Respi Flashcards
Pathophysiology of hemo/pneumothorax
Blood or air has accumulated in the _____ space.
What has happened to the lung?
Signs and symptoms of hemothorax/pneumothorax?
Discc L
Diminished breath sounds on affected side Increased HR SOB Cough Chest pain
Less movement on affected side
What will show up on the xray of hemo or pneumo thorax?
Air for pneumo
Blood for hemo
Subcutaneous emphysema is
Air trapped in the tissue usually in the neck face and chest
Treatment for pneumothorax and hemothorax
Chest tube
Daily chest x-ray
Tension pneumothorax
Causes TTTIC Trauma Too much Taping Insertion of Clamping
Trauma Too much PEEP Taping open pneumothorax on 4 sides w/o air valve Insertion of central venous line Clamping chest tube
Pressure built up in chest/pleural space and lungs will collapse. Which then the pressure pushes everything to the opposit side called mediastinal shift
S/S of tension pneumothorax
DA CARS Distend Assymetry Cya Absence Respi Subcutaneous
Distended neck veins Absence of breath sounds on one side Cyanosis Asymmetry of thorax Respiratory distress Subcutaneous emphysema
Tension pneumothorax can be fatal because
The pressure compresses vessels which decreases venous return thus decreases cardiac output
Treatment for tension pneumothorax
Large bore inserted by primary health care provider at 2nd intercostal space to allow air to escape
Treat the cause
Open pneumothorax
Opening through chest to allow air into pleural space. Also known as sucking chest wound.
Valsalva and hummm- increases thoracic pressure outside air cant get inside
Tape petroleum gauze on 3 sides 4th side acts like an airvent
Sit up to expand lungs. But Trauma clients stay flat for it to be evaluated for other injuries
To remove fluid or air from pleural space
Lung fluids are analyzed
Normally we have 20 ml of fluid in pleural space
Pre procedure of thoracentesis
Check Stop V/S Position: Sit Cant Sit
Check signed consent
Stop anticoagulant meds
Baseline V/S
Chest xray to assist surgeon in inserting needle
Sit on Edge of bed with feet supported and lean over bedside table (nurse is in front of client to prevent table from moving)
If cant sit up. Lie down on UNAFFECTED SIDE with HOB elevated to 45 degrees
During thoracentesis
Client must be very still, no coughing or deep breaths
As fluid is removed lung is expanding
Check V/S and compare to baseline and pain level
Post thoracentesis
Another chest xray to see if lungs re expand
Assess lungs for absent or reduced breath sounds on affected side
Check puncture site for bleeding
Monitor for complications such as infection, tension pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema
Turn cough and Deep breathe
Chest tube is needed because
Placement of chest tube
Can both be placed?
Other placement
Collapsed lung
Upper anterior chest or 2nd intercostal space for air
Laterally in lower chest or 8th or 9th intercostal space for fluid/drainage
Air rises and fluid or drainage settles. Chest tube is sutured to chest wall with an AIR TIGHT DRESSING.
Yes. With y connected and attached to closed CDU( chest drainage unit )
Mid axillary one tube for air while other for drainage. Anterior chest tube is not usually used because it requires prolonged healing
CDU means
Purpose of CDU
3 chambers of CDU
Chest drainage unit
Restore normal vacuum in pleural space by removing air and fluid in a one way system.
Drainage collection chamber
Water seal chamber
Suction control chamber
Drainage chamber
First chamber
The drainage is connected by a 6 foot tube to allow patient to move and turn around.
And if the chamber fills up, get another CDU but make sure to get one before it fills up. It usually holds 2000 mL of of fluid so it rarely gets full.