Research Methods - KEY WORDS Flashcards
If the data provides a true and accurate picture/description
When different researchers can repeat experiments and gain the same results
What is typical of the sample is typical to the population from which it is drawn
Where it is possible to apply the findings of sociological research to the rest of the population
The researcher doesn’t get involved with the people taking part in the research and is not affected by their behavior.
Pilot Study
A small scale version of the ‘real thing’.
An approach which focuses on the meanings and definitions that guide behaviour
An approach which attempts to explain behavior in terms of cause and effect relationships
Hawthorne Effect
Changes in behavior of participants resulting from an awareness that their are participating in the experiment/research.
Interviewer Bias
The effect that the interviewer has on the respondents answers.
Combining different research methods and different types of data to check the validity and reliability of the findings
Social Facts
Things that exist externally to the individual but can influence their behavior
empathic understanding of human behaviour.
Covert Role
Conceals their identity
Overt Role
The participants are aware of the research