Research paper understanding- L6 the supply side Flashcards
What was the research paper?
Shea, C.M., Grinde, R. and Elmslie, B. (2011). Nanotechnology as general-purpose technology: empirical evidence and implications. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 23(2): 175-192
What was the research question?
Does nanotechnology show the characteristics of a General-purpose technology (GPT)? Can one analyse and predict GPT by analysing early diffusion patterns regarding innovativeness, pervasiveness, and improvements?
What was the motivation?
: To date there is no strong empirical evidence supporting the notion that Nanotech is a GPT. Adopt management goals, R&D investments, and HR activities to potential nanotechnological GPT.
What were the results?
Nanotechnology shows indications of being a GPT. Some interpretation is doubtworthy and the general notion of GPT is in question. Comparisons to other technology might highlight differences.