Respiratory Flashcards
49 CFR 391.41 b 5
Physical qualifications respiratory
49 CFR 391. 43 f
Lung medical exam
Lung examination
And normal chest wall expansion Respiratory rate Breath sounds -wheezing alveolar takes Impaired respiratory function Dyspnea Cyanosis
Indications for pulmonary function testing
Lung disease
Symptoms - sob, cough, chest tightness, wheezing
Smoking over the age of 35
Chronic respiratory failure
PFT Includes the following:
Forced expiratory volume in first second of expiration FEV1
Forced viral capacity FVC
FEV1/FVC Ratio
Indications for ABG
Airway obstruction PFT FEV1 <65% predicted FEV1/FVC Ratio less than 65% FVC <60% indicating restrictive Pulse ox <92%
Don’t certify with ABG results
<65 mm hg altitudes below 5,000 ft
<60 mm hg altitudes above 5,000 ft
PaCO2 >45 at all altitudes
Chest X-ray indications
Annual monitoring mitral stenosis Respiratory abnormalities Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Positive PPD test Spontaneous pneumothorax
Sleep apnea screening
Objective tests for sleep apnea
Napping tests
Maintenance of wakefulness test
Multiple sleep latency test
Supplemental oxygen
Do not certify these respiratory conditions
Hypoxemia at rest
Untreated symptomatic obstructive sleep apnea
Primary idiopathic alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
Idiopathic central nervous system hypersomnolence
Restless leg syndrome with excessive daytime somnolence
Sleep study indicated with following criteria 2 out of 3
BMI > 35
Neck size >17 in men / 16 in women
New/uncontrolled HTN
Sleep hx suggests sleep apnea
Epworth >10
Previously diagnosed
Previous sleep study >5 but less than 30
Apnea definition
Airflow ceases more than 10 seconds
Hyponea definition
Airflow decreases for >10 sec
Mild sleep apnea
5+ episode/hr
Moderate sleep apnea
15+ episode/hr
Severe sleep apnea
30+ episode/hr
Obstructive sleep apnea
> 30 episode/hr
True or false: you can certify a driver for untreated or suspected sleep apnea
Sleep disorders waiting/certification
Waiting 1 month
Minimum 3 month symptom free after surgery
Max 1 year certification
COPD waiting/maximum
Waiting - no recommendations
Max cert 2 years
Has to be stable
Waiting period - no recommendations
Certify- asymptomatic, confirmed resolution, meets pulmonary standards
Max 2 years
Asthma waiting certification
Waiting none
Max certification 2 years