Resp. of Food Service Personnel Flashcards
What is the responsibility of the Food Service Establishment Manager
- Shall be the PIC (person in-charge) or designate a PIC
- Ensure there is always a PIC present in the establishment during hours of operation
What is
NAVMED P-5010 chapter 1
Tri-Service Food Code
What is the knowledge demonstration requirement for the Food service manager
To demonstrate Regulatory Authority knowledge of foodborne disease, prevention, application of the Hazard Analysis Control Point (HACCP), and the REQ of the Tri-Service food code.
- No multi violations of critical items during current inspection
- Being a CERT Food Manager
- Maintain Food Protection CERT
Who is supposed to require food employees to report information about their health and activities related to diseases transmittable through food?
What are the reportable symptoms for Food Employees and what info should it include?
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Jaundice
- Sore Throat w/ Fever
- Lesion containing pus or infected wound that is open or draining on hands, wrists, arms, other parts of body.
- Must include date of onset of symptoms/illness, or Dx w/o symptoms.*
PIC exclusion or restriction parameters
Vomiting or Diarrhea
- Exclude
- Symptomatic with V/D
- V/D diagnosed with Norovirus, Shigella ssp, or EHEC or STEC
PIC exclusion or restriction parameters
Jaundiced or Dx with Hep A
- Onset of Jaundice within 7 Days, unless medical r/o Hep A
- Dx w/ Hep A within 14 Days of onset of jaundice or asymptomatic
Hep A or Jaundice DX and exposure removal of exclusion
- Approval by Regulatory Authority, and one following
- Jaundice free for at least 7 days
- Anicteric w/ symptoms other than jaundice for 14 days
- Provides Med documentation proving is free of HEP A
- If Exposed
- more than 30 calendar days of potential exposure and household contact became jaundiced.
- If immune to hep a because of vaccine or IgG administration
PIC exclusion or restriction parameters
Salmonella Typhi
- Dx w/ S Typhi or reports of infection within last 3 months
Salmonella Typhi Dx Reinstatement
- Approval from Regulated med authority
- Employee has 3 consecutive stool cultures that are NEG
- not earlier than 1 month of onset
- 48 hours after d/c of antibiotics
- 24 hours apart
- If one cult is POS repeat q1 month until NEG is obtained
PIC removal, adjustment or retaining exclusion/restriction
- NOT Salmonella and HEP A Dx
- PIC is provided MED documentation stating symptoms are from noninfectious condition and/or is cleared to handle food
PIC exclusion or restriction
Norovirus, Shigella, EHEC/STEC, and sore throat with fever
- Exclude if serving HSP
- Restrict if not serving HSP
Shigella Dx exclusion adjustment/retain
- Adjust exclusion if now asymptomatic for at least 24H if not serving HSP
- Retain exclusion if asymptomatic for at least 24H and IS serving HSP
Norovirus Dx and exposure Reinstatement
Reinstate if PIC obtains approval from REG AUTH and one of the following
-med documentation stating employee is free of infection
-V/D has resolved and has been symptom free for 48 hours
-48 hours post Dx and was asymptomatic
If exposed
-reinstate if 48 hours post exposure and HH contact became asymptomatic
PIC Restriction or Exclusion
Uncovered infected wound or pustular boil
PIC Restriction or Exclusion
Exposure to Food Borne Pathogen
Restrict if serving HSP
EHEC or STEC Dx Adjustment of Exclusion
- Adjust exclusion if now asymptomatic for at least 24H if not serving HSP
- Retain exclusion if asymptomatic for at least 24H and IS serving HSP
Who can AUTH exclusion removal for host country or third country nationals supporting military operations in deployment
Task Force Medical Surgeon
Shigella spp removal of exclusion or restriction
- Provided MED documentation states is free of a Shigella infection based on 2 consecutive negative stool cultures.
- not earlier than 48h after D/c of antibiotics
- at least 24 hours apart
- At least 7 days since becoming asymptomatic or Dx
EHEC or STEC dx removing exclusion or restriction
- Provided MED documentation states is free of EHEC or STEC infection based on 2 consecutive negative stool cultures.
- not earlier than 48h after D/c of antibiotics
- at least 24 hours apart
- At least 7 days since becoming asymptomatic or Dx
Sore Throat w/ Fever Removing exclusion or restriction
- Remove if MED documentation states one of following
- has recieved antibiotic therapy for STREP for more than 24h
- NEG throat culture for STREP
- determined by health practitioner to be free of STREP
Uncovered infected wound or pustular boil
removal of exclusion or restriction
- Impermeable cover such as a finger cot/stall and single use glove if on hand, finger or wrist
- impermeable cover if on arm
- dry durable tight fitting bandage on any other part of body
EXPOSURE removal of restriction
Shigella, EHEC or STEC
-reinstate if 3 days post exposure and HH contact became asymptomatic
EXPOSURE removal of restriction
Salmonella Typhi
-reinstate if 14 days post exposure and HH contact became asymptomatic
EXPOSURE removal of restriction
- Immune to HEP A because of vaccination or IgG administration
- 30 days post exposure and HH contact became jaundiced
- does not use alt procedure allowing bare hand contact with RTE food until 30 days after potential exposure
Food employees who have potential exposure to HEP A will receive what additional training in order to be reinstated?
- HEP A symptoms and transmission
- Proper handwashing procedures
- protecting RTE food from contamination by bare hand contact
How long must food service employees wash their hands
20 Seconds
-to include briskly rubbing hands for 15 seconds
Hand antiseptics must be……
-FDA Approved
Alcohol based Hand sanitizers must contain how much ethyl alcohol
Minimum of 60%
Hand antiseptics used as a hand dip must be cleaned with
100mg per liter of chlorine
What the only approved jewelry for food employees on arms and hands?
wedding band
What are the practices for recipe testing
- use clean sanitized utensil or single serve disposable utensil
- shall be tasted away from the food in a mater as to prevent contamination
- utensil can only be used once
what are the CDC five foodborne illness risk factors
- Food from unsafe sources
- Inadequate cooking
- Improper holding/time-temp
- Contaminated equip/cross contamination protection
- Poor personal hygiene (#1)
When must food employees receive food sanitation training and how long is it?
- within 30 days of beginning food svc duties
- annually (can be executed incrementally though year)
- 4 hours
What instructions direct Food Manager CERT training?
MCO 4061.1
How long is the food svc manager training good for
5 years unless specific CFP/ANSI exam requires shorter interval
TEMP food employees working for less than 30 days receive training when and how long is the training?
Prior to beginning duties
2 hours
Non-food employees/supervisors designated to supervise food svc operations should receive a minimum of what training
(drill sergeant, cadre, platoon sergeant)
4 Hours of training in food safety, proper food handling, equip and gen sanitation, and basic vegetable handling
Food Employee training documentation should be maintained where?
At food establishment or each establishment employee works at
-must be available upon request by the regulatory authority