Midterm #2 Flashcards
Target population
defined by researcher’s specific interests
Accessible population
Portion of population who are accessible to be recruited for the study
Sample population
relatively smaller group of individuals who participate in the study
Simple random sampling (random)
- Randomly select participants from list containing total population
- Each individual has equal and independent chance of selection
Systematic sampling (random)
- Select every nth participant from list containing total population after random start
Stratified random sampling (random)
- Divide population into subgroups and randomly select equal numbers from each subgroup
Proportionate stratified random sampling (random)
- Divide population into subgroups and randomly select from each subgroup so proportions in sample correspond to proportions in population
Cluster sampling (random)
- Randomly select clusters from a list of all the clusters in the population
Convenience sampling (nonrandom)
- Select individual participants who are easy to get
Quota sampling (nonrandom)
- Identify subgroups to be included, then establish quotas for individuals to be selected through covenience
Intended to answer questions about the current state of individual variables for a specific group of individuals. (Describe specific characteristics of a specific group of individuals)
- Measure two variables of interest for each individual
- Look at data graphically - scatterplot
- Intended to answer cause-effect questions about the relationship between variables
- rigorous control to help ensure an unambiguous demonstration of the cause-effect relationship
- Attempts to answer cause-effect questions about relationship between two variables, but answers tend to be ambiguous.
- Demonstrates relationship between variables without explaining relationship.
- Does not use rigour and control or produce cause-effect explanations.