Research Methods Midterm #1 Flashcards
- Superstition/habit
- Info may not be accurate/No method for correcting
- Find answers by seeking out an authority on the subject
- Quickest/easiest way to obtain answers
- (doctors, parents, lawyers)
- not all “experts” are experts, personal opinion/biases
- Logical reasoning
- Begin with set of known facts/assumptions
- Even if logic is sound, the conclusion may not be true
- Direct observation or personal experience
- Too much confidence in observations
- Perceptions can drastically alter by prior knowledge, expectations, feelings, or beliefs
Inductive vs. deductive logic
- Inductive: small set of specific observations used for forming a general statement about a larger set of possible events.
- Deductive: General statement or set of statements as the basis for reaching a conclusion about specific examples
Testable hypothesis
- possible to observe and measure all variables involved
Refutable hypothesis
- contrary results must be possible
- in other words, the hypothesis must be falsifiable
Operational definitions
- they may leave out important components of a construct
- they may include components that are not part of the construct being measured
Using operational definitions:
- to determine how a variable should be measured, consult previous research involving the same variable
- “gut feeling”
- many ethical decisions or moral questions are resolved by the method of intuition
Steps in the research process
- Observe
- General Hypothesis
- Research Hypothesis
- Evaluate
- Support, refute, or refine
Applied research
Research studies that are intended to answer practical questions or solve practical problems.
Basic research
Research studies that are intended to answer theoretical questions or gather knowledge simply for the sake of new knowledge.
Informed consent
The ethical principle requiring the investigator to provide all available information about a study so that a participant can make a rational, informed decision regarding whether to participate in the study.
Inter-rater reliabilty
The degree of agreement between two observers who simultaneously record measurements of a behaviour.
A post-experimental explanation of the purpose of the study. A debriefing is given after a participant completes a study, especially if deception was used.