Cardiac/Vascular Flashcards
Left sided SVC
90% drain into an enlarged coronary sinus
10% drain into left atrium
10% cases with congenital heart disease
In a normal patient duct will close within hours of birth
In duct dependent circulating it stays open for days
It will classically then close around day 5 and child will deteriorate
Prostaglandins can be given to re open the duct.
Abdominal aorta and branches
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Disease linked to smoking and manifests as small vessel vascularised.
Arterial occlusion and corkscrew shaped collaterals.
Patients are younger than those affected by atherosclerotic problems
Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES)
Anomalous insertion of medial head of gastrocnemius - compresses popliteal artery leading to exertional claudicant symptoms.
Cystic adventitial degeneration
Mucous cysts in wall of popliteal artery
High T2
Variable T1
Strong male preponderance.
Diaphragmatic openings
Amniotic fluid embolus
Rare serious complication of pregnancy
- amniotic fluid enters the venous system causing an anaphylactic reaction and DIC.
Features of ARDS
- pulmonary oedema
- diffuse ground glass opacification
(Will not be seen as filling defect on CTPA)
IVC filter
IVC tributaries
Pulmonary trunk anatomy
May - Thurner syndrome
- left leg swelling and left DVT secondary to obstruction of left common iliac vein compressed by right common iliac artery
Fibrosis mediastinitis
Most commonly seen as a partially calcified mass in middle mediastinum - subcarinal and right paratracheal regions
- causes vascular compression and leads to right heart strain.
-SVC obstruction is most common complication
Peribronchial cuffing and septal thickening are secondary to pulmonary venous congestion
Wedge shaped infarcts seen as consolidation
Two aetiologies
1) Histoplasma
2) IGG4
VQ imaging
- used in pregnancy, contrast allergy or risk of contrast induced nephrostomy
CXR must be normal
In pregnancy or lactation, VQ has a reduced breast dose to mother, however may be higher to the foetus in uterine secondary to tracer accumulation.
Can perform perfusion only at half mother/foetus dose
Scimitar vein
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage circulation
Anomalous vein drain in from a hypoplastic lung on CXR
Other CXR findings of PAPVC
- right lung drained by the vein is hypoplastic and consequentially heart is malpositioned (dextro position)
Brachial artery anatomy
Continuation of axillary artery beginning at lower margin of teres MAJOR.
Gives off profunda brachii immediately distal to teres major. Supplies deep compartment and run between long and medial head triceps
GIves off superior ulnar collateral artery and then inferior ulnar collateral artery
Post procedure lung biopsy complications
Contraindications to CT guided lung biopsy
Management of Pseudoaneurysm
Risk factors: anticoagulation, haemodialysis, calcified arteries, obesity
Procedural: Low puncture sites SFA / profundus
Sub-optimal post procedural pressure.
<2cm can usually be managed with compression (attempt to occlude neck).
For thrombin injection - average pseudoaneurysm size is approx 3cm.
If not amenable to either then surgical ligation.
Elevated hemi diaphragm