Research Methods - Turner Flashcards

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Positivist Beliefs on Social Forces

  1. Positivist Sociology
    • Beliefs of Positivists
    • Positivists believe that external social forces, known as social facts, shape people’s ideas and actions similar to causes in the natural world.
    • Social institutions establish expectations for individual behavior and restrict choices through social control.
    • Emotions and motives of individuals are not measurable and should not be the focus of study according to positivists.
    • Durkheim’s Contribution
    • Durkheim, a positivist, emphasized the study of social facts, which are observable and quantifiable elements of society.
    • He conducted a classic study on suicide in 1897, using statistical data to identify social causes of suicide.
    • Examples of Positivist Approaches
    • Positivist studies may investigate disparities in exam results, health, or crime rates among different social classes using statistical data.
    • Research on family dynamics may involve collecting data on household responsibilities and time spent on chores through quantitative methods.
    • Quantitative Research Methods
    • Positivists advocate for the use of quantitative methods to test hypotheses and gather evidence.
    • Quantitative methods involve large-scale research on a macro level, focusing on statistical data.
    • Common quantitative research methods include experiments, the comparative method, social surveys, and structured questionnaires.
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Interpretivist Research Methods Overview

  1. Interpretivism in Sociology
    • Verstehen Approach
    • Interpretivists believe that understanding people’s behavior requires grasping the interpretations and meanings they assign to social situations.
    • Verstehen, pronounced as ‘fair-shtay-en’, emphasizes gaining insight into how individuals and groups perceive and comprehend the world.
    • Research methods in sociology should focus on obtaining perspectives from individuals and groups rather than collecting statistical data.
    • Examples of Interpretivist Studies
    • Studies may explore how different social classes perceive and handle issues like ill-health, education, or criminal labeling.
    • Atkinson’s (1978) study on suicide exemplifies an interpretivist approach, challenging Durkheim’s view by suggesting that suicide statistics are social constructs influenced by various parties’ definitions of suicide.
    • Interpretivist research on family dynamics may involve in-depth interviews to understand perceptions of household responsibilities and childcare distribution.
  2. Qualitative Research Methods
    • Types of Qualitative Data
    • Qualitative data includes words, documents, and images that offer detailed descriptions and insights into the attitudes, values, and feelings of individuals and groups.
    • It focuses on uncovering the meanings and interpretations individuals and groups attribute to events.
    • Qualitative Research Techniques
    • Participant and non-participant observation are common methods used by interpretivists.
    • Informal, open-ended interviews are preferred to structured questionnaires.
    • Open-ended questionnaires and personal accounts, like diaries and letters, are utilized to gather qualitative data.
    • Micro Approach in Research
    • Interpretivists often adopt a micro approach, conducting in-depth, small-scale research on limited participants.
    • This approach allows for detailed exploration of the perspectives and experiences of a small number of individuals.
  3. Critique of Positivist Methods
    • Imposition of Research Framework
    • Interpretivists question the use of structured questionnaires and interviews by positivists.
    • They argue that such methods impose the researcher’s perspective on what is important, rather than focusing on the viewpoints of the subjects under study.
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Verstehen, Qualitative Data, Micro Approach

  1. Verstehen and Qualitative Data
    • Verstehen: Understanding Human Behavior
    • Verstehen involves empathizing with those being studied to understand their behavior.
    • It requires seeing things from the perspective of the individuals under study.
    • Qualitative Data: Feelings and Meanings
    • Qualitative data focus on the emotions and interpretations individuals associate with events.
    • It aims to capture the true way individuals perceive things.
  2. Micro Approach in Sociology
    • Micro Approach Definition
    • The micro approach in sociology concentrates on studying small groups or individuals.
    • It diverges from analyzing large populations and societal structures.
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Types of Data Collection

  1. Types of Data in Sociology
    • Primary Data
    • Collected by sociologists themselves through methods like social surveys, questionnaires, interviews, or observation.
    • Examples include data obtained directly from participants in a study.
    • Secondary Data
    • Already exist and are collected from secondary sources.
    • Examples include data from books, articles, or databases.
  2. Forms of Data in Sociology
    • Quantitative Data
    • Statistical data that can be measured and expressed numerically.
    • Examples include survey results showing percentages or averages.
    • Qualitative Data
    • Non-statistical data that provides insights and understanding of social phenomena.
    • Examples include interview transcripts or observational notes.
  3. Types of Documents in Sociology
    • Personal Documents
    • Private documents for personal use, recording part of a person’s life.
    • Examples include private diaries, personal letters, and personal medical files.
    • Public Documents
    • Produced for public knowledge, including reports and statistics from various sources.
    • Examples include Ofsted reports on educational institutions and annual reports from government departments.
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