Neuro - Vasc Flashcards
What connects superior sagittal sinus into superficial middle cerebral vein?
Labbe - transverse sinus and superfical middle cerebral
Top Trolard
Lower Labbe
Where do basal veins of rosenthal drain?
Deep veins, pass lateral to midbrain within ambient cistern draining into vein of Galen.
Vein of Galen formed by two internal cerebral veins. Drains into the staight sinus.
Nenatal Brain MRI
Is Baby brain T1 bright or T1 dark?
T1 dark
T2 bright
Immature myelin has high water content (ie T2 bright)
As it matures water descreases and fat increases (ie T1 bright(
Nb. T1 changes precede T2.
Decribe myelination pattern
Inferior to superior
Posterior to anterior
central to peripheral
Subcortical white matter last to myelinate.
What gives steer horn (coronal) or racing car (axial) ventricular appearance?
Corpus callosum agenesis
You will see asymmetric occipital horn dilatation (Colpocephaly)
Other association: Pericallosal lipoma
Callosum forms from genu to splenium (then rostrum last)
Heriation of brain tissue through cranial defect (neural tube)
Fronto ethmoidal is common
What is cause of ‘single lobed’cerebellum?
(vermis is absent)
Associated with holoprosencephaly spectrum.
Addition: Remeber normal primary fissure (dorsal) and fastigial point (v
Name the conditon:
Vermis hypoplasia
Vermis elevation and rotation
Dilated 4th Ventricle
Dandy walker malformation
(Torcula, lamboid inversion)
Most common manifestation is macrocepahly
The cerebellar volume is preserved - just displaced anterior & lateral
Normal varient - mega cisterna magna.
Least Severe : Lobar
Most Sever: Alobar
Failure of midline cleavage.
Lobar - Variable frontal horn fusion (absent septum pellucidum)
Semi - lobar : Back is cleaved, not the front. occiptal and temporal horns partially developed.
Alobar : zero midline cleavage
What causes anterior falx absence, absent septum pellucidum and anterior interhemispheric fissure. Partial thalmus fusion.
Semi-Lobar holoprosencephaly
What casues absent falx, absent corpus callosum and interhemispheric fissure?
Alobar holoprosencephaly.
What is polymicrogyria PMG
Overfolding of superficial layers of cortex. Resulting nodular bumpy cortex.
(can be caused by Zika virus)
What is split brain?
-secondary to vascular insult
closed lip (20%)
open lip (80%)
Differentiate schizencephaly and porencephalic cyst
Schizencephaly cleft is lined by gray matter
Porencephalic cyst is not
Porencephalic cyst is caused by ischaemic/traumatic event - encephalomalacia (looks developmental)
Most severe - hydraencephaly (cerebelleum, falx and midbrain remain)
meningocele - csf, meninges NO BRAIN
meningo-encephalocele - csf, meninges, brain
cystocele - csf, meninges, brain, ventricle
myelocele - spinal cord
cephalocele - hernial of cranial contents
Cerebellar tonsillar descent (5mm ) and syrinx
Chiari I malformation
Cervical syrinx not always associated
Can have either occipital headache secondary to pressure or weakness, spasticitym proprioception loss from cord pressure.
Less classic association - Klippel - Feil syndrome (congenital c-spine fusion)