Cells Flashcards
Define the terms eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.
Eukaryotic: DNA is contained in a nucleus, contains membrane bound specialised organelles
Prokaryotic: DNA is free in the cytoplasm, no organelles
State the relationship between a system and specialised cells.
specialised cells -> tissues that perform a specific function -> organs made of several tissue types -> organ system
Describe the structure and function of the cell-surface membrane
‘fluid mosaic’ phospholipid bilayer.
Isolates cytoplasm from extracellular environment.
Selectively permeable to control substances transported.
Involved in cell recognition/cell signaling
Explain the role of cholesterol in the cell-surface membrane
connects phospholipid and reduces fluidity.
Explain the role of glycoproteins in the cell-surface membrane.
Cell signalling, cell recognition (antigens) and cell binding
Explain the role of glycolipids in the cell-surface membrane.
Cell signalling and cell recognition
Describe the structure of the nucleus
•Surrounded by nucleur envelope (a semi permeable double membrane)
•Nuclear pores allow substances to exit/enter
•Dense nucleolus made of RNA and proteins assembles ribosomes
Describe the function of the nucleus
•Contains DNA which is coiled around the chromatin into chromosomes
•Controls cellular processes: gene expression (determines specialisation), site of mRNA transcription, mitosis, semi conservative replication.
Describe the structure of the mitrochondrion
•Surrounded by double membrane folded inner membrane to form cristae (site of electron transport chain)
•fluid matrix (contains chromosomal DNA, respiratory enzymes, lipids and proteins)
Describe the structure of chloroplasts
•Vesicular plastid with double membrane
•Thylakoids (flattened disks that stack to form grana (contains photostems with chlorophyll))
•Intergranal lamellae (tubes that attach thylakoids in adjacent grana)
•Stroma: liquid filled matrix
State the function of mitochondria.
Site of areobic respiration to form ATP
State the function of the chloroplast
site of photosynthesis
Describe the structure of golgi apparatus
Planar stack of membrane-bound, flattened sacs.
Molecules processed in cisternae.
Vesicles bud off trans face via exocytosis
State the functions of the golgi apparatus
•modifies and packages proteins for export
•synthesises glycoproteins
Describe the structure of lysosomes
Sac surrounded by a single membrane embedded H+ pump to maintain acidic conditions.
Contains digestive hydrolase enzymes.
Has a glycoprotein coat to protect cell interior.
State the functions of lysosomes
Digests contents of phagosomes.
Exocytosis of digestive enzymes.
What is exocytosis?
Where cells move materials from within the cell to the extracellular fluid.
Describe the function and structure of ribosomes
Formed with protein and rRNA.
Free in the cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Is the site of protein synthesis via translation:
•large subunit: joins amino acids
•small subunit: contains mRNA binding site
Describe the structure and function of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Has cisternae (network of tubules and flattened sacs extended from cell membrane through cytoplasm and connects to nuclear envelope)
Rough ER = many ribosomes attached for proteinsynthesis and transport.
Smooth ER = lipid synthesis
Describe the structure of the cell wall in bacteria cells
Made of polysaccharide murein
Describe the structure of the cell wall in plant cells
Made of cellulose microfibrils.
Plasmodesmata that allow molecules to pass between cells.
Middle lamella acts like a boundary between adjacent cell walls.
Describe the function of the cell wall
•Provides mechanical strength and support.
•Acts as a physical barrier against pathogens
•Part of the apoplast pathway in plants to allow easy diffusion of water
Describe the structure of the vacuole
Surrounded by a single membrane.
Contains cell sap, mineral ions, water, enzymes and soluble pigments.
Describe the function of the vacuole.
•Controls tugor pressure
•Absorbs and hydrolyses potentially harmful substances to detoxify cytoplasm.
Explain some common cell adaptations
•Folded membrane/ microvilli increase the surface area for better diffusion.
•Some cells have many mitochondria to make large amounts of ATP for active transport.
•Some cells have walls that are one cell thick to reduce the distance of the diffusion pathway.
State the role of plasmids in prokaryotes
Small ring of DNA that carries non-essential genes.
Can be exchanged between baceterial cells via conjunction.
State the role of flagella in prokaryotes
helps it move around
State 4 roles of the capsule in prokaryotes
•Prevents dessication
•Acts as a food reserve
•Provides mechanical protection against phagocytosis & external chemicals
•Sticks cells together
Contrast eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cells are small and always unicellular whereas eukaryotic cells are larger cells that are often multicellular.
Prokaryotic cells have smaller ribosomes but eukaryotic cells have larger ribosomes.
Describe the structure of a viral particle
Linear genetic material (RNA or DNA) and viral enzymes.
Surrounded by a capsid
No cytoplasm
What is a capsid?
A protein coat made of capsomeres
Describe the structure of an enveloped virus
Simple virus surrounded by matrix protein.
Matrix protein surrounded by envelope derived from cell membrane and host cell.
Attachment proteins on surface
State the role of the capsid on viral particles
•Protect nucleic acid from degradation
•Surface sites enable virus particles to bind and enter host cells to inject their genetic material
State the role of attachment proteins on viral particles
Enable viral particles to bind to complementary sites on the host cell
Describe how optical (light) microscopes work
- lenses focus rays of light and magnify the view of a thin slice of a specimen.
- Different structures absorb different wavelengths of light.
- Reflected light is transmitted to the observer via the objective lens and eyepiece.
Suggest advantages and limitations of using a light microscope
+can show living organisms
+colour image
-2D image
-lower resolution than electron microscopes
Explain how a transmission electron microscope (TEM) works
- Pass a high energy beam of electrons through a thin slice of specimen.
- More dense structures appear darker since they absorb more electrons.
- Focus image onto fluorescent screen or photographic plate using magnetic lenses
Suggest the advantages and limitations of using a TEM
+electrons have shorter wavelength than light = higher resolution
+higher magnification
-Requires a vacuum
-Heavy and expensive
-No colour image
Describe how a scanning electron microscope (SEM) works
- Focus a beam of electrons onto a specimens surface using electromagnetic issues.
- Reflected electrons hit a collecting device and are amplified to produce an imagine on a photographic plate
Suggest the advantages and limitations of using a SEM
+3D image
+electrons have a shorter wavelength than light = higher resolution.
-Requires vacuum
-Only shows outer surface
Define magnification
Factor by which the image is larger than the actual specimen
Define resolution
Smallest seperation distance at which 2 seperate structures can be distinguished from eachother
Explain how to use the eyepiece graticule and stage micrometre to measure the size of a structure.
- Place the micrometre on the stage to calibrate eyepiece graticule.
- Line up the scales on graticule and micrometre then count how many graticule divisions are in 100um on the micrometre.
- Length of 1 divison = 100um / number of divisions.
- Use calibrated values to calculate actual length of structure
Outline what happens during ultracentrifugation
- Mince and homogenize tissue to break open cells and release organelles.
- Filter homogenate to remove debris.
- Perform differential centrifugation.
a. spin homogenate in centrifuge.
b. most dense organelles form a pellet.
c. filter off the supernatant and spin again at higher speed
State the order of sedimentation of organelles during differential centrifugation
most dense > least dense.
nucleus > mitochondria > lysosomes > rough endoplasmic reticulum > plasma membrane > smooth endoplasmic reticulum > ribosomes
Explain why fractionated cells are kept in a cold, buffered, isotonic solution
cold: slows the action of hydrolase enzymes
buffered: maintain a constant pH
isotonic: prevent shrinking of organelles
State what the cell cycle is and outline its stages
Cycle of division with immediate growth periods.
1. interphase
2. meiosis or mitosis (nuclear division)
3. cytokinesis (cytoplasmic division)
Why does the cell cycle not occur in some cells
After differentiation, some cells lose the ability to divide (neurons)
State the difference between cell divison and mitosis
Cell cycle includes growth period between division.
Mitosis is only 10% of the cell cycle and only refers to nuclear division