Researcher values Flashcards
What is objectivity
This involves value freedom and lack of bias.
it means that the research process and findings are not influenced by the researchers values - their moral , political or religious beliefs.
What is subjectivity
the opposite of objectivity
Who support subjectivity
-Some marxists
Who support objectivity
Feminists view on subjectivity and objectivity
Feminists argue that feminist research cannot be value free they must positively identify with the women they are studying.
- Maria Mies argues that the value to truth involves the opposite of value freedom.It requires a wholehearted commitment to women’s liberation.
Postmodernists view on subjectivity and objectivity
-They view objectivity as a myth
-They reject the idea that its possible to produce valid knowledge. instead they argue that all knowledge produced in sociology is relative and uncertain rather than absolute.
-Everyone has values and these influence what they do
Positivists view on subjectivity and objectivity
Positivists believe that all sociology should be value free. This goes hand in hand with the idea of sociology being a science, because they consider an important aspect of science is unbiased objectivity.
-They argue that sociology should be value free at all stages of the process: choice of topic, research design, research method, analysis and presentation of results
Interpretivists view on on subjectivity and objectivity
-interpretivist sociologists are interested in the subjective views and interpretations of their subjects, believing that it is impossible to objectively establish social facts.