Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Flashcards
Other than sleepiness, how can children with sleep disorders present?
Anxiety, irritability, impulsive, inattentive or have poor concentration
DIMS (Sleep)
Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep
DOES (sleep)
Disorders of excess sleepiness
What is a parasomnia?
Screening tool for sleep
B - Bedtime problems E - Excessive daytime sleepiness A - Awake at night R - Regularity and duration of sleep S - Snoring and Apnoea
How common are sleep problems in well children?
10-30% of children
What are the normal physiological changes that occur in sleep?
Changes in blood pressure and body temperature
Decreased tone - leads to upper airwat resustence (x 2 in REM) + reduction in tidal volume.
- Any impairment of ventilation when awake will be worse in sleep
What is the function of sleep?
Unclear - beneficial in learning, consolidation, restoration
Effects of sleep depreivation
Tremor, reflex changes
Blunted hormone secretion (GH, prolactin)
Elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines
Impaired psychomotor performance
Behavioural changes (pre-frontal cortex + executive function
Associated with obesity
How does sleep deprivation lead to obesity?
Add picture of sleep + obesity (males)
What are the elements of Polysomnography?
EEG EMG Airflow to detect apnoea Effort (obstructive / central) Oxygen saturations, CO2, heart rate
What are the stages of Sleep?
N1 - transition to light sleep, easily roused
N2 - light sleep (K complexes + spindles)
N3 - Deep sleep “slow wave sleep”, still, very hard to rouse, regular breathing - big triangluar waves
“ if in a dingy on the ocean , you would be sea sick”
REM - “dream sleep” , decreased tone, partial paralysis, vivid dreams, irregular breathing, increased upper airway resistance
Stages of sleep in newborns + cycle length
Active sleep = N1,2 and REM
Quiet sleep = N3
= 40 minute cycle
How long is the adult sleep cycle?
90 minutes
Which part of the night is REM sleep more prevalent?
2nd half of the night
Which part of the night is DEEP sleep more prevalent?
1st half of the night
Example of sleep spindle + K-complex
What percentage of children stop daytime sleep by 5?
Behavioural insomnia (3 types)
Type 1 - Sleep association type (poor sleep hygiene)
- not innate to know how to fall asleep
Type 2 - Limit setting disorder type (if parents have issues setting limits during the day, the night is even worse
Type 3 - Mixed
Management of behavioural insomina
Manage as if mixed
- exclude physiological causes (restless legs, OSA< reflux, eczema
- Day time behaviour / limit problems?
- Sleep hygiene and new sleep associations
Evidence Based Techniques:
1) Sudden / graduation extinction (controlled crying)
2) Fading with positive bedtime routines (20 mins quiet play / reading) - routine + regularity!
ADHD and sleep
Also hyperactive in sleep
Easily wake, move more
daytime sleepiness
? due to OSA ? due to stimulants ? not enough stimulants
- consider atomoxetine, clonidine or melatonin + behavioural therapy
Autism and sleep
up to 80% have issues with sleep
Difficulty settling
Waling between 1-5am + wake entire house
- Early morning waking
Behavioural therapy - look at perpetuating factors
Melatonin - short half life (may need long acting) - have issues swallowing tablets
What is delayed sleep phase?
“permanent jet lag”
Common in adolescent due to decreased and delayed melatonin peak
- promoted by late homework, TV, texting, internet
Exam Q - actigraphy - delayed sleep phase
Treatment of delayed sleep phase
Sleep hygiene - dim light before bed, no computer / TV in room No steroe, texting Bright light when should be awake Advance bedtime by 15 mins each 3 mights Melatonin as adjuvant