4 integrated processes in respiration
ventiliation: exchange of air between atmosphere & lungs
exchange of oxygen and CO2 between lungs&blood
transport of oxygen and CO2 in the blood
exchange of gases between blood and cells
ficks law of diffusion
(concentration difference x surface area x T)/ square root of molecular weight x distance
usually very large but thin
breathe through entire surface area of the body
unicellular, sponges, flat worms
breath through entire skin surface
earth worms, subset amphibians
skin must be moist
respiration in aquatic animals
gills surface area larger than total body surface
Tracheal system
air is delivered directly to the body cells
must be integrated with the circulatory system to move gases to and from the cell and tissues
prevent lung collapse
increased pulmonary compliance
secreted by alveolar cells
fused basement membranes
membranes of alveolar cells and capillaries are fused
permitting rapid gas exchange
Fe bonds with Oxygen
oxygen binds with Cu
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift to right
more O2 is released per given PO2
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift to left
less O2 is released per give PO2
elastic fibers
allow elastic recoil of the lungs
positive pressure breathing
frogs. use boyles law to fill oral cavity with air and use teh moving up of the bottom of the oral cavity to push air to lungs