Respiratory Flashcards
Ribs 1-4
Upper lobe
Ribs 5-9
Lower lobe
Vesicular sounds
Soft, blowing, rustling
Heard over most of lung field
Longer inspiration to expiration 3:1
Normal tracheal
Heard over anterior 1-2 intercostal spaces
Intermediate between bronchial and vesicular
Louder and higher pitched than vesicular
Bronchial sounds
Heard over tracheobronchial tree
Quieter and more hollow than tracheal
Can be heard over other regions if- pneumonia, tumour, pneumothorax
Resp exam
Sit at 45
Check pulse
Normal resp- 12-18
Feel carotid
Trachea deviation? Away= pneumothorax, pleural effusion. Towards= pneumonectomy (removed)
Breathing pattern- hand son chest, deep breath, distance between thumbs should inc by 5cm and symmetrical
Chest percussion- resonant is good
Chest auscultations
Palapte glands in neck
Importance of knowing breath sounds
Need to differentiate and be able to tell difference between diff sounds in diff anatomical locations to identify sounds are normal