FnE Flashcards
Heart failure
Renal failure
3 things with alot of sodium
Too much fluid in vascular space
Heart is weak-C.O. goes down-Kidney perfusion goes down-UO goes down
Kidneys are not working
Ivf with sodium
Effervescent soluble meds
Canned/processed foods
Its found in?
Normal function is
Diseases with too much:
Diseases with too little:
Adrenal glands, on top of kidney
When blood volume goes down, aldosterone is secreted ehich retains sodium and water and excretes potassium
Too much ADH
Not enough ADH
Found in the
Drug ADH replacement
Antidiuretic hormone. Makes you retain just water
SIADH. Too many letters too much water
Usg is concentrated
Blood is diluted
DI or diabetes insipidus. When you see DI think diuresis
Usg is dilute
Blood is concentrated
Vasopressin(Pitressin) and Desmopressin acetate
More volume means
Less volume means
Concentrated makes #s
Dilute makes #s
More pressure
Less pressure
Go UP (for USG, HGb, and Na)
Go Down (for USG, HGB, and Na)
Bed rest induces
Diuresis by releasing ANP( which is the opposite of aldactone) and decrease production of ADH
Loss of fluid from
Diseases with polyuria
S/S Weak Pulse RR BP Cold and clammy
Fluid volume deficit
Anywhere. Examples are thoracentesis, paracentesis, vomiting and hemorrhage
Spacing( when fluid is in a place that does you no good). Like burns and ascites
Like DM. Polyuria: think shock first
Weak and thready
Increase because heart is trying to compensate by pumping
Increases because body perceives it as a hypoxia
Bp will go down. Remember less volume less pressure
Diverting the fluid by vasoconstriction to vital organs
Isotonic solution
Uses on clients that lost fluids through
Dont use with clients with
Goes into vascular space and stays there
N/V, burns, sweating and trauma
HPN,renal disease,cardiac disease
Hypotonic solution
They rehydrate but
Uses with clients who has
Could lead to FVD
The fluid shifts out of vascular space and makes the cells swell
They rehydrate but does not cause hypertension
HPN, cardiace diseases, renal problems and needs fluid replacement
Because fluid moves out and causes cellular edema and decreased blood pressure
Hypertonic solutions
Uses are those clients with severe
Could cause fluid volume
Packed with particles and they attract fluid into the vascular space and causes cells to shrink
Hyponatremia, burns or ascites
Excess due to fluid shifting towards the vascular space
Joint commission top 5 high alert meds
Double check with
Insulin IV anticoagulants Injectable potassium chloride Opiates and Narcotics Sodium chloride solns above 0.9 percent
Must be double check with a 2nd licensed Nurse
Magnesium and calcium is excreted by
Calcium and phosphorus has an
Magnesium and calcium think
They act like
The kidneys but can be lost in other ways like the GI
Inverse relationship
Renal failure
Flushing and
Magnesium causes vaso
Treatment: Ventilator Dialysis Calcium Gluconate -it is administered
The kidneys cannot excrete the excess magnesium
Some Antacids contain alot of magnesium
Flushing and warmth
Causes vasodilation
Ventilator if RR is less than 12
Dialysis to remove excess magnesium not excreted by the kidneys
This is the ANTIDOTE for magnesium toxicity. Reverses the arrhythmias and RR. It is administered IVP very slowly at a max rate of 1.5-2ml/min
Bones are
Kidney stones
Treatment: Move and Hydrate Diet Steroids Other meds like: Biphospates Calcitonin
There is too much PTH(parathormone) which responds when serum calcium gets low it pulls the calcium from the bone into the blood
Diuretics, specifically THIAZIDES,they retain calcium
Must bear weight to keep calcium in the bone. Calcium goes to blood if you are immobile
Brittle due to not enough calcium in the bones they are in the blood
Kidney stones that are made up of calcium
Move and bear weight
Increase fluids prevent kidney stones
Increase in phosphorus because they have an inverse relationship. Anything with protein has phosphorus
Steroids decreases calcium
Biphosphates is a form of phosphorus
Calcitonin pushes calcium back into the bone
Signs and symptoms that are common in clients with Hypermagnesemia and Hypercalcemia
DTRS Muscle tone Arrhythmias LOC Pules and RR
Because they are
goes down Weak and flaccid Yes Decreased Decreased
SEDATED. Remember magnesium and calcium acts like a sedative.
Causes: Diarrhea Alcoholism -ADH -vomit
Act like
Give Mg
Check kidney function
Seizure precautions
What do you do if client starts flushing and sweating when you start IV Mg?
Magnesium can be excreted through the GI. There are alot of magnesium in the GI
Alcoholics are not eating well and they vomit which includes magnesium and also alcohol suppresses ADH that is why you diurese
Of course give magnesium
Kidney function must always be assessed to before and after giving magnesium
They act like sedatives so if they dont have enough magnesium their muscles are hyperactive
STOP the infusion