Research Methods: The Experimental Method Flashcards
An explanation of phenomena which is supported by evidence
A clear prediction based on a theory
Empirical Method
Scientists collect data through actual experience as a form of scientific evidence
Examples of Subjects that use Empirical Methods
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- History
Why is history not considered a science if it uses the empirical method?
Unlike sciences, evidence collected from history could be bias and result in multiple interpretations rather than a set answer
Where research is conducted in a way that all sources of bias and interpretation are eliminated
Research is conducted biasedly due to influence from personal feelings, interpretations or prejudice
- The idea that theories should be proven wrong rather than proven right
- This is an idealised version of science rather than a description of how it’s actually done
The idea that theories are proven right using empirical testing without focusing on exceptions or outliers within research
Karl Popper
- Challenged verificationism
- Believed scientific claims are falsifiable
Research that can be conducted by a completely different set of researchers using the original procedure that produces the exact same results
What key feature does falsifiability link to?
- Replicability
- If an experiment isn’t replicable then it can’t potentially be proven wrong (falsifiable)
A research method that shows cause=effect by examining whether one variable changes another
A factor that changes/varies
- A simple summary of what variables the researcher intends to investigate
- Sets up the purpose of the investigation
Independent Variable
The variable of the experiment that you change
Dependant Variable
The variable that is measured as a result of the independent variable
The different groups exposed to to different variations of the IV
People partaking in the experiment
Clearly defining variables
Null Hypothesis
Researcher predicts that nothing will happen
Directional Hypothesis (one-tailed)
Researcher predicts how the IV will impact the DV in both conditions (which condition will do better)
Non-Directional Hypothesis (two-tailed)
Researcher predicts the IV will impact the DV but doesn’t state how (says one condition will do better but doesn’t specify which)
When should a directional hypothesis be used?
If there is previous research to indicate a particular result is likely
When should a non-directional hypothesis be used?
If there is no previous research to indicate a particular result
Internal validity
Confidence that the cause of a change in the DV is only because of the manipulation of the IV
Extraneous Variables (EV’s)
- Any variable present in the experiment that isn’t being deliberately measured
- Could potentially impact the DV though they aren’t the IV
Participant EV’s
Individual differences of the participants that might impact the DV (e.g. height, intelligence)
Situational EV’s
External factors that can unintentionally affect the DV (e.g. room temperature)
Demand Characteristics
- Participants guess the aim of the study and change their behaviour
- Please the researcher (please-me effect)
- Frustrate the researcher (screw-you effect)
Investigator Effects
Conscious or unconscious effect of the researcher on the outcome
How can the researcher impact an investigation?
- Deliberate cheating
- Physical Characteristics of the researcher
- Communication (verbal or non-verbal)
- Biased analysis of the result
Order Effects
An EV associated with the order in which participants complete the conditions
Confounding Variables
Any variable that interferes with the relationship between the IV and the DV
When does an EV become a confounding variable?
- If the EV varies systematically with the IV
- If the EV has a known casual effect on the DV
Experimental Design
Refers to how participants are allocated to the conditions in an experiment
Independent Groups
Different participants for each condition with no related variables between the people in each condition
Repeated Measures
The same participants do both conditions
Matched Pairs
- Participants in each condition are different
- However they are related in respect of one or more variables
Random Allocation
- Participants are randomly allocated to conditions using the hat method
- Used for independent groups
- Controls for participant EV’s and investigator effects
- Researcher randomises all aspects of the study that can be randomised
- Uses hat method
- Used for all designs
- Controls for investigator effects
- Researcher identifies all situational EV’s and makes them the same for all participants
- Used for all designs
- Controls for situational
EV’s and investigator effects
- The order in which participants complete conditions is randomly allocated using the hat method
- Used for repeated measures
- Controls for order effects
Single Blind Trial
- The participants aren’t told the aim of the experiment or what condition they’re in
- Used for all designs
- Controls for investigator effects and demand characteristics
Double Blind Trial
- Neither the participants nor the experimenters hired by the researchers know the aim or the conditions
- Used for all designs
- Controls for investigator effects and demand characteristics
External Validity
A type of validity concerned with the extent that findings can be generalised outside the context of study
Population Validity
A type of external validity to describe how well a sample represents a target audience
A group of who take part in a research investigation (the participants)
Target Population
A group of people who are the focus of the researcher’s interest
Bias (Sampling)
When certain group are over or under-represented within a sample
When a sample represents the characteristics of the target population
When findings and conclusions from a study are applicable to the target population
Sampling Technique
A method used to create a sample from a population
Random Sampling
- Make a list of the target population
- Give all names a number and put the numbers in a hat
- Pull out the amount needed participants from the hat
- The names that match the numbers pulled will be participants in the sample
Systematic Sampling
- Make a list of the target population
- Make a sampling frame by putting the list of the target population in an order (e.g. alphabetical)
- Use a sampling system (e.g. pick every 5th name on list)
- Go down the list and pick participants using the system until you have the sample
Stratified Sampling
- Make a list of the target population
- Create relevant strata (category of people the researcher considers important to the study)
- Work out proportions of strata
- Use random sampling to select the right amount of people from each strata
Opportunity Sampling
- Researcher selects a location where members of the target population are found
- Researcher asks any available members of target population to participate
Volunteer Sampling
- Researcher selects a location where members of the target population are found
- Researcher places an advert where members of the target population will see it
- Sample are those who reply to the advert saying they want to participate
The British Psychology Society (BPS) Code of Ethics
Exists to protect the safety and dignity of participants, safeguard the research and to protect the reputation of the profession of psychology
Ethical Guidelines
- A set of principles set out by bodies (e.g. BPS)
- Helps to ensure psychologists behave with honesty and integrity
Ethical Issues
- Occur when there is conflict between the rights of the participants and the aims of the researcher
- Have complications for the wellbeing of the participant but also the success of the researcher
Ways of Dealing with Ethical Issues
The practical steps researchers take to ensure their research remains ethical whilst still achieving the aim
6 Main Ethical Issues
- Informed Consent
- Deception
- Right to Withdraw
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
- Protection from Harm
Informed Consent
Participants should be made aware of their rights and the aim of the experiment before taking part in the experiment
Consent Form
- Combats the ethical guideline of informed consent
- Give as much information about the aim of the experiment as possible
- Remind the participants of their rights
- Write it so it can be read by the participants
- Ask if they have any questions
- Get them to sign the form with their signature
Ecological Validity
- Refers to how realistic a study is
- A study’s setting and/or the task performed by participants can impact ecological validity
True Experiment
The researcher is able to directly manipulate the independent variable
Laboratory Experiments
- True Experiments
- Controlled conditions
Field Experiments
- True Experiments
- Naturalistic conditions
Quasi Experiments
- Not true experiments
- IV is determined by pre existing difference (e.g. age)
- Conditions irrelevant
Natural Experiments
- Not true experiments
- IV determined by naturally occurring event (e.g. covid)
- Conditions irrelevant