Respiratory Flashcards
What are the DDx of acute stridor?
Infective: croup, acute epiglottitis, tracheitis, retropharyngeal abscess, (LN (TB or EBV), measles, diphtheria)
Non-infective: FB, allergy, smoke inhalation, (hypoCa, trauma to throat, vasculitis, thyroiditis)
What to do first with a child presenting with SOB?
Assess child: need for resuscitation, reduced LOC, cyanosis, respiratory distress
Hx from parents: inspiratory or expiratory, recent coryzal sypmtoms
How to diagnose acute epiglottitis?
Clinical dx
- Hyperacute onset
- High fever, toxic looking
- Painful throat: drooling, tripod position, x speak in full sentences
- Soft inspiratory stridor, minimal/no cough
How to manage acute epiglottitis?
- Urgent admission, x do anything except pulse oximetry
- ABC: intubation under GA, O2, IVF
IV cefuroxime x 3-5d
Ix: CBC, LRFT, blood culture & sensitivity, ABG
Monitor vitals, SpO2, urine output
PPx: rifampicin for close contacts, Hib vaccine
What is the cause of acute epiglottitis?
Hib, (staph, strep)
How to diagnose croup?
Triad of stridor, hoarseness of voice, barking cough
Subacute onset
Lower fever, less toxic looking, preceding coryzal symptoms
How to differentiate croup and epiglottitis by imaging?
Croup: frontal XR -> steeple sx
Epiglottitis: lateral XR -> thumbprint sx
How to manage croup?
Ix: CBC, LRFT, NPA for PCR, immunofluorescence
Corticosteroids (oral prednisolone or IV/IM dexamethasone)
Severe: nebulized EP w/ O2 by facemask
What are the DDx of chronic stridor?
Structural problems e.g. laryngeal cleft, hemangioma
How to Ix chronic stridor?
USG throat
CT/MRI thorax
How to manage laryngomalacia?
Mild to moderate: monitor wt gain (high calorie formula), tx reflux (acid suppression, swallowing therapy)
Severe: refer, tracheostomy, surgery (remove redundant supraglottic tissue)
How to monitor laryngomalacia?
FTT b/c feeding difficulties & GERD
- Clinical: ht & wt
- Biochemical: electrolyte disturbance
Tell me more about hemophilus influenzae
GN coccobacilli
6 encapsulated types: A-F
Causes epiglottitis, OM, pneumonia, sinusitis
Vaccine is available but x universal -> useful for preventing second episode
What are the DDx of pleural effusion?
Transudative (low pr): heart (HF), liver (cirrhosis, hypoalbuminemia), renal (nephrotic, PD)
Exudative (high pr): mal, inf (TB, pneumonia), trauma, respi (pulmonary infarct, PE)
How to Ix pleural effusion?
Pleural fluid aspiration, culture, cytology
What is Light’s criteria?
Differentiate transudative & exudative pleural effusion
- pleural to serum LDH >0.6
- pleural to serum pr >0.5
- pleural LDH: >2/3 ULN of serum
How to manage pleural effusion?
Stabilize vitals, correct electrolyte disturbance
Therapeutic chest aspiration
Empirical ABX
How to interpret culture results of pleural aspiration?
Positive: 35% prevalence in children
Negative: TB (difficult to grow), non-inf (AI, mal)
What are the DDx of wheeze?
Respi: asthma, bronchiolitis, FB, aspiration, pneumonia
What are the DDx of prolonged cough?
Dry cough: asthma, GERD, HF, post nasal drip, post viral cough, habit cough
Wet cough: recurrent inf, post specific respi inf (pertussis, RSV, mycoplasma), bronchiectasis, TB, FB, immunodeficiency
What is the cause of croup!