movement
- Anteroposterior to lateral ratio
- Do they have barrel chest?
Inspection: Thoracic Cage
- observe the thorax with the client sitting up
- scapulas should be symmetrical
- straight spine
Inspection: Posture
- look for scoliosis and kyphosis
- Feel for lumps & masses, any pain or tenderness, crepitus, fremitus
- watch for guarding of body due to pain
Palpitation: expansion
- Assess chest expansion
- Place hands on the anterior chest, have client take deep breaths
- Hands should move symmetrically
- Percus for tone
- place client in sitting position
- start at the top of the lung
- move down and outward
- compare L and R
- Percuss over intercoastal spaces
- top-down in latter formation
Percussion: Abnormal findings
- Tympany(common over stomach, not lungs)
- Dullness(over fluid or solid tissue)
- Flatness( over muscle mass and bones)
- Hyperresonance( can indicate trapped air)
- be in a quiet room
- instruct patient to breathe slowly through their mouth
- move stethoscope from side to side, going from top to bottom
- listen for one full respiration in each spot
- listen on skin directly
- 6 spots anterior
- 8 spots posterior
Normal breath sounds
- Bronchial: high pitched, loud
- Bronchovesicular: moderate pitch,1:1, equal insp. & exsp.
- Vesicular: soft, low, 3:1, insp>longer, exsp> shorter
Adventitious(abnormal) lung sounds
- Crackles
- Wheezing
- Pleural rub
- Stridor
- Grunting
What is hypoxia?
Low oxygen in your tissues
What is crepitus?
Crackling skin caused by air in the subcutaneous tissue
When percussing the lung, a normal finding is…
Which lung has 3 lobes?
Vesticular is an abnormal breath sound T or F
Developmental Variations: Infants
- normal resp. 30-53, higher when crying
- infants are diaphragmatic breathers
- <6 months, obligate nose breathers
- uneven or irregular breathing patterns
- Chest should be smooth and round
Developmental Variations: Toddler
- until 6, immunity lower so increased risk of upper resp. infections
- short, small airways- easily obstructed
- put anything in mouth
- drowning can occur in little amounts of water
Developmental Variations: Preschool/school-age
- Mature heart, lungs, circulatory system
- Upper resp. infection resolve easier
- increase incident of asthma
- exposure to viruses at daycare/school
- chest size same ratio as adults
Developmental Variations: Older adults
- Kyphosis is common
- decreased chest expansion, ability to take deep breaths, ability to cough
- loss of muscle
- Declining immune system
- chemoreceptors respond slower
Indications of Hypoxia
-cyanosis of skin and nails
- pain in back
- cough green mucous
- Developmental Variations
- Pain
Hypoxia is
lack of, low O2
Normal data includes:
- chest rises symmetrically
- Spine is straight
- No masses or tenderness
- Lungs are resonant when percussed
Abnormal data includes:
- labored breathing
- ICS muscles retractions
- Sitting in tripod position
- crackles or wheezing
Possible education and interventions
- smoking cessation
- vaccinations
- Avoid pollutant
- Exercise weekly