Resp - ILD Flashcards
- Calcified Mediastinal Lymph Nodes
- Egg Shell Calcification
Amyloidosis (rare)
Metastases: papillary/medullary thyroid cancer, osteosarcoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma
egg-shell calcification**
Silicosis and coal workers pneumoconiosis
Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Deficient liver glycoprotein
CT features
CT - panacinar emphysema at bases +/- bronchiectasis
Describe LAM
Patient demographic?
CT findings
Non-smoking women childbearing age +/- history spontaneous pneumthorax
CT features
Normal lung with small cystic spaces
Chylous pleural effusion
Normal lung volumes
Histiocytosis - associated with smoking, small nodules and small cysts, pneumothorax.
Increased lung volumes
What lobe is affected in congential lobar overinflation?
Usually left upper lobe
Why? Undeveloped bronchial cartilage, and subsequent air trapping
Hyperlucency on CXR, and mediastinal shift.
What is Swyer-James Syndrome?
Normal development of infant lung impeded by bronchiolitis, with superadded infection.
Air trapping makes CXR lucent.
Unilateral Hyperlucency on CXR
Congential lobar overinflation (cartilage)
Swyer-James (infant bronchiolitis)
Large PE
Poland syndrme
Anterior junctional line
Formed by meeting of parietal and visceral pleura anteromedially
Posterior junctional line
Meeting of pleural surfaces of upper lobes behind oesophagus.
Azygo-oesophageal recess
Right lung and mediastinal reflection of azygous vein
Right paratracheal line
Right paraspinal stripe
*Right paratracheal line right wall trachea and right lung
**Right paraspinal stripe **- right lung and posterior medialstinal soft tissue
Reverse Halo Sign
Cryptogenic Organising Pneumonia (BOOP)
Peumocystis carinii pneumonia
Halo sign
Invasive aspergillosis
(Central nodule with surrounding ground glass - haemorrhage)
* Haemorrhagic mets
* Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
* Mycobacterials
* Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
What is Monrod sign
Air crescent surrounding aspergilloma
(Aspergilloma forms in immunocompetent patients with pre existing lung cavities)
Upper Zone Involvement
B - Beryllosis
R - Radiation
E - Eosinophilic granuloma (LCH) and EAA
A- Ank Spondylitis, amiodarone
S - Sarcoidosis
T - TB
S - Silicosis
Lower Zone Involvement
B - Bronchiectasis
A - Aspiration Pneumonia
D - Drugs and DIP
A - Asbestosis
S - Scleroderma (and RA)
Asbestosis features
Bilateral calcified pleural plaques
Spares CP angles
(mediastinum involvement - mesothelioma)
Unilateral pleural plaques - previous insult eg surgery, empyema.