Resp-Lungs and Pleura Flashcards
What is the function of the conducting zone?
To filter, warm & moisten air prior to reaching the respiratory portion
The conducting zone comprises of the nasal cavities, ________, larynx, trachea, bronchi, ________, ________ & respiratory bronchioles
The conducting zone comprises of the nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles & respiratory bronchioles
The respiratory zone comprises of the ________, ________, alveolar sacs & alveoli
The respiratory zone comprises of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs & alveoli
Which embryonic layer is the pleura derived from?
What are the names of the 2 pleural recesses?
Costo-diaphragmatic recess
Costo-mediastinal recess
[Pleural Reflection]The cervical pleura on both sides extend into the root of the neck ____ above the ________.When you trace downwards, they meet each other behind the ________ at the ________ and continue to lie until the ________.
The cervical pleura on both sides extend into the root of the neck 2cm above the clavicle.When you trace downwards, they meet each other behind the sternal angle at the 2nd costal cartilage and continue to lie until the 4th costal cartilage
[Pleural Reflection]The ____ parietal pleura diverges ____ away from the sternum at the ________
The left parietal pleura diverges 1cm away from the sternum at the 6th costal cartilage
[Pleural Reflection]The ________ parietal pleura continues to run from the 4th costal cartilage till the ____ costal cartilage
The right parietal pleura continues to run from the 4th costal cartilage till the 6th costal cartilage
[Pleural Reflection]Both parietal pleura curve laterally at the 6th costal cartilage and reach the ____ rib at the midclavicular line, the ____ rib at the midaxillary line & the ____ rib at the ________ line.
Both parietal pleura curve laterally at the 6th costal cartilage and reach the 8th rib at the midclavicular line, the 10th rib at the midaxillary line & the 12th rib at the paravertebral line.
Which lung has 3 lobes?
What is the hilum of the lung?
Area on the mediastinal surface of the lung through which structures enter or leave the lung
What are the structures in the root of the right lung?(In order moving downwards)
Bronchus pulmonary Artery pulmonary Veins x2
What are the structures in the root of the left lung?(In order moving downwards)
pulmonary Artery Bronchus pulmonary Veins x2
Which nerve passes posterior to the root of the lung?
Vagus nerve
Which nerve passes anterior to the root of the lung?
Phrenic nerve
Why are the visceral pleura & lungs insensitive to pain?
They receive visceral afferent innervation from the pulmonary plexus (autonomic)
Which spinal segments give rise to the phrenic nerve?
Which nerves innervate the parietal pleura?
Intercostal nerves (T1-11)
Phrenic nerve (C3-5)
What nerve bundle innervate the visceral pleura & lungs?
Pulmonary plexus (autonomic)
Why is pain from the parietal pleura felt over the neck & shoulders?
Neck & shoulders are supplied by C3-4 while parietal pleura supplied by phrenic nerve (C3-5)Thus, the pain pathways from both pass very close to each other at the dorsal root.
At which level does the trachea extend from?
What lies anterior to the trachea?
Left brachiocephalic vein
Brachiocephalic trunk
Left common carotid artery
Arch of aorta
What lies posterior to the trachea?
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Trachea > main bronchi > ____ bronchi > ________ bronchi > Terminal bronchioles > ________ bronchioles
Trachea > main bronchi > lobar bronchi > segmental bronchi > Terminal bronchioles > Respiratory bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles > Aveolar ducts > Alveolar sac > Alveoli
Where is the triangle of safety?
Lateral edge of pectoralis major
Base of axilla
5th ICS
Lateral edge of latissimus dorsi
Chest tube insertion to be done at the ________ border of the rib at the ____ ICS
Chest tube insertion to be done at the superior border of the rib at the 5th ICS
Which ICS corresponds to the middle lobe of the right lung?
4th ICS
What epithelium lines the mucosa of the bronchioles?
Columnar cilliated epithelium
What is the function of the C-shaped cartilage rings of the trachea?
Maintains the mechanical stability of the trachea, keeping the trachea open and preventing its collapse under the negative pressures of the respiratory cycle
What is the characteristic feature of the trachea?
C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings interconnected by fibroelastic tisue
How many bronchopulmonary segments are in each lung?
Which nerve provides parasympathetic & visceral afferent innervation to the lungs?
Vagus nerve
Which nerve provides sympathetic innervation to the lungs?
Derived from the sympathetic trunk
What is the clinical purpose of the pleural recesse?
Provides a potential space for the lungs to expand into during forced inspiration
Elevation of ribs by intercostal muscles increases both the ________ & ________ diameter of the thoracic cavity
Elevation of ribs by intercostal muscles increases both the transverse/lateral & anteroposterior diameter of the thoracic cavity
Pump-handle movement of the ribs during inspiration corresponds to an increase in which diameter?
Anteroposterior diameter of the thoracic cavity
Bucket-handle movement of the ribs during inspiration corresponds to an increase in which diameter?
Transverse/lateral diameter of the thoracic cavity
At what level does the trachea bifurcate?
Which part of the aorta are the bronchial arteries derived from?
Descending aorta
Where does the right bronchial vein drain into?
Azygous vein
Where does the left bronchial vein drain into?
Accessory hemiazygos vein
The lungs meet the midaxillary line at the ____ costal cartilage
The lungs meet the midaxillary line at the 8th costal cartilage
The lungs meet the paravertebral line at the ____ costal cartilage
The lungs meet the paravertebral line at the 10th costal cartilage
The lungs meet the midclavicular line at the ____ costal cartilage
The lungs meet the midclavicular line at the 6th costal cartilage
Do the bronchioles contain cartilage?
No. Bronchioles have more smooth muscle and no cartilage