respiration (energy systems in and between organisms) Flashcards
where in the cell does glycolysis happen?
in the cytoplasm
how does glucose turn into glucose phosphate in glycolysis
2 ATP molecules are broken down into ADP + Pi so glucose is phosphorylated by the 2 Pi
what happens to the phosphates in pyruvate?
they go back to ADP to form 2 molecules of ATP
what is the main product of the link reaction
acetyl coA
how does NAD turn into reduced NAD and where does it get its hydrogens from?
pyruvate gives up 2 hydrogens to reduce 2 NADs
why does the link reaction require oxygen
one carbon from the pyruvate combines with oxygen to form CO2
What are all of the products of the link reaction and where do they go?
2 acetyl CoA go to the krebs cycle
carbon dioxide is released as a waste product
reduced NAD goes to oxidative phosphorylation
how many times does the krebs cycle happen
where does the krebs cycle occur
in the matrix
what is step 1 of the krebs cycle
acetyl CoA (2C) combines with oxaloacetate (4C) to make citrate (6C). coenzyme A goes back to the link reaction to be used again
what is step 2 of the krebs cycle
the 6C citrate is converted into a 5C compound because it is decarboxylated. dehydrogenation also occurs to produce reduced NAD
what is step 3 of the krebs cycle
regeneration of oxaloacetate 5C molecules is converted into a 4C molecule (carbon removed as CO2)
decarboxylation and dehydrogenation occur and produce 1 reduced FAD and 2 reduced NAD
how many molecules of ATP are produced altogether in aerobic respiration and in each step?
38 altogether
glycolysis 2
link reaction 0
krebs cycle 2
oxidative phosphorylation 34
name the 4 main stages in aerobic respiration and where they occur
glycolysis - cytoplasm
link reaction - matrix
krebs cycle - matrix
oxidative phosphorylation - via electron transfer chain: membrane of cristae
outline the stages of glycolysis
- glycolysis is phosphorylated to glucose phosphate by 2x ATP
- glucose phosphate splits into 2x triose phosphate
- 2x TP is oxidised to 2x pyruvate
Net gain of 2x reduced NAD and 2x ATP