Respiration Flashcards
sources of energy for muscle contraction
- ATP-phosphocreatine system
- glycolysis
- oxidative phosphorylation
fick’s law
J = -D (delta C/ delta x)
diffusion is poor over long distances
muscles of inspiration
external intercostals during exercise
sternocleidomastoids and scalenes forced inspiration
muscles of expiration
passive unless forced expiration
internal intercostals and abdominal muscles
type 1 alveolar cells
- thin, squashed
- gas can easily diffuse
type 2 alveolar cells
- smaller, thicker
- synthesize and secrete surfactant
- chronic bronchitis: inflamed airways
- emphysema: loss of elastic fibers
- smoking is major cause
branching of airways
increase # branches
increase total area
decrease air flow velocity
black lung disease
coal dust is inhaled and gets stuck in area where velocity of air flow is not strong enough to drag particles along
cystic fibrosis
- genetic disease
- poor chloride transport in epithelial cells
- lacks ability to open CFTR channel
daltons law
P total = PH2 + PO2 + PCO2 + PH2O
henrys law
C = Hcp X Pgas
How much of a gas will end up in aqueous phase
ideal gas law
P is inversely proportional to volume
boyles law
P1V1 = P2V2
decrease in volume = increase in pressure
pulmonary circulation
low pressure and low resistance
pulmonary BP
25/20 mmHg
systemic BP
120/80 mmHg
congestive heart failure
- poor LV function
- blood pools in pulmonary circulation
- increased pulmonary pressure
- pulmonary edema
- shortness of breath and blood in phlegm
measure tidal volume
residual volume
volume of air that is not completely exhaled
expiratory reserve volume
forced air out
tidal volume
quiet, restful breathing
500 mL
inspiratory reserve volume
deepest possible breath
inspiratory capacity
Vt + IRV
vital capacity
Vt + IRV + ERV
total lung capacity
Vt + IRV + ERV + RV
functional residual capacity
diaphragm contracts and moves down
volume increases
ribs rotate up
diaphragm relaxes and moves up
volume decreases
ribs rotate down
pleural effusion
excess fluid build up in intrapleural space
causes lung to collapse
anatomic dead space
150 mL
decreases the efficiency of the lungs
total pulmonary ventilation
ventilation rate * Vt
6 L/min
alveolar ventilation
ventilation rate * ( Vt - dead space)
4.2 L/min
respiratory rate
12-20 breaths/min
normal quiet breathing
increased respiratory rate/volume in response to increased metabolism
ex) exercise
increased respiratory rate/volume without increased metabolism
ex) emotional hyperventilation, blowing up a balloon
increased PO2
decreased PCO2
decreased alveolar ventilation
ex) shallow breathing, asthma
decreased PO2
increased PCO2
rapid breathing, increase resp. rate, decreased depth
ex) panting
difficulty breathing
ex) hard exercise and various pathologies
cessation of breathing
ex) holding breath
alveolar ventilation and blood flow
decrease in PO2 constricts pulmonary arteries
increase in PCO2 bronchodilation
hypoxic hypoxia
low arterial PO2
anemic hypoxia
decreased total amount of O2 bound to hemoglobin
ischemic hypoxia
reduced blood flow
histotoxic hypoxia
failure of cells to use O2 because cells have been poisoned
ficks law
gas diffusion is proportional to SA/membrane thickness * barrier permeability * (P1-P2)
less SA available for gas exchange
fibrotic lung disease
thickened membrane slows diffusion
pulmonary edema
increase diffusion distance
increased airway resistance, small pressure gradient
arterial blood values
PO2- 95 mmHg
PCO2- 40 mmHg
venous blood vaues
PO2- 40 mmHg
PCO2- 46 mmHg
ability of lung to stretch
ability to return to normal shape
high compliance (obstructive) disorders
- emphysema
- reduced elastic tissue
- low elastance
low compliance (restrictive) disorders
- fibrotic lung disease (inelastic scar tissue)
- respiratory distress syndrome (lacks surfactant)
law of LaPlace
P = 2T/r
smaller bubble = higher pressure
reduces surface tension
lipoprotein secreted by type 2 alveolar epithelial cells
poiseuiles Law
airway diameter determines airway resistance
R = L*viscosity / r^4
ferrous state
methemoglobin, ferric state (does not bind oxygen)
fetal Hb
2 alpha and 2 gamma chains
has higher affinity for O2 than adult Hb
bohr effect
more acidic (lower pH) has lower affinity
added 2-3,DPG has lower affinity
increased temperature has lower affinity
PCO2 and Hb
increased PCO2 in tissues, lower affinity
peripheral chemoreceptors
plasma in aortic and carotid bodies
glomus cells- activated by decreased PO2 /pH or increased PCO2
central chemoreceptors
respond to CO2 in CSF on ventral surface of medulla
- alter H+
- protons can’t cross blood brain barrier, h+ activate chemoreceptor
irritant reflex
located in bronchus
parasympathetic control
hering-breuer inflation reflex
stretch receptor in lung
limit Vt and terminate inspiration
prevent over-inflation