Resistance to social influence - AO1 Flashcards
What is resistance to social influence?
The ability of people to withstand the social pressure to conforrm to the majority or to obey authority. This ability is influenced by both situational and dispositional factor, such as social support & locus of control
What is social support?
When people who resist pressures to conform or obey are present, which can help others to do the same
Why does social support work?
These people act as role models to show others that resisitance to social influence is possible, allowing them to be free to follow their own conscience
What is an example of social support from conformity research?
The presence of a dissenter in Asch’s research decreased conformity rates in real participants
The fact that someone else is not following the majority is social support, even if they do not agree with your decision
What is an example of social support in Milgram’s research?
Milgram did another variation in which there was a disobedient confederate teacher, which decreased obedience rates from 65% to 10%
The other person acts as a model of dissent, challenging the legitamte authority figure
What is locus of control?
Rotter (1966):
The sense we each have about what directss events in our lives
What is an internal LOC?
They believe that they are mostly responsible for what happens to them
What is an external LOC?
They believe it is mainly a matter of luck or otherwise outside forces
What do people with a high internal LOC believe
They are more able to resist social influence, because they are…
* More likely to feel personal responsibilty for their actions
* Tend to be more self confident
* Generally base their decisions on their own beliefs rather tham depending on the opinion of others