Respiratory Flashcards
Acute bronchitis definition and aetiology
LRTI causing inflammation in airways
- Most commonly viral (rhinovirus, entervirus, influenza A+B, parainfleunza, coronavirus, RSV, adenovirus)
- Bacterial 1:10-100 cases (strep, haemophilus, moraxella) (Mycoplasma,
Chlamydophila pneumoniae, bortadella)
CAP causative organism
- Usually bacterial (usually unidentified)
- Strep most common, others: Haemophilus, Moraxella, atypicals (mycoplasma, chlamydophilia
- Rare cause: Pseudomonas does not respond to emperical Abx
- ?viral Influenza A+B
CAP risk factors
Risk Factors
Smoking/COPD, age, underlying lung dx, use of IS drugs (steroids, cancer, biologics)
CAP complications
Effusion and empyema (drain), abcess (Abx, ?surgical input), ARDS (oxygen, ?ventilatory support), sepsis
CAP vs Acute bronchitis history
BOTH: cough
AB: +/- sputum, wheeze, SOB
CAP: dyspnoea, pleural pain, systemic sx (fever shiver aches pains)(atypicals cause unusual pres.
CAP vs acute bronchitis examination
AB: mildly ill, wheeze common, +/- rhonchi that improve after cough. Possible systemic sx +/- raised temp
CAP: mod-sev unwell. Focal chest sx eg asymmetric breath sounds, bronchial breathing, dullness, coarse creps. Systemic sx prominent (fever, tachycardia/pnoea)
CRB-65 score components
Confusion (new disorientation or AMTS 8 or less)
RR 30+
BP <90/60
65+ age
0 = <1%
1-2 =1-10%
3-4 = >10%
Signs of severe CAP in young
DiB Sats <90% tachycardia grunting/chest wall indraw inability to drink LOC decreased
Investigation for CAP
Basic obs in GP setting (refer if needing O2)
Sputum sample (mod or severe CAP only)
Bloods: FBC, U+E, CRP, cultures, LFT (raised suggest mycplasma or legionella)
COVID swab
CXR if hospital
General Management of acute bronchitis
Abx only if at risk group or systemically v unwell
Self care (analgesia, fluids, stop smoking)
Seek help if Sx rapidly worsen or become systemically v unwell or no improvement after 3w
Immediate or back up prescription for acute bronchitis
Immediate if sys. v unwell
Back up if at risk of Cx (underlying lung Dx, organ Dx, elderly w/comorbidities)
If CRP taken for Acute bronchitis
<20 no Abx
20-100 delayed
>100 offer abx
Choice of abx for acute bronchitis
Doxy 200mg on day 1 then 100mg 4d
alt: amox 500mg TDS 5d
CAP CRB-65 Managment
0 - consider treat at home. Amox 500mg TDS 5d (alt. clari 500mg BD if sus atypical or allergy)
1-2 - hospital assessment. Amox 500mg TDS (with clari 500mg BD if sus atypical) 5d for both
3+: Urgent hospital admission. Co-amox 500/125mg TDS PO or 1.2g IV TDS for 5d WITH clari 500mg BD (levofloxacin if penicllin allergy)
Alternative to clari in CAP/AB if pregnant
Prognosis for CAP w/abx
○ 1 week — fever should have resolved.
○ 4 weeks — chest pain and sputum production should have substantially reduced.
○ 6 weeks — cough and breathlessness should have substantially reduced.
○ 3 months — most symptoms should have resolved but fatigue might still be present.
○ 6 months — symptoms should have fully resolved.
CRB-65 Mortality 0 =<1%, 1-2 = 1-10%, 3-4=>10%
FU for CAP
reassess with CRB65 Review abx after cultures CXR at 6w if persistent Sx despire Rx (higher risk of underlying malignancy) Stop smoking ?pneumococcal + infleunza vaccine
ARDS definition
Onset <1wk of new insult or new worsening respiratory symptoms causing:
- Resp failure: PaO2/FIO2 <300mmHg w/PEEP or CPAP 5 cmH2O
- Radiology: bilat. Opacity, not fully accounted for by effusions, collapse or ndules
Oedema not likely to be LHF or fluid overload (perform echo to rule out)
ARDS managment
Mild (PaO2/FiO2 = 300-200mmHg)
- Conservative fluid balance target - Low tidal volume ventilation (<6ml/Kg IBW, plateau pressure <30cmH2O)
Moderate (PaO2/FIO2 = 200-100mmHg)
- On top of fluid balance and LTV ventilation - Prone positioning >12hr/day - Neuromuscular blockade (first 48 hours) - Higher PEEP (15cmH2O)
Severe (PaO2/FIO2 <100mmHg)
- In addition to above measures
Refer to local ECMO centre
ARDS complications
HAP, pneumothorax
Neuromuscular damage resulting in pain and weakness
Psych: PTSD and depression
Prognosis of ARDS
Death rate c.40%, worse with each stage
Death rarely from resp. failure: commonly patients die of cause of ARDS or HAP/sepsis
Ususally full recovery but can have long term lung failure