Research Methods: Glossary Flashcards
Define validity
A test’s ability to measure what it is supposed to measure.
Define internal validity
What happens inside the study.
Define external validity
How well you can generalise from research participants to people, places and times outside of the study.
Define reliability
For example: Friends promising to do something.
Define control
If the independent variable caused the effect, then the study is internally valid. If there are other variables that could have caused the effect on the dependent variable and these weren’t controlled, the study is not internally valid.
Define intent
If you wanted to measure depression and you asked people about the weather, the study is not internally valid.
Define mundane realism
The extent that the study reflects the real world.
Define generalisability
How well a study/ findings can be applied to other settings.
Define population validity
How well you can generalise a study to different people or populations.
Define ecological validity
How well you can generalise a study to different places or settings.
The ability to generalise a research effect beyond the particular setting in which is demonstrated to other settings.
Define historical validity
How well you can generalise a study to different times.
Define demand characteristics
Where participants form an interpretation of the experiment’s purpose and unconsciously change their behavior to fit that interpretation.
Define type
Set up.
Define design
Define laboratory experiment
A type of experiment is conducted in a well-controlled environment, where accurate measurements are possible.
For example: This is not necessarily in a laboratory.
Define field experiment
Are done in the everyday environment of the participants. The experimenter still manipulates the independent variable, but in a real-life setting.
Define quasi experiment
An empirical interventional study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on target population without random assignment.
Define natural experiment
Are conducted in the everyday environment of the participants, but here the experimenter has no control over the IV as it occurs naturally in real life.
Define verbatim
Word for word.
Define naturalistic
Nothing is changed.
For example: Watching animals with cameras.
Define controlled
Change/ control the situation.
For example: Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study.
Define covert
Participants were unaware that they were being watched.
Define overt
Participants know they’re being watched.
Define participant study
The observer is part of the group they’re watching.
Define non participant study
Observer watches from a distance.
Define experimental method
A scientific method involving the manipulation of variables to determine cause and effect.
Define control
The extent to which any variable is held constant or is regulated by the research.
Define operationalisation
Ensuring that variables are written in a format that can be easily tested. A concept such as ‘educational attainment’ needs to be specified more clearly if we are going to investigate it as it can be interpreted in different ways.
For example, it might be operationalised as ‘GCSE grade in Math.’
Define extraneous variable
A variable that does not vary systematically with the independent variable but may have an effect on the dependent variable.
Define confounding variable
A variable that is not the independent variable by does vary systematically with the IV.