PNS Flashcards
Testing gait
Tandem- tight rope
Testing coordination
Finger to nose
Romberg’s sign/pronator drift- feet together, arms in front. Close eyes for 30s, looking for wobbling and pronation of hands
Heel/shin test- second stage, rub heel on shin
Dysdiadochokinesis- clap whilst turning hand. Diadochokinetic- ability to turn hand
- Waddling- developmental dysplasia
- Spastic- cerebral palsy, MS
- Shuffling- PD
- Steppage- spinal injury, PD, MS
- Scissor- MS, cerebral palsy
Assessing tone
- Wrist- flex/ext
- Elbow- flex/ext
- Shoulder- abd/add
- Hips- roll
- Knee- flexion
Rhythmic oscillating stretch reflex, related to upper motor neuron lesion, dorsi foot quickly to elicit a response
Myotome grades
- No visible contraction- 0
- Flicker but no movement- 1
- Jt movement when gravity eliminated- 2
- Movement against gravity- 3
- Movement against resistance but weaker than normal- 4
- Normal power- 5
Upper myotome tests
- C1- pressure to forehead, pushing forward
- C2- against back of head, trying to push backward
- C3- unilateral SB- resist
- C4- trap shrug
- C5- bring arms out and push down
- C6- elbow extension
C7- elbow flexion - C8- thumb ext
- T1- finger add/abdthumb ext
Lower myotomes
L2- knee to hand- flex
L3- knee under leg, trying to get them to extend
L4- dorsi flex and invert, resisting pulling foot back to normal
L5- bring toes up- trying to pull hallux down
S1- plantar flex
S2- heel to bum
Deep tendon reflex grading
- Absent- 0
- Hyporeflexia- 1
- Normal- 2
- Hyperreflexia- 3
- Brisk/clonus- 4
Upper reflexes
C5- find bicep tendon (resist bicep curl), place thumb over, hit. +ve- flinch of wrist
C6- supinator
C7- triceps- hang arm, tap over tendon
Lower reflexes
L4- hit patella tendon (can be seated, or resting leg on your leg whilst prone)
S1- Achilles, PF (bring leg into FADIR ish shape, dorsiflex foot)
Carve medial foot, apply reasonable pressure
- Ability to recognise touch- dorsal column
- Sense P- spinal thalamic- feel it? differentiate it?
- Close eyes
- Follow dermatome map
Dorsal- cotton wool- touch
Spinothalamic- pain- soft/sharp
Vibration and Jt position sense- dorsal column
- Hallux
- Medial malleoli
- Tibial tuberosity
- Patella
- Thumb/index IP
- Radial styloid
- Olecranon
- Acromion
- Diabetics lack sensation as it affects the dorsal column
- Close eyes
- Dorsi or plantar flex hallux, ask Px which movement is being performed
Meningeal irritation test
- Triad- fever, rigidity, headaches
- L’Hermittes- flex head whilst supine
- Brudzinski’s sign- hips will flex whilst head is flexed (+ve)
- Kernig’s- flex knee + hip to 90, straighten, +ve spinal P
Loss of taste