Respiratory Flashcards
The regions of the neck can be split into three layers. From anterior to posterior what are these layers and what do they contain?
- endocrine layer
thryoid and the parathyroid glands
- respiratory layer
trachea and the larynx
- alminetary layer
pharynx and the oesophagus
- What vertebral level does it sit at?
- What is its primary function?
- C3 - C6
- voice production
- maintaining a patent airway
- connecting the pharynx and trachea
What are the names of the three unpaired cartilages that form the basis of the larynx ?
- cricothyroid
- thyroid
- epiglottis
What are the names of the three paried cartilages that form the basis of the larynx?
- cuneiform
- arytenoid
- corniculate
What is the vertebral level of the thyroid cartilage?
What structures form the criothyroid joint?
What is the significance of this joint?
- The infrerior notch of the thryoid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage form the joint
- it enables the gliding and rotation of the thyroid cartilage which allows the vocal folds to be stretched/compressed allowing chnages in pitch
What structures form the criothyroid joint?
What is the significance of this joint?
- The infrerior notch of the thryoid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage form the joint
- it enables the gliding and rotation of the thyroid cartilage which allows the vocal folds to be stretched/compressed allowing chnages in pitch
What is the only cartilage that is a full circle in the larynx called?
cricoid cartilage
CR of the vertebral level of the cricoid cartilage:
- What vertebral level?
- What artery can be crompressed at this level?
- What three other things occur at this level?
- C6
- carotid artery
- larynx and the trachea join
- pharynx and the oespohagus join
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve enters the larynx
What cartilage is found attached to the superior aspect of the arytenoid cartilage?
Corniculate cartilage
What two muscles are attached to the arytenoid cartilage?
Posterior cricoarytenoid and the Lateral circoarytenoid
Posteriorly the arytenoid carilages attach to the circoid cartilage. This forms the circoarytenoid joint. What movements of the vocal cords does this joint allow?
- slide towards and away from eachother
- tilt anteriorly and posteriorly
- rotate
What is the opening between the vocal cords called?
Rima Glottidis
What are the two mucles that make up the vocal fold?
- vocalis muscle
- thyroarytenoid muscle
Why are the vestibular folds named the ‘false vocal chords’ ?
They play a protective role and have nothing to do with phonation