Respiratory Flashcards
Function of the pectoralis minor
Pull ribs 3-5 superiorly towards the coracoid process of the scapula
Attachment of sternocleidomastoid
Attaches between sternum/clavicle and mastoid process of temporal bone
Attachment of scalenus anterior, medius and posterior
Between cervical vertebrae and ribs 1&2
Points of attachment of internal oblique
Inferior border of lower ribs
Iliac crest
Thoracolumbar fascia of lowerback
Points of attachment of transversus abdominus
Deep aspects of lower ribs
Iliac crest
Thoracolumbar fascia of the lower back
Points of attachment of external oblique
Superficial aspect of lower ribs
Iliac crest
Pubic tubercle
Vertebral level at which larynx becomes the trachea
Where can the trachea be palpated
Jugular notch of the manubrium
Location of the isthmus of the thyroid gland
Anterior to tracheal cartilages 2-4
True ribs
Ribs 1-7
Attach via their costal cartilage to the sternum
False ribs
Attach via their costal cartilage above to the sternum
Floating ribs
No attachment to the sternum
Muscles of breathing
External intercostals
Internal intercostal
Innermost intercostals
How many intercostal spaces are there?
What intercostal muscles do the neurovascular bundles run between?
Between internal and innermost intercostal layers
Arterial supply to the posterior intercostal spaces
Thoracic aorta
Venous drainage from the posterior intercostal spaces
Azygous vein
Arterial supply to the anterior intercostal spaces
Internal thoracic artery
Venous drainage from the internal thoracic vein
Internal thoracic vein
Points of attachment of the muscular part of the diaphragm
Lower 6 ribs and costal cartilages
L1-L3 vertebral bodies
Drainage from the lateral quadrants of the breast
To axillary nodes
Drainage from the medial quadrants of the breast
To parasternal nodes
Level of the sternal angle
Costal cartilage 2/ rib 2
Attachment of scalenus anterior
Cervical vertebrae to 1st rib
Most inferior region laterally of the costodiaphragmatic recess
Costophrenic angle
What lines the walls of the main bronchi?
Hyaline cartilage
Auscultation of the lung apex
Superior to the medial 1/3rd of the clavicle
Auscultation of the middle lobe
Between ribs 4 and 6 in the mid clavicular and mid axillary lines
Horizontal fissure
Follows right rib 4
Oblique fissures
Bilaterally at the level of rib 6 anteriorly and rising to T3 vertebral level posteriorly
Auscultation of the lung base
Scapular line at T11 vetebral level
Nerve supply of rima glottidis
Vagus nerves
Nerve supply of nasal cavity in sneezing
Nerve supply of pharynx in coughing
Carotid sheaths (definition and contents)
Protective tubes of cervical deep fascia Contain: Vagus nerve Internal carotid artery Common carotid artery Internal jugular vein
Pulmonary plexus
Sympathetic axons
Parasympathetic axons
Viscerl afferents
Intercostal nerves
Anterior rami of spinal nerves T1-T11
Accessory muscles of forced inspiration
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Scalenus anterior, medius and posterior
Intrinisc muscles of the larynx
Somatic motor
Attach between cartilages
Adduct the vocal cords during the cough reflex
Connection with CNS of the vagus nerves
Medulla oblongata of the brainstem
Route of passage of vagus nerves into abdominal cavity
On the oesophagus
Divide each long flat rectus abdominus muscle into 4 smaller quadrate muscles
Tendinous intersections
Thoracoabdominal nerves
7th to 11th intercostal nerves
Nerves supply the abdominal soma
Thoracabdominal nerves Subcostal nerve (T12) Iliohypogastric nerve (L1) Ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
The “safe triangle”
Anterior border of latissimus dorsi
Posterior border of pectoralis major
Axial line superior to the nipple
Attachment of inguinal ligaments
ASIS and pubic tubercle
Inferior border of the external oblique aponeurosis
Inguinal ligaments
Floor of the inguinal canal
Medial half of the inguinal ligaments
Location of the superficial ring
Defect in the external oblique aponeurosis
Lies superolateral to the pubic tubercle
Location of the deep ring
Superior to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament